Ask a doctor anything

Ask a doctor anything

Do you have proof you are a doctor?

Does this look infected?

It burns when i pee. Not a lot, but it used to be smooth, ya know?
Girls tell me they got testedand came up clean. What do i do?

What's your occupation?

Pics or it didn't happen
And what kind of Dr?

i get paranoid that my brain might be deteriorating, lately it feels like it's hard to make sentences or to convey and idea (it's not bad and I still can do it)... basically how do you know when you're having neurological issues?

I've seen a friend to schizo/weird from doing too much acid (I don't do it), it's fucking scaring the fuck out of me, making me think what if something like that can happen to me, what are the signs besides being weird?

Thanks doc

What kind faggot, surgeon, pharmacist, vet, psychology, just having a degree is one thing, I need to know what specifically to ask

Why don't the sunniest parts of the United States have the most skin cancer?

why do doctors prescribe amphetaminea to kids??? After having quite a bit of experience with adderall, it blows my mind how it is prescribed to teenagers, it's not much different from cocaine

Sluts lie. You have an STD

If you're positive it's not an STD, then maybe a urinary tract infection, but that's unlikely unless you have a microdick. It could be some sort of other inflammation of your urethra, in that case just drink some cranberry juice and wait it out

Is it illegal for me to preform surgery on myself if I'm not a doctor?

How old are you
Any family history of neuro shit
Any other symptoms?
How's your mood and social life?

I'm a hospitalist. My shit is broad

Hwdo i Make my penis fuckign huge

I'd say that the stats are skewed by the populations of African Americans, aka niggers? I don't know

Stimulants actually really help people with ADHD. The problem is that it also really helps everyone else too. I never prescribe that shit without a 2nd evaluation from an ADHD specialist like a behavioral counselor

Self mutilation can be seen as something that proves you're not fit to take care of yourself which would warrant police intervention

Drink your cum. The extra testosterone acts in a feedback loop like a turbo in a car engine and your dick gets super huge

i have this thing on my hip that looks like a bruise but its been here for two months and now its shown up as two smaller spots on the left side of my hip, any idea what it is


Why do i yawn even when not tired?

yeah hang on

Because your body is actually tired and is calling you out on your bullshit

this is one from maybe a month ago while it was kinda light
its the big one from my right side

Is it tender? Does it itch? Do you wear any type of faggy tight fitting clothes?

Is it normal for a pediatrician to make you walk around the room naked?

no itch, its not tender and i dont wear tight clothes

Why did they cancel The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack

My guess are stretch marks. You do look kinda fat

Any particular reasons you could think of for non diabetic hypoglycemia to suddenly get worse? I have to eat every 2 hours when I'm working and sometimes even that's not enough.

Like, actual butt naked without underwear? Lol no, your pediatrician was a pedo

i wouldnt doubt that i have stretch marks somewhere on my body but the big spot isnt the same size anymore

I have a benign cyst on my scrotum that's been there for years.

How do I tell the doc to get rid of it without him thinking it's cosmetic?

Did you get your blood tested recently? A1c? And do you actually measure your glucose during the day?

I have bad social anxiety and even worse nerves. What would you prescribe? Also terrified of pills, huge fear of getting addicted to prescribed pills if that's the case.

Forgot, also severally depressed

I'm not gonna lie, idk exactly what it is. I'm not seeing red flags though. Rub some hydrocortisone cream on it once a day for about a week, see if it goes down

not op but if you have anxiety and you don't wanna do pills, you should see a therapist or psychologist. you can do cbt for these things and improve your condition

Just say it's getting extremely uncomfortable and painful, even if it's not

Cheked, and what is cbt?

Cognitive behavioral therapy. You can do it with a live therapist or online.
Cardiology exercises.
But I also highly recommend antidepressants, from personal experience

That's not true, it's normal for pediatricians to do a full body exam for growth, health, and abuse checks.

Been about a year since a blood test. I don't measure blood glucose, but I have an appointment here soonish and am going to probably end up starting. When I've asked about it before I was basically just told eat frequently, but it's just getting progressively more severe. My fy mom does have hyperthyroidism, but my levels were fine when I last got blood work done.

thanks user. I can't wait to get these things off me.

any idea on how they develop?

Thanks user, gonna check into that


My wrist began hurting, as it did some time ago. Its not from fapping, i use other hand. I dont think its from the strain from pc. Could it be an infextion?

Purely anecdotal, but Nofap has helped me a lot. Not saying it will cure you or anything, but it will atleast make it less severe. You have nothing to lose by trying for a few weeks.

That's fucking stupid. Why would you need a kid get up and walk around the room naked to do a full body abuse check

I've actually tried nofap, the only thing I got from it was a raging hardon at all times, even during work. (When I had my job) I just wanted to fuck everything tbh

>force a kid to strip naked and walk around in front of a stranger
>to check for abuse

No irony in that whatsoever.

