I've really got something this time Sup Forums. I've figured out how rain really works. Now now, get this...

I've really got something this time Sup Forums. I've figured out how rain really works. Now now, get this. It rains harder because the gravity on the earth increases with rain, that's why it rains so hard sometimes. Now I know what you're thinking
>OP is a faggot
>Go to school
>underage b8
Well I'll have you know that I've graduated highchool and I'm 19 years old. Also, while we are on the topic of weight, who lied to us and told us that air has weight
>air literally has no weight
So how could there be air pressure if air has no weight? My point exactly. Our government/illuminati is lying to us to try to make us believe that air has weight. Well I'm on to them, they can't catch me in my secret base (don't tell them I live with my parents)

C'mon isn't anyone with me on this? Open your eyes sheeple this is real and this is now.

bumping for op

I'm here trying to jack off and people are furiously walking outside my door across the hallway who are going to open the door the second I open my hentai. Fucking hell.

Thank you for sir! At least someone is with me on this. I tip my hat to you good sir.

I know this is world class bait, but I still want to punch you in your face.

Top fucking k e k

fuckin a OP


Hey OP, can you explain why you think that the gravity on Earth increases when it rains and also explain how gravity works? Thanks.

I'm not, I just want to see you get flamed.

>when you bait so hard no one even responds....
Well you got me faggot

Simple. The more clouds that are in the sky, the more mass gets put into the earth. More mass=more gravity.

Fucking dumbass, there are more combinations of rain droplets than there are atoms in the observable universe, there's no way we'd ever be able to measure all their effects

The part about how air has no weight is bullshit, I learned that air has weight.

Blow a balloon and you will realise what air pressure is

I feel you man

Dude wtf ia this shit

No that's the elasticity of the balloon pushing the air into your mouth only proving that air has weight.

When we blow a balloon air inside it exert pressure on the walls of balloon
Are you an American?

Thats your diaphragm pushing the air from the bottom.

Then blowing a balloon would never be possible because when you stop inflating it and tie it the elastic force should compress the air inside balloon

Does Bruno Mars is gay though?

You guys are figuring it out, you'll see I'm right.