Just got broken into. I have sweet fuck-all, but they still managed to make my life even more miserable...

Just got broken into. I have sweet fuck-all, but they still managed to make my life even more miserable. They stole a coffee tin without about $20 worth of change in it. They stole some power tools. They stole my digital camera. They stole my fucking umbrella. They stole a $20 grocery gift card I'd planned to use to avoid starving. And they stole my vintage smoking pipes. I've spent years slowly buying old, vintage pipes on eBay; nothing expensive, since I can't afford it, but a few hundred dollars I couldn't really afford worth of old pipes with sentimental value. I doubt they'd get even $10 for them all at a pawn shop and probably ended up in the trash. I had bought 25 wireless keyboards wholesale and planned to resell them to make some money; they grabbed as many as they could carry. And they stole my laptop.

I can't afford to replace any of it. The police refused to even take a statement, since they got in through a connected building which is abandoned. The cops say the owner of the abandoned property would be the ones who have to file the report and then I would be added to it.

I'm just feeling really depressed. I had almost nothing. Now I have nothing at all. I don't understand why criminals steal from poor people. They'd make so much more if they stole from rich people, who wouldn't even notice it.

I guess it's ramen noodles for me for the next while. Just wanted to share.

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fuck off

I'm sorry to hear that, you could probably report the $20 gift card. But I'm not sure about that.

You fucking deserved it you piece of shit. Kill yourself loser.

Rhonda Rousey is that you?

That shit sucks man, really sorry to hear that.

Get the fuck out of the city.

Noone cares. Hopefully next time they will rob you then kill your dumbass.

i'd be checking craigslist, local pawn shops, hardware stores, and probably ebay too.

do this

Say thanks to niggers. Most likely it was done by a neighboring gorilla.

>living adjacent to an abandoned building

what the fuck

Is there more to this? I think I discovered a new fetish I will be ashamed of.

I did mention I'm poor. I don't even have a shower; I have to take sponge baths in the sink.

sounds more like you are homeless, apologize to your parents and move back

install a tripwire on your door and when they open the door they get eviscerated by a spoon

I'm 48 and my mother is dead.

Does it look like they knw where the stuff was? How was entry achieved?

1) Was the place left in a chaotic mess, or does it seem relatively undisturbed to how you left it?

2) Was entry forced? (broken window, glass, door) or not

If not this would point to someone who knows you.

What kind of neighborhood is it? Would it be the kind where your neighbors would have seen and are always checking to see who ids around, or do you live around niggers?

damn user, more things went wrong than i can help you with. look into halfway houses and shit. sounds like you need help getting things in order

If you are poor, learn spanish and live in a mexican burrow. Be very thankful to everyone, mexican gangsters usually don't shit on their own neighbors and will often protect a gringo's house to some degree if they like the gringo.

Moral of the story, choose your grounds carefully.

Also look into ALL govt assist programs you can get, even if you have to bend the rules a little.

The cops in your neighborhood are fat lazy faggots. You need to get free council from a lawyer and actually go to the recinct and find out WTF is it that YOUR apartment was broken into and these fat-assed flatfoots who couldn't find anything but a donut shop won't do their job!

They got in through a door which locks from my side, but not from the other side. They busted into the abandoned warehouse behind and under my place, then came in here looking for stuff. They didn't ransack the place, but they went over everything pretty thoroughly.

A neighbour saw three young (white) guys coming out of the warehouse and chased them off. The cops don't care. I asked them what I should do if I find my stuff in a pawn shop and they told me I'm shit out of luck unless the owner of the abandoned warehouse wants to file a report. And he doesn't.

No, I live a pretty simple life. I don't need a lot of stuff. I was happy with my pipes, which I could smoke down by the river and watch the sun setting as the cargo ships churn by. And I had my laptop which I could use to write while having a coffee somewhere. I guess I can't do any of that any more. They took more than just a few trinkets, they took the few simple joys I had in life. That's why I'm feeling pretty blue.

Sucking dick takes upwards of an hour 'door to door time' and makes around $50.

That means in a week, for just a few hours a night, you could have a laptop.

you only need 1 pipe and you can get a folding bluetooth keyboard for your phone for $20

i know it isnt nice to think about having even less, but you still have more than like 3/4 of the world, there's that.

Sucks to hear that happened to you user. Stuff is end the end, just stuff. It may take awhile , but you can always get more stuff. The most important thing is you. As long as you are alive, you can find new things.

People are assholes. They don't care who they steal from as long as they get what they want with the least effort

That's a ridiculous response from police to a crime.

I mean I'm not naive that they probably looked at where you live and disregarded the importance of your value and valuables almost immediately (not being sarcastic, this actually how police ascertain the level or degree of importance in robbery and break investigations), but to the degree that they simply dismiss your situation and put it on the responsibility of the neighboring buildings owner, is absolutely criminal.

Seriously. If you are living in a separate building, what they are telling you is absolutely false.

If you have a lease and are paying rent, what they are telling you is absolutely false.

