Is there a cultural shift happening?

Is there a cultural shift happening?

yeah i get off at six

Yes, and liberals are not going to be happy for the next 10-15 years.

top zozzle

what happened?

what do u mean by this? Is it getting less gay?

what are they making actual good content again?
will we finally be free from the dark ages we've been in for the last 8-10 years with few exceptions.

>steven universe
lol no
>teen titans go
i'm not writing out all the fucking cartoon network shows and why i don't like them because i couldn't care less because they're meant for 5 year olds

It's so strange how they took over and just assumed culture would never lampoon them. Never even tried to avoid it, talk about hubris.

I'm sure the conservatives thought the same thing

>It's so strange how they took over and just assumed culture would never lampoon them.

Literally the only thing that will make them realize it is when society itself collapses and Detroitification happens all across the country.

By that time it will be too late though. History is chock-full of examples of civilizations and societies that collapsed with corrections happening too little and too late. America will be no different.

no it's called successful advertising

>Is there a cultural shift happening?

No. Have you seen Steven's Universe.

Critical mass before collapse.

Steven Universe was canceled, bro.

What the fuck is Stevens Universe?

>steven universe
ok, good. I caught a minute or two of that shit when I turned on my TV one night and thought it seemed pro-tranny as fuck. Glad it's not just me with boipucci running through my head all the time.

It's blatant LGBTQXYZ propaganda. So much so that it had to be censored in the UK.

Detroit got fucked over by japan, though.


lol no it was not. It has already been renwed for season 5. I fucking love steven universe. Now that we got that out the way It's over isn't it?

Shit show in it's own right, fanbase is the piss icing on the cake

japan is niggers?

I don't understand. What's HAPPENING now?

A surprisingly well made cartoon with heavy lgbtiq symbolism (yes, I have to use all the letters to fully describe it) about rebel aliens (gems) and a half-breed protagonist (Steven) trying to save Earth from invader aliens (other gems). It deals with the complexity of interpersonal relationships and growing up, often in a comedic tone, but leaves ample room for dramatic situations that spur character development.

>implying there will be any conservatives left when this election is through

top kek my friend, Trump was the last straw for conservatism in this country. Prepare for 20 years of neolibs and progs

>You will never come home from school to watch Ed Edd n Eddy, courage, DBZ and Samurai Jack after dinner again


Progs are getting fucked over, though.

If you think the Democrats are actually left leaning you need to wake the fuck up.

I love Steven Universe, one of my top 5 shows right now. I also support Trump and will vote for him. My politics don't dictate what TV I enjoy and I sure as hell don't let the TV I enjoy dictate my politics.

Lol just end it, friendo

There's nothing to understand, OP probably thinks CN is somehow associated with Adult Swim (and therefore they hired Sam Hyde). While both networks are owned by Time Warner they operate as separate business.

Rubio will win next cycle, screencap this

what do you mean?

Detroit got fucked by the fact that it was unable to cope with any change whatsoever because too much of its population is filled with a certain entitled, lazy minority that is literally too dumb to know what to do or create any other industry than the ones given to them by a smarter society they constantly blame and hate for their own self-imposed situation. This minority, when left to their own devices and free of oppression, or whatever the fuck they think is holding them back, create cities like modern day Detroit.

good, the only one i cared about shit for was samurai jack

at least SU has great music

I was housesitting recently and got to watch cable for the first time in awhile. Fell asleep to Adult Swim and woke up to this show. Anyone else like it? I thought it was pretty charming and funny, felt like the shows I used to watch as a kid.

Nope, Rand will make his stand

>If you think the Democrats are actually left leaning you need to wake the fuck up.

How so? Do you mean conservatives win either way whoever gets elected? I don't pay attention to American politics much

It's my favorite CN show after MDE.

Time Warner is a top contributor to the Clinton Campaign.

>Conservatism is now the counterculture
I am partially of the same opinion, if speaking of liberal democracies (so not a global trend). What seems harder to pin-point is if the attitudes towards economic policy will change accordingly, not in favor fiscal conservatism but anti-capitalism.

No, they toss around a thin veil of leftist politics but in reality they're just as neoconservative and authoritarian as their opponents.

Clintons, Bushes, Obama, they're essentially the same at the top level.

What I mean to say is 'kill yourself'

you have a poor taste then

please, my dick can only get so hard

Just because? Or there is a particular reason why you singled me out of every other poster iit?

What does this have to do with politics?

This, neocons are the same fiscal conservative social liberal filth in any party.

Because your description of the show just makes it sound so fucking gay

i saw it early morning as well, and i think its pretty ok, i just don't like how shiny and flat the animation is

Tumblr reads too deeply into Steven Universe.

>How so? Do you mean conservatives win either way whoever gets elected? I don't pay attention to American politics much

At the highest level everyone is unironically a Corporatist and Statist shill.

TPA, TTIP, SOAPA, etc. were all attempted to be passed under Obama/Hilary. Patriot Act was renewed under Obama, Drones Strikes continued, Guantanamo is still open, US is still funding terrorists in Libya, Syria, Guatemala, etc. Military spending is still 500B a year, and Free Trade is still promoted at the cost of American Jobs and the benefit of the few Elite that actually benefit.

Obamacare is also just corporate welfare, which is why it got passed. Forcing everyone to pay money to Corporations for crap insurance that doesn't cover anything. Real Liberal(TM), huh?

