Fluffy Thread: Magic Edition

Fluffy Thread: Magic Edition

i honestly think we should starting hosting fluffy threads on /trash/. it always gets on my nerves when all the summerfags come in complaining about animal abuse.

fresh from the booru; yeah this takes an extra special kind of wrong


Nah, I enjoy pissin' off the summerfags.

good to see something unique

>69 get

so close to quads

You'll shake the summerfags, sure, but you'll be left with the ones that are consciously seeking out fluffy threads just to shit on them; the real stubborn types.

too much getting and discussing, not enough flufferinos.

No if we start putting these threads on trash then we will be letting the summerfags win.

Does this count? Otherwise i dont have much to contribute...

Well, there's a flufferinni, and it's getting the squash, so it passes.

Or, instead of crying like a bitch, you dash the pieces of shit against the wall.

Fam, the other fluffies are taking care of it.
Any neanderthal can kill a fluffy. You either screw with their head, or make their family members kill them. You never bloody your own hands you fucking amateur.

they'll be gone soon enough

A happy fluffy is a cute fluffy!

Irony is the pre-summer threads were pretty shitty, imo.

Even cuter when you feed them to their parents :)

Trips get, hugbox dump incoming

Read her shirt. It'd be physically and/or emotionally impossible for her. I'm sure even her seeing someone else doing it would make her fall and drown in her own seizure vomit.


Huh... I useally get yelled at for my shitty edits...

I might have had a hand in makeing them shitty... Sorry about that.


I thought they were terrified of cars? I also thought someone would check you by now too?


I stand corrected. When I began typing I hadn't seen yet.

I'm sure if they're owner got them in the car and assured them it's okay they'd love the car

Well, let her faint. There's foals that need saving.

ive seen fluffy threads frequently, and i dont understand. is it sexual; a fetish maybe? is it sadism? just curious

Was there anymore Blur tonight?


This soon mummah is the cutest soon mummah

No Blur, but there will be some more Blue tonight.

What a cowardly bitch. Protect your foals with those goddamn maternal instincts Hasbio programmed you with, cunt!

I'll admit, it did. Not all the time, but when the thread devolves the way it would...got nothing personal against ya, though.

Really? You read all those stories and see all that art with Fluffies emptying their bowels and tard-wailing about the "metaw munstah/vwoom-vwoom munstah" and even human coaxing can't stop them from softly sobbing in the corner.

Eh, no two canons are quite the same.




>implying you couldn't get a fluffy used to a car through exposure and reassurance

That would've likely been the work of "he who shall not be named because I don't want to accidentally summon him"


Last of hugbox dump. Get hyped, cause Blues coming back tonight.

Lots of reasons for lots of people. For most its not sexual, and alot of those dont even get off on the violence. Its more about the idea of seeing such simple but eternally optimistic creatures struggle against a world that was never ment for them. I guess on some level its a power fantasy since even the most shit human is a god to a fluffy.

>no such implications
>even mentioned that people have differing opinions on the matter

thank you


>Be me, Aaron Anonson
>23 year old slacker living in a low-end apartment in NYC
>One day, on a cool fall morning, at the asscrack of dawn, I heard a weak series of knocks on the door, and a soft, somewhat muffled voice
>"Pwease open doow, nee' numies tu make miwkies fo' babehs."
>I'm half asleep, but I know that fluffies don't last long in NYC
>I threw on an old t-shirt and a torn to shit pair of jeans and answer the door
>There it is
>It smells like piss
>It's babbling
>It's.... HOLY SHIT!!!
>It's a dark blue alicorn with a light blue mane!
>I've seen worse looking fluffies go for metric shit-tons of cash!
>Dollar signs in my eyes, I let it in
>"Hello, little fluffy" I said softly "What is your name?"
>"Fwuffy name es Bwoo"
>Blue, eh? Original.
>"Well, Blue, I'm going to be your new dad for a while"
>"Bwoo... Bwoo haf daddeh? BWOO HAF DADDEH? SU HAPPEH!"
>Then I finally recognized a distinct chirping noise.
>"OOPSIES! Bwoo awmost fowget babehs, nee' nummehs fo babehs!"

