Now that the dust has settled we all agree that this pizza looks good and Ramsay was in the wrong, right?

Now that the dust has settled we all agree that this pizza looks good and Ramsay was in the wrong, right?

Other urls found in this thread:

It didn't look horrible, but I'm sure it tasted bad.

pool of grease in the middle s usually bad side
and the crust is way too big

How can you say it doesn't look horrible? What part of it even looks acceptable?

It looked undercooked and doughy for one. Raw dough is bad. Too much grease is bad.

I'm sure it tasted of sauce and cheese, but Ramsay is a bit more discerning.

If it came from Domino's it would be a great looking and (probably) tasting pizza.

The issue here is that it came from an actual restaurant kitchen, lead by a shitty chef. You wouldn't expect a pizza like OP's pic from a place like this.

No, I don't eat meat, cheese or bread.

Any criticism about pizza makes you a pizza snob. Pizza is fucking pizza, regardless of quality it's fucking good. The only thing you can complain about is toppings like nasty ass olives or mushrooms. Any pizza to me is fucking excellent and I'm just happy to be eating pizza. Only a fucking normie cunt complains about pizza being "TO GREAASY" or "TOO DOUGHY". That vocabulary just doesn't exist for me, it's fucking pizza I see it I'm gonna eat it. I even like the school pizzas from way long ago, the square ones. Fucking superb with a bit of ranch.

ok mr.skeletal

I'd eat the shit out of that '.

Can someone post that pic where it looks indistinguishable from roadkill with shit on top?

I wouldn't call myself a pizza snob. Hell, I ate a $4 frozen one earlier. It was okay, but not as good as Domino's. And I know there is better shit than Domino's out there at non-chain places.

That pizza isn't up to the quality of the restauarant and was likely overprice for being shitty.

I will eat almost any pizza too. Except Hawaiian, fuck that shit.

From that angle it looks delicious.

But then there's that other angle that shows the pooling grease in the middle---hell naw!!

Mushrooms and fried onions are the two best and most versatile pizza toppings

t.overweight neckbeard

>he doesn't like olives or mushrooms

The point was that the restaurant sold it as a "thin crust" pizza. You ever seen an honest to god Italian pizza? They look paper-thin compared to that greasy mess.

literally smell like cum
>friend onions
your breath must be wonderful

You're a pleb.

>Except Hawaiian, fuck that shit.

You disgust me

I don't think it looks good, but pizza is very regional. You would never get a pizza looking like that here in New England.

Hawaiian is that pizza that you never order but if someone else does you'll eat like 5 pieces.

It looks fucking horrible, if you can't see that the depths of your plebbery knows no end.

now that the dust has settled, we can all agree that she isn't THAT BAD looking, right?

Hawaiian is the pizza you wind up ordering because there is a girl present, and she wants Hawaiian and nobody else does. So you order it, she eats one or two pieces, then the rest sits there until all the other pizzas get eaten. Then the guys eat it anyway, because fuck it, it's pizza. But none of them wanted it.


of course not, why would they make dogshit like that when you can get the best pizza in the whole country in New haven?

Must be nice being a pleb, I guess. Enjoy your Papa John's or whatever garbage

What episode was this?

who is this guy?

>knowing anything about pizza

>getting meat on your 'za

>it's an argue over the shitty pizza on kitchen nightmares episode


>the normie is the one with a discerning taste
>not the one that will eat whatever uncooked, oily slop you place in front of him

You're really earning those (You)s tonight.

Post the webm faggots.

A pizza isn't truly a pizza without pepperoni.



It looks really bad OP. I wish I could say it's just a meme.

>yuronigger pizza
l o l

>nasty ass

breh ya ne za?

Shut up pleb

>made with local organic vegietables
>from local farmer, gu(accent)nther
>no meat because those heart attack
>calories: 120
>serving size: two fingers

>Any pizza to me is fucking excellent and I'm just happy to be eating pizza.

How are we supposed to take someone with this low of standards seriously.

I tried mushrooms on pizza a few weeks ago for the first time; they didn't taste like anything

Pizza thread? Fuck year.

What's the best frozen pizza for its cost? Normal frozen pizzas only, not local brands.

Totinos for cheaptier. Tombstone for midtier. Digiorno's cheese stuffed is great, but for $7 just get a Papa Murphy's.

>All this people falling for this pasta

Yikes, sure feels like summer here.

Not a huge fan of french bread pizza but these are like crack

Can we all agree that Americans have shit taste in pizza and their opinions should all be disregarded?

Isn't this a little conspiracy theorist? Why would someone waste their time and everyone else's by copying (from where?) a message and pasting it on an imageboard?


Americans should be disregarded in any situation that doesn't revolve around firearm knowledge.

