What the fuck is up with Sup Forums lately? All I see is porn, YLYL, Trap, Rate and bait threads...

What the fuck is up with Sup Forums lately? All I see is porn, YLYL, Trap, Rate and bait threads. Where has the real Sup Forums gone? Sup Forums has become a literal shithole.

its been this way for a while , only thing I see differently nowadays is its getting heavily political

What is it supposed to be


Pls rate, I'm an insecure anonypoo who needs validation from fellow btards

This is now a ylyl thread.

Just avoid the mentally ill threads. Theres not that many in comparison to those in adult GIF

Welcome to all that Sup Forums is anymore, a carcass.

>>Fry cook at Wendys

That's accurate as fuck

>Where muh old Sup Forums go

Sup Forums gets all the attention lately. I remember when Sup Forums was the god king of the internet. Now Sup Forums doesn't even organize through irc anymore.

Sup Forums is dead

The people that old b made fun of back in the day now sort of run b and have made it trendy

Nothing but fags and underage. Nobody can hold a conversation or joke without getting angry and derailing the topic. Shit's been fucked

So wheres all the original anons at?

Wait a sec... Where are all the YLYL, Porn, Rait, and Bait threads?

What is a literal shithole?

B has never been good

I still like rv-user with his 420 plates.

Idk user im no expert. Ik a few just get on pol and got gfs and/or moved on as the internet is slowly shrunk and become more moderated which isn't always a bad thing, but it's not always a good thing

newfag detected because you only just noticed it


>has become
fuck off newfag

Where have you been? It's been like this for at least two years. I've noticed though a small increase of non-porn threads.

Better than spamming the same goddamn porn actress every day.

Fuck off porn shill.

Select all street signs

be the change you want to see on the board. if you want it to change, post threads that are different/ create content