man noe I really wan to see a voldimort fluff


Blue 2

>Crapola. If there was one thing that can sour this sweet money deal, it's foals
>I decided to check them out before I judged them at least, maybe they could be worth money as well
>"Blue, can I see your foals?"
>"Daddeh wanna see babehs? Of cowse can see babehs!"
>She presented them on her back, chirps and coos begin from the movement
>I couldn't tell they're genders, foals who are only "chirpy babies" don't have any big signs of gender.
>Five different foals, five different colors
>Brown, Red, Green, Blue, and Pure White.
>All earth fluffs, except for one
>White is a unifluff, which could be trouble
>I remembered I read that unifluffs have the highest chance to develop "Smarty Syndrome" out of all fluffy types
>That could be bad news, so I went to grab it, and remove the potential threat
>When suddenly, Blue recoils away and starts shouting
>Adoption? The fuck?
>"Blue, slow down," I said in the most soothing "I am talking to a retarded horse with fur" voice that I could make "I'm not going to adopt out your foals."
>Her crys have broken down into nearly incoherent sobbing about a "meanie daddeh" who used to take away her foals.
>"Blue, where did you come from?"
>She composes herself the best a fluffy can, and answers
>"B-Bwoo came fwum meanie fwuffy sto', whewe meanie daddeh aways take speciaw fwiens an babehs fwom Bwoo! Much heawt huwties!"
>I cringed at that news. Clearly she was not a fan of adopting, how would she react to me trying to sell her?




Blue 3

>"How did you get out?"
>"Bwave smawtie teww Bwoo an hewd to awe wun ou' wen dummeh meanie daddeh open doww tu pen a' dawk time." She starts to choke up a little "Ol' meanie daddeh gif big stompie ouchies an fowevah sweepies tu fwuffies wen wunnin', gif special fwien an smawtie biggest huwties an fowevah sweepies! Nu wan fowevah sweepies! Wan speciaw fwien! Buuhuuhuu!"
>Great, she's started to cry again. Not only that, but she had been exposed to a smarty, which means that if the unifluff starts showing signs of "Smarty Syndrome", she'll probably start worshiping him
>I'll have to deal with that when that bridge comes
>I pat her on the head, calming her down a bit
>"Come on Blue, I'll make you some breakfast."

By King C
>be me
>day after comic con
>spent 200 dollars on a shitty Leshen costume
>only used it for a few days
>not gonna let it go to waste
>hear scratching on my door
>local fluffy daycare lets their shitrats wander around
>stupidest shit ever invented
>still in leshen costume
>pain in the ass to get off
>open door
>big fuckin blue unicorn sitting there
>shat on my porch
>sees me
>giant fucking tree monster
>runs away
>leaves a trail of diarrhea in its wake
>pints of shit on my porch
>god fucking damnit
>walk over to the daycare
>still in costume
>about 8 PM, so its a little dark
>all of them are in a penned off area
>big blue fuck is talking to all the other ones about me

Blue 4

>It has been a few weeks
>"Chirpy Babies" are now fully functional foals, and I was able to work out genders
>3 boys, 2 girls, all retarded horse creatures
>The red and brown are girls, and the rest are boys
>So far, everything has gone 100% smoothly
>The pure white unifluff hasn't shown any signs of "Smarty Syndrome", so far so good
>Oddly enough, she favors, out of all of them, the brown fluffy as her "bestest baby"
>"Lots of fluffy mothers don't like brown fluffies. What makes your brown one so special to you, Blue?"
>"Dummeh mummahs don wike awicowns o bwon fwuffys, bu Bwoo wub aww babehs, an bwon was fwuff of speciaw fwien!"
>Wow, whoever owns this store that Blue ran from was shit at his job
>Keeping a smarty in the same pen as all the other fluffies, letting a brown fluffy make it with a much more valuable fluffy, killing his own product and letting others escape
>His loss, my gain
>At least he seems to have taught his group of fluffies to love alicorns, considering that Blue isn't as damaged as some of the other alicorns I've seen who've interacted with normal fluffies
>I decided to name the foals with Blue
>Red is "Crimson"
>Brown is "Brownie" (She named her, not me)
>Green is "Yoda"
>I had to tell Blue not to name the blue one "Blue 2", so we settled on "Sky" for him
>And finally, I named the unifluff "Gandalf", due to the sparks that he sometimes shoots out of his horn
>One day, I notice all the foals playing tag while Blue looks on
>"Hey Blue, why aren't you playing tag with your foals?"
>"Bwoo nu can du dat yet. Maybe huwt smaww babehs."
>Well, I guess that stuff about Alicorns being smarter than the average fluffy was true.
>I pat her on the head for good behavior
>After the foals all tire themselves out, I surprise them
>They've gotten just old enough for solid food, and so far, they've only have had kibble and bits of bologna sandwiches
>"Guess what guys? For dinner we're all having... Spaghetti!"
>"Yay! Sketties!" They cheer