Digornos is shit

Imagine being Gordon in that scene and having to be all like "damn, Pantaleone's pizza, you fuckin' fine, all tasty with your thin crust and horrific greasy cheese topping. I would totally stuff my face with you, both my character and the real me." when all he really wants to do is eat another traditional Italian pizza in his kitchen. Like seriously imagine having to be Gordon and not only sit in that restaurant while Pete Fafalios flaunts his disgusting pizza in front of you, the favorable lighting barely concealing its raw crust and grease pool in the center, and just sit there, bite after bite, hour after hour, while the crust becomes all soggy. Not only having to tolerate its disguting fucking cheese but its putrescent odor as everyone on set tells Pete he's STILL GOT IT and DAMN, PANTALEONE'S PIZZA TASTES LIKE *THAT*?? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and stomach its nasty fucking dough and ingredients you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been fed nothing but a healthy diet of British and later French traditional cuisine for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the suburbs in Scotland. You've never even eaten anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the salmonella that's breaking out in your stomach as Pete bring another serving suggestively at you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to sit there and savor his "thin crust (for that is what he calls it)" pizza, the pizza he worked so hard for with personal waiters in the previous years. And then the director calls for another dish, and you know you could kill every single person in this restaurant before the security could put you down, but you sit there and endure, because you're fucking Gordon. You're not going to lose your Michelin stars over this. Just bear it. Stuff your face and bear it.

it's not pasta it's pizza

mama celest. Not ever kidding since that is the most ghetto of brands, but you're not getting better for a dollar.

That said, that KT troll pizza looks like fucking garbage and if I was served that, I'd pay for it, leave an average tip, and never fucking go there again.

Is NYC pizza any good, or is it just typical New York faggot arrogance? I'm from Chicago and I have a hard time believing there could be any pizza better than either our deep dish or thin crust... Especially not from a dirty shithole city like new york

NY pizza is great. I don't have much to compare it against though, I've never had authentic Chicago pizza. It's the best non-Italian pizza I've had.

>not shittiest city in America


Fucking fantastic

Seriously I've seen an outstanding influx in quality edits of this pasta this week for some reason

That looks more like a meatsauce pie. I'm sure it tastes great but certainly doesn't look what I'd think a pizza was.

This is why I never get mushrooms. They taste like neutrality. Why do they exist?

Buy toppings and slap that shit on some flatbread. Infinitely better.


I don't exactly know what musromm species they put on pizza in the US, but here mushrooms taste anything but neutral.

thats what happens when there canned/frozen.

Would you eat the Olsen twins pizza?

He ordered a thin crust and got that doughy monster. I'd be pissed, too.

too much cheese too much crust

if you're going for deep dish, do deep dish (blech)

if you're going for new york style, dont make it as thick as deep dish

That pizzas in serious need of a degreasing.

i lived in NYC two years and live in Chicago now.

much prefer the nyc slice

dont get me wrong, lou malnati's out here makes a damn good deep dish that isn't a massive tomato casserole

but ny wins on pizza strength. deep dish is kind of it's own thing entirely

NY pizza is pizza, all of the other shit is California faggotry or Midwest fattery

dont b mean

nyc grandma slice is where it's at

Does every locality have their own type of pizza? This is popular in NE Mass/SE NH, especially by the coast.

Here have some """"pizza""""

My negro. Pepperoni and extra cheese, occasionally with mushroom too.

it looks like a mess b/c the sauce is on top of the cheese but grandma slice is fucking choice


>Deep dish pizza

I'd tell you to kill yourself, but that pizza will do it for you.

Do you enjoy all those (you)s from some fresh-frozen copypasta you mouth breathing inbred neckbeard?

I dont know where the fuck you are in NE/MA but that shit is 7-11 tier.

This is some nice frsh bait user

New York pizza is easily the best in the United States. Probably in the world outside of Italy.

My friend from New York swears that it's because of New York's water, which I guess is unique? That's why the pizza dough and bagels are so good.

>he even knows what 711 pizza looks like
western mass hick detected

unless the pizza place has a well it wont make a difference. treated water is treated water

unless you're 10yo or a member of an uncontacted tribe you should fucking kill yourself

its pretty good dude you should try it

Dear lord this picture is probly staler than that pizza after it's been in the garbage forever by now. Enough already

>Pizza is fucking pizza, regardless of quality it's fucking goo

Sure, I'll throw some dough out and slap some sauce on it and grind cheese and hand it to you.
It's not cooked but it's pizza.
Pizza is fucking pizza.
Regardless of quality.
Now eat my low quality uncooked pizza I made without washing my hands.
Mind you I just took a shit and got it all over my fingers and just wiped it off with TP while I wiped my ass.
I didn't wash my hands.
But it's fine cuz the quality of this shitty, uncooked pizza does not matter.
You're gonna fucking eat it, and you're gonna say it's fucking good.

i think it's mostly urban legend, but the theory is the mineral content of water affects the texture taste of the crust because of how it interacts with the gluten

nyc pizza is crazy overrated, good, but overrated

deep dish is fucking disgusting. period.

but NOTHING beats proper chicago cracker thin crust

>I smell my own cum and never brush my teeth
You sound like am upstanding citizen

duh i put the sauce on top because i have brain damage

>mama celest

Shit, I used to love that as a kid. Then I try again like a year ago and I almost puke.
Why does food taste better when you're a kid?

How many shekels do you get from Panteleone's to shill this thread every day OP?

The water system in New York is different from the rest of the country. Their tap water really does taste better than the other places I've lived. For example, DC tap water literally stinks.

Good guess though. .