Hello Sup Forums. This is a squad member from the 7th Division of Sup Forums's recent meme war...

Hello Sup Forums. This is a squad member from the 7th Division of Sup Forums's recent meme war. If ANY of you are looking forward to kicking CNN's ass and possibly Buzzfeed's too, then consider joining a division and help us win this war.

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Sign me up

What even happened?

CNN being CCN again decided too bully a guy who posted a meme on twitter and then dox him and his family.

Yes, this is indeed real.......

Some 15 year old reddit kid made a GIF of Trumpu and CNN, so CNN thretened to blackmail the kid.

where can I sign up?

I'm in



If he gets doxed they will blame CNN.

"7th Division of Sup Forumss recent meme war"

So in other words, a retarded and jobless fat autist

We are the emperors might!

Almost anywhere on Sup Forums. I think a second wave might be in order, but Im not too sure.

My cat lord film full of kek

>dox him and his family
Don't forget that he's only 15 years old comrade! The poor little guy!

>15 years old

That is not 100% confirmed

What did CNN do now? just got home from a 7 day camping trip

Fuck off.

people are gonna shill this thread but honestly this is what Sup Forums thrives on, the "biggest" news org in the usa doxxing and threatening someone for making a meme

its going to be interesting watching how this all goes down

This must be a lie because he's only 15 years old.

but they didn't dox him? he promised to be a good boy, and they said kk.

Going in

>Implying that article isn't completely made up.

A 15 year old doesn't talk like that.

on it

They said that they will give out his RL info if he ever again posts a meme.

Here's how it will go down
1. Redditor fag gets doxed
2. Redditor fag loses job
3. CNN ratings go up
4. Everyone forgets about it in a week


Let's hope they do, what a fag

They aren't doxing the kid. The kid already had this real name/info published on the same forum he posted the meme.

Not doxing, but dumb kid is dumb



there are numerous options ranging from cnn losing wh press credentials to criminal charges

in any case their reputation is tarnished even further

you guys are pathetic lmao

Cringe thread I guess?


Kids got out of school. Happens every June, fam.

you guys are getting even more cancerous than Sup Forums

criminal charges for doxing someone even though they didn't release his info
You're a special kind of retarded aren't you user?

Checking your called dubs


That 37 part is literally a monty python quote



Seems legit

Yeah, he's probably getting his doctorate at 15. That happens a lot.


Yeah, most 15 year olds talk about finishing their doctorate.

just because the victim complies with the demands doesn't mean it is legal

Still, he's being oppressed.

>CNN is not publishing "HanA**holeSolo's" name because he is a private citizen who has issued an extensive statement of apology, showed his remorse by saying he has taken down all his offending posts, and because he said he is not going to repeat this ugly behavior on social media again. In addition, he said his statement could serve as an example to others not to do the same.

>CNN reserves the right to publish his identity should any of that change.

so they didn't dox him. does anyone here even bother to read the source?


I never said he was 15, are you delusional?

I said one fact is suspicious, and never implied that he's 15. He knows a lot about concealed weapons permits so he's probably not 15, but he's also probably not 37.

I'm on board





link to demands issued by CNN pls



>so they didn't dox him. does anyone here even bother to read the source?
Of course not, that would ruin the circlejerk

fucking checked

>respected journalists, we
>Buzzfeed France


He's 15 guys stop with the liberal lies

all i have is a twitter what do i need to hashtag, faggots

1) apologize
2) show remorse
3) never post ugly memes again
4) serve as an example for others not to criticize CNN
if these conditions are not met, CNN will publish his name


nice trips
but doxxing someone is not the same as publishing it, you dipshits

is obviously fake


Take politics to pol

>CNN reserves the right to publish his identity should any of that change.

That's not a demand. Try again.

> believes a Trump



Aw that poor little baby. You just can't say you want to kill niggers and homeless people anymore without people getting mad. I hope no one figures out who he is and tells his employer that would be hilarious
I mean terrible

Not your personal army, faggot. Now plz KYS

>7th Division
Is that the new name for G Team?

Right, that's blackmail. "Here is how we will ruin you if you don't do the above."

I would love to help Sup Forums must be stopped. Reddit is cool.


Why are on Sup Forums you fuckstick, if you're such a sensitive little faggot that the word nigger means someone's life should be ruined?


The Great Retard speaks!


Assistant to the Assistant General of Memery here: very low impact work request was verified.
En Route to twittersphere awaiting further instruction via Alpha thread Mk.VI


Aw you mad fagget? lolz
When we figure out who this guy is the world will know and he'll never get a job again and you can cry about that

So what's the deal? what we have to do ?


Just cry about it

If I roll 15, then it is confirmed

indub he deed

/pol is that way, snowflake ------>

Okay, tumblr

op here

How this is gonna do something ?



>This is a squad member from the 7th Division of Sup Forums's recent meme war.
This is one of the cringiest sentences I've ever read.

I just want people to stop making fun of my liberal media

There are about seven million Jews in the US, out of a population in excess of three hundred ten million. That's like two percent. How much of CNN is NOT Jewish?


He deserves it for posting that much info. Dumbass.