Blue 5

>Blue and her children happily chow down on the mediocre store-bought Italian dish, while I looked on, munching on a bologna sandwich
>They're all so goddamned adorable
>Then it occurs to me
>I'm getting a mite to attached to these things
>I mean, I can hardly provide for myself, much less a group of six fluffies for much longer
>I was hoping to just take Blue in for maybe like a week, and then sell her to the first abuser or brony or pet owner or whatever who would bust out at least 200 Washingtons
>Hell, I hardly get paid at all at the 7/11 I work at, and most of the money recently has been sunk into the fluffies
>But at this point, I can't just sell them, can I?
>No, if I'm gonna sell these guys, I'm gonna make sure they have the best God-damned fluffy owners in the state of New York
>So much for quick and easy money I guess, but I have to make sure these guys get at least about or better than what I can offer them
>I don't want them to all rot away in some crazy bronies fap dungeon, or be tortured to death by some batshit insane guy in a shed somewhere
>While I'm taking this all in, I feel a tug on my pant leg
>It's Gandalf
>He puffs his cheeks out
>Oh no
>He stomps his foot on the ground
>Oh god damn it no
>And he declares
>"Gandawf wub daddeh!" And then hugs my sneaker
>Damn it! That's even worse than if he ended up as a smarty, now I feel bad for even considering selling these guys to the first freak to flash me 200 Georges.
>I pick Gandalf up carefully, and give him a soft hug
>Either I'm going to have to make a lot of sacrifices, or I'm going to have to find these guys a new, better home.

A suicidal fluffy is a much more entertaining fluffy!

Blue 6

>Later that day, I took Blue and her children to the local fluffy park to unwind
>"Bwoo nebah been tu pawk befow."
>"Gandawf wanna gu tu pawk! Sown fun!"
>"Yowa wan tu!"
>"An Cwimson!"
>"An Bwonie!"
>"Sky wan pawk!"
>They babble the entire time from the backseat of my shitty old Ford Aspire '95
>When we finally make it to the park, I have to wrestle with Blue for a while to get her into a leash
>"Nuuuu. Bwoo nu wan meanie weash! Weash mean babehs go way!"
>After finally securing her into one, I assure her that her babies aren't going anywhere
>"It's fine Blue, your babies aren't getting taken away, you adorable idiot!"
>So finally, we get into the park, foals on Blues back, and Blue on a leash, when a security guard stops us
>"I'm sorry sir, you can't come in with that thing."
>"What thing?" I asked "Is it my Sex Pistols shirt?"
>"No sir, your apparel is fine, it's your fluffy, she can't come in"
>"Why can Bwoo nu go in pawk? Nee pawk fu babehs! Babehs wuv pawk!"
>A chant of "wan pawk" began from the babies on her back
>"Sir, the other fluffies would react... harshly to her. She is an alicorn after all."
>Shit! How did I forget that most fluffies fucking hate alicorns! I hate how retarded these adorable, disgusting pig hamsters are sometimes.
>"Well, do you have like, an alicorn reserve or something? I promised her and her babies a good time at the park."
>"Sir, we do have, er, a "troublesome" fluffy block of pens, you could put her in there while you play with the other fluffies."
>I looked down at Blue and frowned
>"Blue, do you want to go have fun with other alicorns while your babies stay with me and play with other fluffies like them?"
>"Bwoo nu wan weave babehs! Nu wan!"
>"Gandawf nu goin tu pawk?" Whined Gandalf
>He began to gently cry as the wonderland I promised him and the other fluffies was seemingly ripped away.
>"Bu, bu Bwoo nu wan babehs tu be sad..." She sighed "Bwoo gu way, wet babehs pway in pawk."
>"Thanks Blue"

Hewwo? Mistahs wan see goofbaww did dawk time?

