Hi Sup Forums

Hi Sup Forums
I am President Trump, the greatest President.
Ask me anything.

Why do you think you are the greatest president?
What have other Presidents been great at, where you might aspire to improve?

Why are you less more of it that way?

I have achieved lots of things. Great things. Really the best. I'm gonna build the wall and fix the healthcare. No other President comes close.

I am the most. Never less. MAGA

y u such cuck?

Fake News! Next.

Why are you a jewish puppet?
Also, you claimed you were gonna clear the swamp yet the swamp is more polluted with lobbyists and globalist, faggot

Has anyone really been far as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

Most praise to the most high

Why are you fat

At what age did your hair go blond?

We must support a free Israel. ISIS cannot be allowed to continue.

The democrats filled the swamp. I'm just fixing the mess the liberal media made for us. Thanks for your support. I am a truly great and humble man, just like you said.

Is MAGA what happens when a maggot gets older?

I have been the most far and decide great America today


Tits of GTFO

You know the rules, you ugly puss


How important is the precise timing of action potentials for information processing in the neocortex? Is there a canonical computation performed by cortical columns? How is information in the brain processed by the collective dynamics of large neuronal circuits? What level of simplification is suitable for a description of information processing in the brain? What is the neural code?

I'm a really good looking guy. What can I say? I look in the mirror, just the other day I was looking in a mirror, and I thought to myself we need to really find a way to take on China. With Mexico taking our jobs and China spreading fake news about Climate Change, it is really time to build the wall and bring back coal. If we can do this, everyone can look in the mirror and make America great again.

What is the mechanism that causes certain materials to exhibit superconductivity at temperatures much higher than around 25 kelvin? Is it possible to make a material that is a superconductor at room temperature?

Fake News Liberal CNN has been spreading lies about me. My hair is real. You can grab it yourself and see. This is the real deal.

You don't know how to write good. Fake News! Sad

I am what I am.

Whenever I'm making a creative choice, I try to step back and remember my first shallow reaction. The day I realized it can be smart to be shallow was, for me, a deep experience.

Fake News. China is creating this hoax to steal American jobs from hard working Americans. Good people. Great people. MAGA