Why do Millennial's have so much technology even though they claim to be poverty stricken?

Why do Millennial's have so much technology even though they claim to be poverty stricken?

Even those on minimum wage tend to have an iPhone, television, computer, and 1 gaming system.

Because they live with their parents.

i'd rather be entertained and in debt than bored and poor

Owning a phone and a decent computer is important in most jobs, I never had any consoles

this, it's about consumerism.

I bought all my tech when I was working full time and living with my parents so I had no expenses, Since I moved out and I'm paying for Rent, Electricity, Car installments, Insurance, Food and water I'm just barely scraping by every month, I only just managed to squeeze Internet back into my life less than a month ago and went without it for around a year.

They're not doing things their parents did, like putting away money for retirement or buying health insurance.

I hope you and your kids like paying for their video games and cell phones.

>Look at me everybody im a dipshit!

>Look at me everybody I take no responsibility for my future and I'm going to vote to make you pay my expenses when my health and ability to work runs out!

>Look at me everybody i'm solidifying my stance on being a dipshit!

>Look at me everybody I have no argument.

>Look at me everybody! i didn't have an statement that needed to be argued with because i'm a dipshit who cant think very good!

>Look at me everybody, I still have no argument.

>Look at me everybody! i took the bait and didn't stop taking the bait because i'm a stupid dipshit! Maybe i should go outside and interact with people who aren't my own penis and hand (with a woman's face crudely drawn on it)!

>Look at me everybody! I was only pretending to be retarded! He fell for my MASTER TROLL!

>Look at me everybody! Please just look at me there's no specific reason to but hey, LOOK

>Look at me everybody! I took the bait and i STILL cant stop posting! Somebody help me please i'm too stupid to stop!

>Look at me! I'm Mr. Meeseeks



>Look at me everybody! I'm doing the same thing but the other guy is the retarded one!


Because most electronics aren't astronomically priced. You can get last year's model of iphone or android off amazon cheap. You can wait to get a video game system until it's on sale.

I've been in real poverty before. Was last year i was living off nothing but rice. No heat in my house, wearing clothes to bed with two comforters on it to stay warm and not freeze to death. Im not in that place anymore, but my situation hasn't improved dramatically.

You need a better job/skills.

Itt: Millennials justifying why they are shit at managing money.

That's not an option 100% of the time depending on where you are. In 2010 when the economic collapse finally affected the company i worked for i was laid off, was unemployed for 7 months, denied unemployment because i was trying to go to college to "get more skilled" their reasoning was i want available enough for a job by having any sort of school schedule. And no the classes couldn't be taken online. Let's end that rabbit hole before you start it.

I put in almost a hundred applications to over 34 unique employers. In that first 5 months. I didn't even get an interview because nobody was hiring then. They literally put my application on a pile of a hundred or so applications at one of these places.

Some places around the US are still kind of like that. The job market has not improved in certain areas. I've had the same results recently as well.

Bottom line is everything doesn't just work perfectly like you think it does in this conservative dream world. Socialism isn't the answer but the free market screws people over and cheats then every time it can. Something has to change about this .

Admit it you got a shit skill and became a dime a dozen.