Sanders/Sandersfag memes. Bernie Sanders and his supporters are the biggest cucks of all...

Sanders/Sandersfag memes. Bernie Sanders and his supporters are the biggest cucks of all, make up most of the SJW fag population, and have the lowest and most hilarious understanding of politics and economics. The ideas sound great to them when they hear them, and despite them not working whatsoever on paper, they want free shit and an easier life while doing the least possible. Sad honestly. They're supposed to be adults.

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yeah its honestly hilarious




>is cuck

you are so pathetically mad that you made that image and this thread to get sympathy on an anonymous message board because you have nothing else

i feel sorry for you, really

You only display how little of economics you know yourself.


when someone points out what a beggar and a cuck you are so you get all in your chest

This is a Sup Forums topic. We have that containment board for a reason.

>You only display
empty rhetoric

mean harder

just give it to the nigs

mad ?

please some of you morons should try this

trips checked brother


berniiiiiiie supportersss, essentially drink cum

How so? Bernie was a commie cuck who wanted even more government liabilities at a time when the US is fucked from its debt.

dumbass you should educate yourself

Bernie shills? Lol why? This isn't Sup Forums.

bernie could have easily found the money, its not fair that all the privilaged kids go to college and i have to work more than 30 fucking hours a week for my marine biology degree. its bullshit dude

cuz nobody ever thinks about the little guy??? trump has a fleet of airplanes and i drive a 1991 ford contour... thats just not fair and if you really dont see that, youre either rich, or an idiot

nice dubzz bernie 2020

Yeah, that requires less government, not more. It's government subsidies that push up the cost. They want to make it expensive firstly to destroy the middle class and secondly to push towards a more socialist system. Don't be such a freedom hating bastard, user.

funfact: people who get their facts from memes are morons.

>more social programs
>more employees managing said programs
and yeah i hate freedom cuz i dont wanna have to ask uncle bernie for my money every month

fun fact... some people fact check their memes if they have make real claims and arent jokes

I dont get it, we have high minimum wages and free education in europe and its working very well.

rent is pretty cheap in your parents garage, eh?

uh oh the cnn bullshit blew up in their face so retards attack some loser who already lost the election.
watch out for these guys.
they might ask somebody to dox you.

Milton Friedman said: if you aim at equality over liberty, you will end up with neither liberty nor equality. That's what social justice is: equality. Let freedom happen and that is best for everyone. Get government out of education, healthcare, abolish the Fed and America will be made great again.

The cucks and SJWs voted Hillary.

Most Bernie supporters just want a fair wage. They just want the banks and major corporations to quit doing whatever the fuck they like, influencing politics more than the citizenry, and they want people who work 40 hours a week to not starve to death.

Go hate on Hillary supporters. We just want a cross between responsible economics and libertarian social ideals. Aka keep the rich from fucking us in the ass, and if someone is doing something that hurts no one leave them alone.

All of these anti-Bernie fucks are just complaining because they can't get their disability checks in Bitcoin.


Single-payer healthcare is particularly ridiculous, considering how it has failed in practically every other developed country. Wait...

>get government out of education
> give government our taxes to pay fr school
>shoves government further into education

Federal military spending is about 600 billion a year
Public colleges take in under 100 billion a year from tuition.
Fun fact tho

While Bernie was a shit candidate, most of his supporters just wanted the 1%ers to be held accountable for their actions, wanted fair wages, wanted college to not be exponentially more unnatainable each year or possibly be subsidized (which it really should be, for the same reason highschool educations were when they became required for career acquirement), and other than that just wanted everyone to be able to do what they want as long as it harms nobody.

Original 4channers (the kinds of people that organized anti-wallstreet protests) supported Bernie. Trump is for newfag normies and wannabe Nazis. Shillary is for tumblrites.

Newfags please go.

Bullshit - every other country does what Bernie is proposing - you're just too much of a piece of shit to realize it

What is if I give out free shit for the masses consumption will go up Alex?

This. Denmark and Norway are the happiest countries in the world because their CEOs don't get to fuck everyone in the ass and people don't work 40 hours a week and still go hungry.

I'm not sayings its entirely viable given the amount of changes government spending would have to go through, im just saying the claim in OP is over the top lol

lol bernie supporters just live in mommys basement and think they deserve more for their effort at mac dons. and most of the ones i know, their parents are paying for most of their school. funny how the poor vote trump while the privileged vote the bern. lived a laid back privileged life their who lives and now in the real world they realize theyre useless and want an easier life. so,. they vote bernie lmao


Privatised systems suck because there is never any money. You can't hire more doctors or put money into development of new drugs. You need the government completely out of healthcare, which it hasn't been for a long time. Then prices will go down.


