If get dubs a war is coming

If get dubs a war is coming

why dubs?

A war is brewing on the horizon anons

Dubs don't lie


ill bite


So who are we going to war with

Dubs for war

CNN probably

if dubs we're on the wrong side of it

Okay so we're on the right side

Praise kek

the dubs have spoken




666 get

I'm gonna go find robot porn

If get dubs war with india

The double is mafia

I'd dubs isis

If dubs were going to overthrow the US government and start a second american revolution

What if we're going to war with other races. Aryans for the win

Aryans don't have good weed

are we fighting the war on drugs?


Lol I hope it's a minor so you can go to jail. Fingers Crossed.