Blue 7

>The security guard took Blue away to a small building built into the wall of the park, and I carried all the fluffies in my arm
>"Whewe mummah goin'?" Asked Yoda
>"She's going somewhere where she can hang out with alicorns and deformed fluffies probably." I responded "She'll be fine."
>"What defowmed mean?" Inquired Brownie
>"I'll tell you all later. Maybe."
>I followed a few signs that led to a large pen marked "Fully grown foals, weeks 3-7"
>I layed the fluffies down to the ground inside the pen, and sat next to the group as they waddled around on the sawdust and thick woodchips
>Three other owners were hanging out with they're fluffies as well, but none of them had any more than 3 fluffies
>They all looked at me, then back at my fluffies, and then back at me again
>A few strange looks, but no skin of my ass, so whatever
>The pen had a few blocks and balls, and even a little play jungle gym for fluffies that looked like a block of cheese, that fluffies would crawl all around in
>So they began to play, Yoda and Brownie playing an incredibly pathetic game of tug-o-war with a string, Gandalf stacking blocks, Crimson absentmindedly running in circles like a moron, and Sky hitting it off with one of the other fluffies, a little Dashiefluffy, owned by a remarkably overweight man
>"Hewwo! Am Sky, yu wook wike teebee pony!"
>I was perplexed as to how Sky knew about what My Little Pony was, as my TV only had basic cable, not including The Hub or whatever it's called now
>"Hewwo Sky, am Dashie! Wan pway baww?"
>"Suwe ting!"
>Well that was cute
>What wasn't cute was the musky man child who was hovering over my back
>"They're real cute aren't they? Do you know your fluffies line? That earthie looks like a fine breeding stud in the making."
>His breath smelled like onions. I despise onions.
>"Piss off man, he's only a kid."
>He scoffed at me, and then said
>"All fluffies are basically kids when you think about it, I'll give about 50 dollars for him."




Hewwo mistah!!!

Blue 8

>"Piss off, Sky is not for sale!" I responded, absolutely disgusted by this manchilds intention
>"Not to you at least" I added in the back of my mind
>He frowned and shook his head
>"You are a real fucking idiot aren't you? I can tell when a guy is only raising fluffies for monetary gain, and I can see right through you. A hypocrite is what you are. You are going to regret this, just you wait."
>Sky and the Dashie were still playing ball with each other, when the overweight neckbeard scooped his Fluffy up and took her away, much to the dismay of both fluffies
>"Nu daddeh! Nu uppsies, Dashie stiww wan pway baww wit nyu frien Sky!"
>"Dashie, nu! Stiww wan pway!"
>The fat man sneered at both of the fluffies reactions, and leaned right down to Sky
>"Unfortunately, your daddy doesn't want you to play with Dashie anymore, so go cry to him."
>That unbelievable bastard. I stomped towards him, fully intent on kicking his ass from here to Timbuktu.
>He put Dashie down on the outside of the pen, and began motioning towards himself with both arms
>"Come on. Swing at me. Your fluffy is already upset, might as well lose your right to the rest of them for committing assault."
>Instead, I jabbed a finger into his flabby chest, jabbing on each word for emphasis
>"I don't play mind games you fucking piece of shit. You want to play strategy with tiny retarded horses, that's fine, but don't you ever do it with mine. I never want to see your disgusting mug anywhere near my fluffies ever a fucking gain, you understand? Or are you as dense as your fluffy over there?"
>Now, I'm a very frail man, but the bold words seemed to have gotten through to him
>He backed off, and he took his Fluffy elsewhere, to the "free range all fluffies" pen
>Now that the fat moron was gone, it was time to deal with the adorable moron
>Sky was whining and crying over the loss of his new friend
>"Why daddeh nu wan Sky tu haf fun wif baww an Dashie?"

As long as you burned your genitals or something along those lines, I would love to see what Goofball did during "dark-time"

How are you Goofball? Talk to any alicorns lately?

Wait, really? I thought people were pulling my leg about this...

Hello Goofie, did you have any sweepie pictures last night?