Every act is a political act.

ok joke, but not quite good enough to be called an underrated post

Yeah, something about it just seems right. No hidden agendas or lolrandom nonsense, just childhood adventures and some decent humor sprinkled in

I've been trying to tell people the only way you win against shit like this is to ignore it and let it do its own thing. Giving it attention is how we got here in the first place and now the only option is to stand back and watch it burn itself out. It's a necessary evil to make people wake up.

Sup Forums sees CN as a sign of liberal progressivism due to shows like SU and wants to do things their way again.

Nothing significant.

Are you implying cartoons from 10+ years ago were conservative propaganda?

Is Courage the Cowardly Dog Sup Forums-tier?

Should I have thrown in the dunkin donuts meme or what

Nope Steven Universe is hyper gay.

>clingy dyke who can't let go of losing her love
>bisexual who cucks above for human dick (not her first human dick either) and dies during pregnancy
>male effeminate lead with Poo in Loo gf. Role reverse of knight/Princess trope
>co dependent dyke couple pushed as "tru wuv"
>blunt bad guy acting like a abusive partner who wants a second chance
>single parents make half the cast

I think its one of the best shows right now

well it really came off as an uncle joke, it could have used a satirical dimension of some sort but the failure to consider this resulted in it being nothing more than a semi-witty quip

I really like that gumball show.
I have to force my 9 year old niece to watch cartoons or she's watching that Disney shit that turns girls into whores

you know
i thought this was shit. then i saw that texas chainsaw massacre spoof. I respect it atleast.

How is supporting Trump or sharing his views in ideological conflict with watching SU without having to read into the show?

Does Trump even has a firm stance on anything?

>I've been trying to tell people the only way you win against shit like this is to ignore it and let it do its own thing

That is part of the problem. The ones who preach it live in some secluded ivory tower calling everyone else who actually has to experience the consequences 'privileged, bigoted, etc.'

Ignoring the collapse of Rome would not have saved Rome.

Only when they have no where else to run away from reality do they realize what a huge mistake they have made.

my step brother, who we pretty sure is gay, still watches Disney channel

he's 13

My niece is only four-years-old and she already dresses and talks like them.

Trump actually doesn't care about LGBQTXYZ shit, so voting Trump and liking SU doesn't really conflict with each other.

Clarence and The Amazing World of Gumball are the only shows worth watching in CN.
I love the chemistry between characters in Clarence and how meta can Gumball be.

Normal cartoons didn't become so politicized until just recently.

Stop trying to pretend we aren't living a society where being conservative and not wanting 1/3 children to be born to single mothers makes you some hyper evil Nazi.

Cartoons 10 years ago didn't have progressive social narratives forced into them, They were just innocent cartoons. Now everything seems to have some sort of agenda. Like subtle brainwashing disguised as entertainment. There's all sorts of subliminal shit thrown into television programming, and it's subconsciously absorbed by the mind in a flicker induced delta wave hypnotic state.

yes, everyone loves a winner

kill yourself



I hated it at first, but it IS like a current version of EE&E or Hey Arnold, just stupider, like everything else on CN.

What's happening? Googling CN doesn't turn up anything of interest.

Why, what happened?

>It's so strange how they took over and just assumed culture would never lampoon them.

They did. And they were and still are combating it the only way they know how:
Calling everything "racist", "sexist", etc.

What type of direction do you think we're moving in? I think both ends of the spectrum lead to chaos for future reference.

I used to like it until a bunch of SJWs framed the creator, Skyler Page, for raping some whore.


The reason this stuff is so prevalent is because massive amounts of dedicated viewers are adults, which is why we are even having this thread thriving outside of Sup Forums

Why are leftist/sjw/tumblr types so into cartoons? Is it because they view the world through a petulant childish perspective?

Pretty much. Go peak your head into Sup Forums

Children are easier to brainwash.

Their multicultural body positive feminist utopia cannot be accurately depicted in reality.

What else are they gonna use that non-stem degree on

They're manchildren, just like us, only on the other end of the spectrum.

>not her first human dick either
Nope, he was her first

>Role reverse of knight/Princess trope
Except Steven is significantly stronger than her

There's a board for cartoons you shitlords

>MDE canceled by year's end
>Hillary BTFOs Trump in November
>Trump destroys the Republican Party on his way out
>Alt-rightists commit mass suicide
>Democrats retake the senate and confirm the most liberal Supreme Court justices of all time

2017 is gonna be a good year lads

13 is the target audience for Disney channel there's nothing wrong with that

>democrats retake the senate

>brexit in full swing
>trump gets elected as god emperor
>the democrats collapse after spending so much time and effort on hillary, only to see her jailed
>libtards and sjws commit mass suicide

2017 is gonna be great, I agree.

I also share a frustration with the Obama Administration for the fact that the trade policy and ideas proposed have been terrible, as well as prosecution of individuals having gone up while corporate prosecutions have gone down by like 29% from the Bush Administration, which is mind boggling.

One little nitpick, Guantanamo Bay has gone from having 600 prisoners from Obama entering office all the way down to 60, and he's said that he's intended to have it closed in time before he goes out.

You realize Hilary's an actual criminal right? The only reason she's not in jail is because she's got friends in high places


i bet all you underage faggots watch that steven universe shit. bitching and moaning about fucking cartoons

fuck outta here