Provided the owner of the abandoned warehouse is not the owner of your building then you do have a legitimate case, if HE IS THE OWNER of your place, you can hold him liable for the break in and claim more shit had, of course.

Try find free council, assuming you live in an urbban setting.

Fuck man, I'm sorry about that.
If it makes you feel better I would hold the thieves down while you nailed each one to a cross - and I'm totally serious.
If any were still squirming after a few days we could break their shins in half with sledgehammers, so they could then suffocate on their own diaphrams.

And if you did it all month off, taking a rest on Sunday for the Sabbath naturally, you would have three times the apartment you live in now.

Niggers steal. It's what they do. It was 3 young niggers not 3 young white guys.
Die in a fire.

>claim more shit had *been stolen, of course you will want some thing to substantiate those claims. Get high value receipts from friends, say they were gifts bought for you from them if they are credit card receipts.

The fucking cops where you live are worse than the criminals who robbed you.

I actually fucking like this guy! Sorry to hear your troubles, I hope the world gives you back some of what you lost.

Hey, thanks guys. Not really looking for solutions because there aren't any. Shit is gone and not coming back. The police don't give a shit if you're poor. I just wanted to vent a bit and remind myself that I'm not entirely alone on the planet, because that's what it feels like right now. I'll suck it up and live with whatever I need to live with, the same way I and everyone else has been since the dawn of time.

The reason I'm so poor is because I took all the money I had and started renovating this building to turn it into a community centre. This is a very poor city, one of the poorest in the country, and I wanted to give people a place they could come and drink coffee, hang out, check their email, and not have to pay anything. I'm not sure how I'm going to do the renovations now with all the tools gone and no money to buy more, but shit happens.

Thanks for listening.

don't throw in a sob story at the end in a last ditch effort to get donations dude its not believable

rennovating a building on 20 dollars in poor nation
>using dollars
>on 20s
>starting to smell bullshit

>3 young white guys
>can't face white race's notorious addiction to meth and alcohol

Most of you are inbred degenenerate lower working class trailer scum, but a percentage of you are also child molesters, serial killers, drug addicts, and politicians.

So go molest your kid then set yourself on fire, you white degenerate piece of shit.

Thank you user. You are the winner of the Sup Forums worthless Olympics. Your pathetic story makes me feel like far less of a loser.


FFS, you're poor because you were trying to help others and now you're worse thanks to the people you were trying to help?
Maybe it's time to move it along, the universe is sending you a message here. It might be time to change your situation.

the op is a lie

Samefag piece of shit

>jew trying to get money from Sup Forums

Sounds like you've got no reasons left left to even bother trying anymore. You know what to do. Do it. Do at least ONE thing right in your life.

Do you see me begging for money? This place has been my dream for many years, and I knew to make it a reality I'd have to skip meals, live without a fridge or stove or shower, and I even slept in a chair for the first few months until I found an old piece of foam I could use for a bed. I know it's hard for people without empathy to understand why someone would want to make sacrifices in service to his community, but you'll just have to take it on faith that it was worth it to me.

Still is, if I can figure out how to tighten my belt a little more and keep on going.

Eh maybe start up a go fund me page or a kickstarter for renovating the building. Add in the cost of a security system and a lot of bricks to seal off the connecting building.
It's a good cause, liberals like good causes and rich ppl like tax donations that makes them look good

But why bother? I mean, in this life, you really have to choose your battles. Nobody is helping you and the people you're aiming at are stealing from you. Maybe it's time to find some people to help who are worth helping?

Did you know that when you have a nightmare, you are still dreaming?

You are an idiot. You have no resources or backing to achieve your dreams.

You are basically saying that it is your dream to throw a pizza party for your friends, but you have no pizza and you have no friends.

You need to either come correct with your bullshit, or go on with your life.

If you really are not trolling, then you are doing this to yourself. As made evident by your own statements. You are reckless, unplanned and lacking of any fortitude.

Honestly, thieves should just get te death penalty.

Only burdens to others and society would just be better off without them

>lives in shit place
>wants to give shit people a nice place
>didn't see why shit people live in a shit place to begin with
>needs to


First off I know this story is fake because
A: My brother was just broken into, his PS4 was stolen. the police came out and took a statement.
B: it's your private property, and someone entered it without your consent, so the police would have taken a statement.
C: The people who broke into my brother's house tried to break in again yesterday, but failed to get in. The police were called again, and they took another statement.

Stop trying to get sympathy out of Sup Forums. Fuck off, no one cares.

I honestly don't know who is more mentally retarded here; You, or the people actually believing your bullshit story.

How do you make it to the back 9 of your life and have just so little to show for it? Are you basically just a human seat filler meant to make the earth feel populated and busy?

This world is run by sociopaths, for the benefit of sociopaths. The surest sign that you're doing something right and virtuous is that every hand is turned against you, you feel lonely and abandoned, and you live in quiet destitution. I'm not an idiot and I know that no one is going to thank me for doing what I'm doing. But I have a dream, and I'm going to make it a reality no matter how much the world throws at me.

