Tfw too smart for movies

>tfw too smart for movies

>tfw too smart for memes

>tfw too intelligent for Marvel
>tfw too dumb for DC

It's known that you need a 170 IQ to even begin to appreciate a DC kino. Don't beat yourself up about it.

>Tfw you know IT is a Drider and not a spider.

>tfw too shart for the mart

What a bunch of retards

>this is me

that's just to start. I have a 190 iq and there are still some scenes of bvs I just don't understand the purpose of.

literally me

I only watch shows now

>tfw too cool for school

>for plots too tfw linear smart

Post results.

Literally me
I don't watch any TV/movies I just come for the memes


>memes without context

sounds kinda boring


tfw too dumb for all of s2 of true detective
tfw too dumb to get inherent vice movie


but lately, feelin more like 60-80; lots of points coming from sex partners, but my interest in that has died down in the last year by a lot

Wizard apprentice. Disappointed I'm not lower honestly, I think being at least 6'0 doesn't count for shit, no one can help that and I literally got my dads old iphone for free.

I hate /r9k/ culture though. Bunch of fags.

But are you smart enough for films?

In order to even get close to understanding DC kinos you need to have a deep background in ancient Greek philosophy/mythology, a thorough understanding of Freudian, Maxist, and Le Chatellier psychology.

>tfw so smart I can analyse my favorite movies filmmaking enough to make it kino

>watching tv shows

dont even browse r9k


i'm not a normie i swear

Feelz good to be slightly strange



you are prime material for riding the #FoxCocks

This is the best thread up