Creepiest thing in your computer?

Creepiest thing in your computer?

Pic related.

jokes on you i browse Sup Forums on a ps4


Click the picture, nigger.

the fuck

i did, it actually crashed the browser


circled it for you in case you miss it.

There was an explanation for that already. It's just a statue.

Well obviously the thing isnt fucking real. DOESNT MAKE IT ANY LESS CREEPY LOOKING.

Scariest thing an adult could go through.



god this is the only image that makes me almost vomit





That looks spooky and awesome. What videogame/movie is from?

i'm guessing that is feces?

Unfortunately I think so

The Taking of Deborah Logan

honestly i have no clue, i just found it on facebook and thought it was cool.

thanks, been trying to find this movie since i saw the GIF on facebook.