“Unless God has raised you up for this very thing, you will be worn out by the opposition of men and devils. But if God be for you, who can be against you? Are all of them together stronger than God? O be not weary of well doing!” -- John Wesley

Thanks. I'm sure I'll work something out. I just came here for someone to share my misery for a little while to make me feel a little better at a time I'm feeling pretty low.

It's true if you believe it.

> I don't understand why criminals steal from poor people

imagine them doing to you legally. Called being black in white America.

I'm sorry I was under the impression that niggers are usually responsible for most thefts. I do apologize sir.

You are, in fact, a fool.

Is this in the USA?
This really sucks op. But you will put your life back together. Go on welfare. Generations of niggers have it with great success.

Reality is apparently whatever an immediate member of your family has experienced. No one else has ever had a different experience. What a tiny, tiny, very white world you live in.

But if it brings no benefit to others worthy of note then the cost is only to yourself. The price you pay could be spent in the service of something truly worthwhile.
Your life is meaningless if at the end it has brought you no value. At the moment, there is no value in your suffering. It's time to put some serious thought into your future.

So you would swim in shark infested waters in order to make a swimming area for the youth. Then when the sharks bite you, you'd feel bad about your life, when you should feel like you are learning from your mistakes and stupidity? I'm not saying this thread isn't a total lie, but I wanted to put some logic out there.

36 y/o user here- real sorry about your stuff, man. the best of luck in the future to you.

move out of a nigger infested area.

All neckbeard losers.

Seen it multiple times happen everywhere. OP's story is bullshit, and you're retarded for believing it.

The fact that it just happened to me brother, and it just happened to another person in his apartment, the fact that someone tried to break into my neighbor's house a few years ago, and the fact that you can ask anyone who's house has actually been broken into and they will tell you that the police were called, came out, and took a statement.

But I guess dumbasses will believe anything they read online.

That is a great pic for your story.

>The police refused to even take a statement

It matters little anyways, unless your property has your social security numbers on it, how are they going to return it to you?

I had bought shoes on a friday, get the statement in the mail, open it hmm...hey, two charges for $250 each western union. Call western union, oh, you send jane doe the two checks. Nofuckingway. Call the sporting good store, yep, she works here, go stake it out, its the clerk who helped me. Call the cops, okay, $500 we will investigate. Oh, happened on two separate days? yep, we can't help you, thats small potatoes. So, the police are pretty useless, imo.

>Inb4 donate to my Patreon

The things you own end up owning you.

WTH do you need a pipe collection for.
Just need one to smoke.

Seems like you are filling a whole in your life with worthless shit. no really, all fo the shit sans money you dont need.

Now that you are free from all of this garbage in your life what are you going to do?

OP never had any of that garbage.

My life has been spent in service to others. Not very lucrative, but it's been spiritually uplifting. No regrets. Not many people can say that.

>shark infested waters
Funny you should use that specific term, because Ani DiFranco has a song specifically about that called "Swan Dive":

>I'm going to do my best swan dive
>Into shark infested waters
>I'm going to pull out my tampon
>And start splashing around
>'Cause I don't care if they eat me alive
>I've got better things to do than survive.



Not OP, it depends on where you are. For example, in Sacramento, the police doesn't get involved unless there is more than $500 property stolen. (might be more now)

They need $5 for a crack rock and know that the police dgaf if you are a poorfag

It's called insurance costs about $10 a month to insure $10,000-20,000. Learn to life.

Must be nice to live where you live, because mine's about 4 times that.

Well normally being uneducated is not a crime, but being an inbred backwoods piece of trailer trash that's just plain ignorant, is.

Anyway as a former nazi skinhead who knew a number of substance abusing white criminals, I can tell you that, yeah white people steal. They do calculated break ins. Home invasions are generally stupid niggers with guns.

Generally speaking.

whats your btc address? I too collect pipes.

You keep missing the points I make to paint yourself a saint, you are not just a fool.
> you are a blind fool.

Well, sometimes every cloud has a silver lining.

I hope this is true in your case, OP.

Keep your ears and more importantly, your eyes, open and you may see it yet.


Ignorant privileged children with limited life experience all assume that the limited life experience they do have, or have experienced vicariously through others, is all there is.

Not unlike a blank sheet of paper with a single sentence written on it.

Ah shit man people have a huge capacity for callous behaviour. We should all chip in and get this guy some new gear. Post your paypal and I'll send you some cash dude. Won't be for a while but I'll save your info and set a reminder for when I get payed

Because you lack the means to defend yourself and probably live in the same neighborhood. They'll most likely return to your buildings as well. Your cops are shit. It's cool that you have a home. Im typing this from a men's emergency shelter.

Thanks for the offer, but I don't want people to think I posted this to make money. I just needed someone to listen to my sad tale and make me feel a little less depressed. Which you've done. Thanks.