Blue 9

>"Sky, that man was lying to you." I sighed
>"Yes, lying. I'm glad you made a new friend, and I wish you could still be playing with her, but that man wanted to take you away."
>"Take way tu pway wif Dashie?"
>I facepalmed. This wasn't going the way I wanted it.
>"No, he wanted to take you away so you could never see me, or your mom, or your brothers and sisters ever again"
>Technically not a lie. It may have not been the fat mans intent, but that would have happened
>"Why meanie Dashie daddeh wan take way fwum famiwy? Sky wub famiwy! Nu wan gu way!"
>"Exactly, Sky." I said, ruffling his little hair fluff gently
>Well that went well and things are looki
>Ng up. What the hell was that noise?! It sounded like one of those PA systems they use in schools
>Everywhere around me, I heard fearful shitting and crying
>"NU! NU WIKE WOUD NOISE MUNSTAH!" Was the general response from the fluffies
>"God fucking damn it, my ears!" Was the response from the owners
>Even the owners who were children
>Especially the owners who were children
>"Would the owner of one dark blue alicorn with a light blue mane please come to the building for "troublesome fluffies" immediately? It is of urgency!"
>The rest of the voice was obviously a cut in pre-recorded line
>"And enjoy the rest of your day at Fluffyland NYC!"
>Shit! That sounds like Blue! She must be in trouble!
>I booked it as fast as I could

Nu munstahs. Goofbaww ownwy see fwends an stay home. Got enfies fwum Tankaway wast night. Dat wy goofbaww stop tawkin hehehe

Blue 10

>As soon as I came through the doors, I realized I had made an awful mistake
>How could I be such a god-damned moron?
>Rows and rows of tiny kennels, each with one fluffy
>Most much too small for the fluffies
>"Wan out now! Pwease mummah come back!"
>A pillowfluff was screaming his head off, and missing an eye
>Who the fuck owns a smarty?!?
>I made like Usain Bolt to where her cries were coming from
>"Munstah! Sab piwoowfwuff pwease!"
>"Wan die. Wan die. Wan die."
>"Hello, I am Jellenheimer."
>In the middle of a block of cages, was Blue, surrounded by fluffies losing there shit due to her presence
>"Daddeh! Yu came to sab Bwoo fwum meanie fwuffies!"
>She looked a little bruised up, and they're was shit on her face
>I noticed a smarty unifluff struggling in a security guards arms, and a busted cage
>That bastard! He somehow broke out of a cage just to harass my fluffy?
>wait then again i brought an alicorn
>"God-damned feral smarties, always bringing they're herds to the park, so we have to lock em up." I heard the security guard say
>"Okay, Blue, we are going to get you the hell out of here, but I have to do something first." I reached my finger through the bars and scratched her head
>"Tank yu daddeh, pwease huwwy, nee babehs an wuv. Scawdy meanie fwufffies gif Bwoo big heawt huwties."
>I went up to the security guard, who was busy shoving the smarty into a new cage
>"The smarty. Give him to me."
>"Give me the smarty, and the keys to whatever your euthanasia room is. You have to have one if feral smarties coming in are a frequent problem."
>"Yes, sir. I understand."
>"And watch my alicorn, make sure she is fine while I'm doing this."

The same reason why you and I don't live in a really huge housie and have all the sketties and special friends we want: he was born into a predetermined class and is doomed to stay there for the rest of his life with nothing he can do about it.

Bestest sweepie pictaws. Aways hab bestest aftah enfies.

Blue 11

>It was an extremely dirty backroom, about the size of a large closet
>And the smarty was a pain in my ass the entire short walk
>"Dummeh hoomin! Smawty nee tu gif munstah fowevah sweepies"
>I slammed the cage he was in onto the table in the middle of the room
>The walls had the word "soundproof" on it, and that made this all the sweeter
>"Dummeh hoomin! Thwoin cage NU CAN scaw- EEP!"
>I slammed my fist into the side of the cage
>"You know that none of the other fluffies can hear you right? None of them will be able to hear you scream, you little bastard."
>He turned around in his cage
>I was barely able to dodge the projectile shit that came out of the disgusting vermin
>I picked up the cage by its handle, and tossed it into a wall
>"Dummeh hoomin gif smawtie owies! Smawtie gunna haf tu gib biggest huwties!"
>"Are you fucking retarded!?! Your in a cage! And it's not stopping me from hurting you, only stopping you from hurting me! Your so fucked, you little piece of shit!"
>I began to kick the cage into the wall, each kick rewarded by a very satisfactory cry of pain and threats
>I picked up the cage again, and slammed it back on the table
>"Huuuhuuuhuu! Stupie hoomin gif huwties tu smawty" The verminous shit whined
>I opened its cage, and he hobbled out
>"You have ten seconds to figure a way out of this room, if your such a smart fluffy."
>That lit a spark in him, and he puffed up his cheeks
>"Dummeh hoomin! Smawtie onwy nee five!"
>The smarty bounded to one end of the table
>"Smawtie nu can jump! Nee down!"
>The smarty bounded to the other end of the table
>"Meanie tabwe nu wet smawtie down!"
>The smarty bounded for yet another end of the table, but slipped on filth, falling off
>"STUPIE GWOUND! NEE HEWP OFF TABWE! Howd on, am off tabwe?"
>Holy shit this thing is retarded
>Time to speed things along
>"6 5 4!"


