ITT: people explain DMT and the associated trip to a non-DMT user

ITT: people explain DMT and the associated trip to a non-DMT user.

Tell me what it's like, Sup Forums

oh right forgot it's all 14 year olds now

>smoked a bit on top of a bowl, not sure the dosage
>was watching space dandy, the episode where he dies
>hold it in as long as I can and exhale
>within 5 seconds I was in a huge cave with a giant mechanical dwemer elf stalactite hanging in the center
>it was split up into maybe 10 sections top to point, each rotating with a face and set of arms
>it wasn't implied but somehow I understood that the thing was recycling souls into new bodies
>come to at the end of space dandy where his funeral ends and he gets a second chance
It was pretty intense, good time tho. Only other time I did it I was laying under a blanket on a buddies couch and then I was in the hospital with my dad trying to wake me up. My body was fighting eith him and the staff but my mind was kinda 3rd person and i knew i was permatripping.

woah, thanks for the story. how much time did you lose between being under a blanket and coming to at the hospital?

I should mention i dont think i blinked the entire trip, when I came too my eyes were streaming tears and I was laughing softly.

That was the trip, I just came to under the blanket not sure how long after. I find surroundings and ambience are more important with dmt than acid or mushrooms.

i could see every molecule and atom in my reality vibrating more and more until they disappeared and I was in space
ive done a lot of LSD and Shrooms and other research chemicals and none of those were psychedelic compared to DMT, shit is nuts

>Alright so I purchased some DMT off the deepweb.
>It was cheap and the smallest increment I could get was 200mg.
>Decided I was only going to take like 25mg to get a feel for it first.
>Long story short my scale was not working properly and I took somewhere in the range of 60-80ish

>On to the trip
>Smoked it on top of a bowl in my bong
>Literally as I was laying down in my bed I start seeing what looks like colors flying from everything in the room.
>Looked as though the colors were different wavelengths for different colors etc
>As soon as I lay down I no longer am 'seeing' through my eyes but just tripping balls
>See fractals and tons of imagery that is very intense but also comforting
>The entire time it felt like my body was wrapped in a warm liquid, I remember thinking it was like a womb
>Proceed to feel as though I am listening to the universe and learning about existence
>Woke up and shared it all with my wife who doesn't like to trip but likes to be there to take care of me

Yes I know it wasn't anything profound for real but in the moment it felt that way which was cool

oh woah.

how long did it last?

that sounds really cathartic.

i was in space for 10 minutes and then i came back but had afterglow for another 10 where everything was fractals and things were coming out of the TV into my room

It was. At the time I was suffering through a lot of depression and the trip helped me deal with a lot of my issues growing up. Especially ones related to my mom's heroin use.

In total the trip lasted about 30 minutes according to my wife, but it felt much much much longer

How to make DMT?

no idea. Like I said I bought it off a market on tor


your brain actually makes it already.

In order to trip though, you need to smoke it (usually from a DMT-producing plant) or ingest it (along with some sort of blocker so it doesn't get broken down in your stomach or something)

I make it myself.
smoke it in a meth pipe unless youre a pussy. I got sucked into a worm hole, died, ceased to exist. there was a complete absence for a while. no light no darkness, no color, no emptiness. complete nothingness. then slowly I was rebuilt and reborn. If thats not what dying is going to be like, I'll be shocked

was this "nothingness" concious or not

uh. I was dead and had never existed so... unconscious?

last year 3 years my mom went psycho badly, to much damage to me, she killed herself on thanksgiving. i revived her, life is a lot calmer now but i am still stuck with depression and anxiety/panic attacks. I also avoid her and people a lot. Would dmt be beneficial? shrooms have been, i cannot smoke weed anymore though it makes it worse

but you knew it was emptiness no? on the moment

Honestly I couldn't tell you one way or another. It helped me but it was also VERY intense. It could have easily gone the other way I think. I loved my experience but wont do it ever again if that clears things up for you at all.

I wish you the best of luck though man, my mom died of an overdose a little over a year ago now and my dad is still a heavy meth addict. Shits rough sometimes

How long did the trip feel for you?

nah there was no me to remember it. I only knew from reference when I was rebuilt.
best advice I can give you is to dive in. any fear you have you'll realize is stupid after your first trip. there is no fear where youre going. you literally can not be afraid.

it felt very long, like as though it went on for weeks but at the same time ended too soon