First few words that come to mind

First few words that come to mind

pull up your damn pants
Do you want to be a nigger?

perfect size jealous

Big cock.


Op is a faggot.

Let me suck

rate my


post more faggot

fucking sick shit

That's a small black cock

Why does he have briefs and boxers on?

Those are boxer briefs and pjs

Bend over, remove underwear gently, suck him without tommorow and I'm str8 af.

Were u there? You don't know him

That's me u dumb cunt


You can see my white arm

would suck until cum shot in my mouth and swallow every drop.

That's a big white cock (the same size as a small black cock)

Hide thread

I've been bigger than ever nigger I've compared with in real life

Prove it asshat

Why tf would someone make a thread showing off another dick? Are you fuckin gay?

Sounds like you're homophobic


my kind of guy

Breaking bad

Sounds like you need to be pushed off a building

Here u go


U do know what website your on right? Prove it newest fag

Not gonna lie, this is a really nice dick OP, you must make alot of girls happy huh?


Take them off habibi

I'm gay. The last girl I fucked was horrible. Laid there like a dead fish

Omg twig legs, what are you 3 ft? That's why he looks big, his body is so small

Oh his massive penis is making his body look small

Its a shame Im not gay because if I was I would totally be down to sit on that


Lots of straight friends don't have much problem playing with it or even sucking it

>sucking dudebro dick casually
pick one


Can I touch it?

can i lick

The Abrahamic religions, of which the majority of the world are a part of, prohibit homosexuality, sex before marriage (or adultery as it was referred to in those days), because of the amount of disease it brought upon the lands, straight or gay, it didn't matter, it was banned. Only now are humans becoming more accepting of this behaviour, because modern medicine and well... condoms, almost guarantee that all disease can be dealt with, and even if it gets to a point of outbreak, we have quarantine now, the concept of quarantine wasn't around until after the Islamic Empire (Islammic Golden Era).

As you can see, religion was formed upon good morals, that frankly, still hold true to this day.

Homosexuality and even heterosexual intercourse, if not kept clean and to an "acceptable" number of sexual partners per person per capita, can result in disease.

Homosexuality, more so. Why? Because homosexuals are much fewer in numbers than heterosexual men and women. Homosexual men especially, have a proportionally larger number of STD infected population, than that of heterosexuals. Making the chance for contraction, ever increasing, not to mention the fact that the only "sex" homosexual men can have besides oral, is anal, where the skin around the anus is much weaker and breaks easily during intercourse, allowing fluids to mix.
Anal sex is a practice among heterosexual people too, however less so than homosexuals, and again, proportionally less STD's per population means less chance of contraction, even during unprotected sex or even anal sex in heterosexuals.

I hope that clears things up...

Did you think this up in your mom's basement?

Another part of the reason that STDs are especially prominent among homosexual males is the general lack of condom usage. Condoms, for all the protection they offer against disease, are primarily thought of and used as contraceptive measures- a worry homosexual males are not occupied with, generally speaking. Adding this to a lack of education on the subject of STDs and their transmission and symptoms leads to a significantly lower rate of condom use and thus a higher rate of STD infections among gay men, which increases exponentially as they engage in intercourse with multiple partners, none of whom are taking protective measures because those measures are so rarely a thought.

>oh shit, I don't like what I'm hearing, better just get insulted and cry instead of being a man and correcting my flaws
Typical of faggots

Looks very enticing and I'm not even gay. How big is it?

ok, I'll bite:

"I recognize that bulge!"

have a (You)