Random Jellenheimer is random.

anyone got links to there fav foal stories on the booru

Blue 12

>He scrambled toward the door, both of his back legs broken
>"3 2!"
>"Never said that if you found a way out, I would let you out, did I?"
>The smarty met his end in between the door and my foot.
>I wiped off the gunk on the rim off the table, and opened up the door.
>There I found the security guard
>"Dude, that was brutal"
>"Un, sir?"
>"Sir, relax. She's in my break room. She's chowing down on spaghetti as we speak."
>"Oh." I said, deflating like a balloon.
>Sure enough, he led me to his break room, and there she was, feasting on spaghetti
>Oddly enough, she was avoiding eye contact with me
>"D-daddeh nu gonna huwt Bwoo oh babehs wike dat? Pwease?"
>What the shit is she talking about?
>It was then I noticed a large Security TV in the corner of the room, camera view in the euthanasia room.
>Oh. Fuck. Me.

Yeah i got carried away at times. Thanks for no hard feelings.

Well im going to hit the hay. You anons enjoy yourselves!

Old snowclone is old.


Blue 13

>I slumped into one of the break room chairs, cupped my face into my hands, and let out a sigh
>"Sir, what's the matter? Your fluffy is right here, and she's perfe- Oh. Sorry about that." The fucking retarded Guard apologized
>After what seemed like an eternity of awkward silence and the sound of a terrified fluffy eating spaghetti, I finally spoke up
>"It's... fine." I sighed, picking up Blue in my arms, making her whimper a bit
>"I'm so sorry sir, I really should have known that watching that here with her wou-"
>"It's... fucking... fine."
>With that, he offered me back my leash, which I put on Blue with a lot less trouble than last time, due to her not moving a goddamned bit or even trying to speak up
>And we went off, out of the building to pick up the foals
>That's when I saw 345 pounds of manchild scooping up MY foals!
>Blue's foals!
>"HEY YOU!" I shouted, running as fast as I could, tucking Blue back into my arms
>"Oh shit." Whimpered the obese man
>He scooped the last of the foals into a cage, and started hobbling as fast as he could in the other direction
>"FUCKER!" I cried, running after him
>Blue finally spoke up
>I chased him all the way to the parking lot, where he was stopped by yet another guard
>He stopped right where he was, but I sure as hell didn't
>I kneed him right in the asshole
>"FUCK!" He cried, dropping the cage
>"SHIT!" I screamed, watching the cage fall
>"NUUUU!" Wailed Blue, as the cage hit the ground
>"I don't get paid nearly enough for this shit." Mumbled the new guard, clearly alread fed up with this.
>"OWIES!" Came numerous voices from the cage
>I put Blue down on the sidewalk, and grabbed the cage from the ground before the fat man could react



Hey Goofball, how do you react to images like these?>>


Blue 14

>"SHUT THE FUCK UP! BOTH OF YOU!" Erupted the guard, clearly already done with this shit
>The oversized Mountain Dew addict budged first, hatred in his eyes, his Dashie snug in between his arm and his man boob, seemingly frozen in terror
>I sneered at him as he wobbled away into his shitty beat up Oldsmobile Firenza
>"You gotta leave to fucko." Reminded the security guard
>"With fucking pleasure."
>I looked into the cage of foals, and they all seemed all right
>"Tank yu fu sabin us daddeh!" Said Yoda
>I tucked the cage under one arm, and Blue's leash in the other, we headed toward the car
>I put Blue in the backseat on her own so she could "cool down" before she got anymore excitement
>And I put the cage of fluffies down in shotgun, so they could also cool down
>However, as I was starting the car, I heard Gandalf speak up
>"Daddeh..." He whimpered
>"Yes, Gandalf?"
>"Sky... Sky es nu hewe."
>"NUUUUU! BABEH GU WAY!" Screamed Blue
>"THAT FUCKING SON OF A GOD DAMNED BITCH!" I roared to the heavens, backing out as fast as I could, speeding after the fucker who took Sky
>And he didn't, because soon we ran into classic NYC traffic
>Which is to say, an insurmountable traffic jam
>"Time to get us a fluffynapper!"