>Privatised systems suck
I guess we agree on something, then

Every Trump supporter I know went to college off mommy and daddy's money and lived in mansions.

Every Berner I know worked 40 hours a week while going to uni fulltime.

Either you're lying or we are both good at cherry picking evidence, faglord.

He's a middle of the road socialist, like Corbyn and countless others.
Reading. Try it sometime, mr. "adult".

haha *entire group* is just *subset of said group*

Social democracy != socialism.
Nice maymay tho

Shit, I meant public.

You need savings to go up. Savings is where loans come from. Loans=new business=jobs created. Consumption keeps people poor and on the lower rung of society.

Same. The most fucked up aspect imo are the big retail/food service companies selling shoddy made products fordirt cheap, forcing actual hardworking independent business owners out of livelihood due to increased competition and not being able to pay sky-high retail space rent. I want to burn down every McDonald's and Wal-Mart I see.

And who is exploiting Bangladeshi child labor? Oh, right, the 1%.

America is the laughing stock of the world. Lmao nice health, education and justice systems you've got there. 3rd world countries look after their citizens better than Ameritards

>thinks 174000 puts you in anything more than the top 20%.

It's true what they say. Americans think their much wealthier than they actually are.

They force competition out of business by lobbying for minimum wage. They can take the hit and others can't.

i mean generally speaking trump supporters are just people who either haven't been through any real hardship (college republican types) or people who have been through lots of hardships but are rather stupid.
either way they both bought the whole "trump is a wildcard who hates politicians and will change the system" thing, so i hope they enjoy watching none of the real problems with the system change for another 3.5 years if he lasts that long


>America is the laughing stock of the world.

I am a Trump supporter and I have 2 degrees and no mommy and daddy didn't pay for them.I did.. Also all the liberal,s I know especially the ones that supported Hillary, IF they had a degree it was either payed for by mommy and daddy (which they still live with) or they got it free from the government because they are a minority. Also fun fact: There are colleges in the US that do not allow whites and there are colleges that do not allow men. There are NO colleges in the US that are white male only. The same goes for college grants and scholarships.

Oh, right because how are megacorporations ever be able to pay a decent wage in these times of record profits?



Man, I love it when the neckbeards pretend to be educated. It makes it all the more satisfying when they are the ones that prove their own idiocy.



lol burnie was pro war and would not think twice before sending you to fight for his beloved israel the man was a zionist he would not be cutting military budget

America had social justice for years. It was when someone called you a liar, insulted your honor or slandered your name, you demanded an apology and if they didn't give it, you blew them out of their boots with a single action army or a colt peacekeeper.

Abolishing the Fed, great idea. Fuck a govt monitored and operated extortion and slavery.

Getting the government out of the education... iffy. We don't need a nation of home edjewkated, religious nutcases leading the way for science, mathematics and history.

Not Bernie

Whats your degrees in?

dunno why you think berine would be the one to accomplish anything even remotely close to what you want

Sorry, what the hell are you talking about? My point was that big corporations were able to survive a highest minimum wage and other, smaller operations were forced out of business.

I said every Berner I know worked 40 hours a week while doing uni. I never said shit about Hillary cucks.
...I never mentioned anything about race or sex. I don't agree with female or black only colleges, and it has nothing to do with the argument

You need to ask the Wizard of Oz for a brain.

yes it is.

prove it

Not even the same car lmao
The burden of proof is on you

it looks like him. it very clearly is him.

it's literally a picture of him. that is proof right there.

How much you getting paid for this thread?

I dunno...because it was his entire fucking platform? But what do I know, I'm just a 43 y/o ex-politician with a law degree and a bachelor's in economics

we all are, dude. we all are.

It looks like him, sure, but a lot of people look alike. However, the nose doesn't even match

sure kid.

I don't know any Bernie supporters that were smart enough to get into college that is why I went with Hillary because they are both loved by liberals and just as worthless.

yes it does. it's him driving.

>We don't need a nation of home edjewkated, religious nutcases leading the way for science, mathematics and history.
Not necessary. You can have students educated in independent schools. That's actually pretty important so students don't get fed all the bullshit government likes to push.

>social justice
That's communist shit. That means trying to make sure everyone makes the same wage. What's important is that contracts are respected and that people who commit crimes go to jail. That's relevant justice; the other type is bullshit.

you really wanna go there?


Are you even trying?

Too bad your not. Get out of mommy's basement and step into the light. Facts always piss off liberals because it doesn't fit into what they think the world should be.

found the asshole

snopes has a proven left wing slant.

>she deserves it
this can't be real


Go where? It's not him

First one is in Business management and the second one is in IT.

Literally might as well quote the washingtonpost or cnn

I wonder how many people from the thread I bumped to the land of page 10 and beyond come running to spout political rhetoric here.

That literally means nothing in this case dude