Blue 15

>I parked the car, as it was clear traffic wasn't going anywhere due to a huge protest against some dumb shit clogging up the road
>I took a few sharp breaths to compose myself, before saying "Be right back" in the sweetest and most cheerful voice I could muster
>I get out of the car, and march towards the neckbeards car, license plate reading "PNYLUVER"
>He slowly rolls down the window
>"D-do we sti-still have a problem?" He asked, triying to keep it cool, but obviously freaking the fuck out
>"No, we don't! But you do have something of mine!" I responded
>"W-w-what do you mean, hehe?"
>"Eeep!" Cried the brony and his Dashie at the same time
>"I have a-absolutely no I-idea what your ta-tal-talking about..."
>"Oh yes, you do! You know exactly what I'm talking about! Now give Sky back to me, and this will all be over!"
>"S-Sky? I d-d-dont have him!"
>"Wat mean daddeh nu haf Sky? Yu haf 'im in backie seat, say Dashie gunna be mummah!"
>I grinned as the Dashie sold out her owner
>"D-damn it. I c-can't get away with this can I?"
>"Nope! This traffic isn't moving anytime soon, and I have your license plate! So give me back my fluffy!"
>He reached into the backseat, and produced Sky, obviously drugged with some sort of fluffy love drug. Sickening.
>"Sky...Sky am weady.. fu... speciaw huggies..."
>I snatched him away from the fat mans hand, and spit in the bronies face, then sprinted back to my car, locking the doors
>Fantastic! What was a disastrous trip to the park, and only an attempted kid napping, a drugging, and a traumatic event! Hurray!
>I placed Sky onto his mothers back
>"Daddeh... sab babeh? Nu huwt Bwoo? Nu... huwt babeh Sky?"
>I smiled back at her
>Then Sky started dry humping her back
>"Enf enf enf."
>"Alright, none of that!" I said as I removed Sky from Blues back and placed him on my leg
>"God I hope he snaps out of this soon. I really don't want in-breeding retarded horses."

Umm....fiwst wan nu nice....feew saddies fow numah du....and hope mummah is gud du babbehs in tree....


Blue 16

>"What a day." I sighed, opening up the door to my apartment
>"Bwoo wike housie." Blue said, the first thing she had said to me since I took her extremely horny child off of her back. So yeah, I think she might be a tad bit scared of me since she saw that brutal smarty execution
>I put the cage full of fluffies down on the ground in my living room, one of the three rooms in my apartment, and opened the door.
>Out came four very tired foals, all immediately bee-lining for the litter-box
>Blue taught them well
>I looked at Sky in my hand, as I had been holding onto him the whole trip back to ensure he didn't screw anything
>He was now dry humping my hand, great
>"Enf enf... Wan pwetty Dashie mawe..."
>Great. Whatever sick drug that the manchild used on him still is effecting him, and he imprinted on the Dashie for a mate.
>Fan-fucking-tastic. When all the other fluffies are done shitting, they all meet up at the bowls where I feed them
>I put Sky down into the litterbox, where he immediately snaps out of his trance, let's out all of the shit and piss in him, and then immediately goes back into the trance
>Yay, now I get to feed them. Kibble for them because I'm much to tired to give them spaghetti to make up for a shit day at the park
>Some of the liquor that I snuck out of the 7/11 I work at for me, to forget the shit day at the park.
>The rest of the night is a blur, and I go through the motions, putting the foals back into they're cage and getting Blue to sleep on top of her pillow.
>I put Sky in the sorry box for the night, but he doesn't care, now trying to fuck the ground
>"Enf enf enf... why nu gud feews?"
>I pass out on my shitty couch for the night


An den, big twee munstah open doow, an den smawty gabe him sowwy poopsies!
>smarty detected
>Green pegasus steps up to him
Dat nu am twue! Twee munstahs no weaw!
>smarty hits it across the face
>greenie runs to corner
>chick watching over them gives no fucks, currently on her phone
>got an idea
>scratch tree
>blue dude looks over
>gonna call him "Waffle"
>wave at waffle
>absolutely looses his shit
>runs over to the same corner the greenie did
>starts whimpering
>hide behind big fuckin tree
>horns poke out
>fluffies too dumb to notice
>chick rushes over to waffle
>thinks she's the monster
>tries to shit on her
>walk back to my shitty home
>this is gonna be fucking marvelous