25, no nuero shit in the fame

Been having OCD and intrusive thoughts, like when talking with people I think about spitting on them or something, really makes me worried

Social life is good, mood is in the middle not happy or sad, but this OCD symptoms been going on and off for the last 6 month, it's what's really motivating me to find out if something is wrong with me, I'm just paranoid that because of these intrusive thoughts I might go into psychosis or some shit and cause harm, I really don't wanna do that, any way dealing with OCD, medically? Not therapist b.s

Yeah you need those blood tests to be sure. You need to have those objective numbers proving you're getting hypoglycemia

I think the main thing is cutting out porn tbh. I always feel anxious as fuck 24 hours after a porn binge.

>bend over user
>checking your anus for abuse
>doctor user, you have big fingers

What do I need to say to get opiates?

They develop randomly. Honestly they'll likely come back after they take them off

That's the point, urge to sex, caring less about what someone thinks and trying to find ways to get with women

It runs in the family and I start losing my vision and almost losing consciousness, so I'm pretty sure about it. Will get some blood test for sure though.

Quite the opposite for me, I only Jack it to relieve anxiety now.

>mfw jacking off is my self prescribed medication

Wear a cock-up split for a while. It's likely carpal tunnel or some other tendinitis. Icing and ibuprofen too

OK, dude I know I have adhd the thing is I got a history of abuse with the family drugs used for the condition so what do I do continue to not be able to function when I'm not on it i cant help wondering in my mind but too much of it same thing so I just drink and don't think at all

that's depressing as hell

i wish there was a way to prevent them from coming back

thanks anyway

Makes sense, BUT I forgot to mention that my level of insecurity is enough for 3 people. I wouldn't say I'm ugly, but I guess you would have to see me to understand it fully.

Yeah, you can try out SSRIs. I think a lot of psychs start off with Zoloft or Lexapro

Will you call me in a prescription for percocet? I'm not addicted or anything but they are one of my favorite things.

Does that shit work?, or is it... "here you go now be a good boy, ur happy right, great, problem solved"


OP, why doctor, what was it that made you seal the deal?

He said ask him anything.

Sounds like you got a lot of shit going on besides attention deficit

If 2 doctors are doctors and they go to the doctor but the doctor isn't at the doctors do the doctors doctor the doctor?

OCD is caused by a bunch of multifactoral stuff which includes chemical imbalances in your noggin. Not saying the SSRI will zombify you or anything, but it'll help you make things more clear in your head so you can handle shit yourself

I wanted pussy. Easy as that really

Do you hate your job?

Am I going to die from pancreatic cancer if I have alcoholic pancreatitis? I have chronic pancreatitis, and I feel like hell. I've had it for awhile now. I can't drink anymore so i'm banking on cancer to take me out because I lack the constitution to an hero.

Yes, why wouldn't the doctor doctor the doctor at the doctor's?

>spend all your time studying

Does the post med school pussy make up for the pussy lost during med school ?

Nah, it's great actually. And I'm kind of a slacker

I would hate being a surgeon or specialist though, too much work

Hehe...alright you're a good sport.

Nice quads, but I've been diagnosed with can't spell it but I guess you do have voices in your head but you can tell the difference from what's actually you in your own head and not a voice just commanding you to do things but it's a thousand thoughts a second when I drink I can concentrate but my higher brain function is gone with drugs that treat adhd I can relax but not do a bunch a stupid shit

Any tips for dealing w gyno?

Just ignore my request for a prescription. Mr.Physician hot shot.

Sorry man. I wouldn't wish that shit on anyone. Get in with AA or something, don't let alcohol cuck you

Who should I go to if I think I may have an attention disorder?

Well the irony is that I've yet to get any pussy that wasn't from a hooker. Kill me

I quit, unfortunately it was after the diagnosis, and only because of the diagnosis.

You got auditory hallucinations. You likely need a psychiatrist to get you on some anti-psychotics

Weight loss, then surgery

You expect me to hand out illegal prescriptions without anything in return, not even noodz? Gimme a break I too important for this shit

When I was younger I would blink hard and a lot, until it felt like i had blinked just right, as well as grinding my teeth on the left and right side alternatively whenever I was done saying a word, like Apple would be me grinding my left then right side for app and pull, or el eh fent, for elephant. Did it a lot and was wondering if it was OCD.

Im already pretty shreddy bro, im coasting aroud 12-14% bf

Well to answer your original question, you do have an increased risk of pancreatic cancer compared to the general population, but still the most likely thing to kill you would be heart disease just like everyone else.

Yup, that's OCD my man

Not op. You should probably get your hormones checked.

Only other thing now is surgery unfortunately. Post your tits?

I've been on a couple you talking abilfy fuck that lol I'm got a social worker but my suicidal tendencys and what we've talked about he says it sounds like it's not what's in your mind but depression Ill think over what you said though man but do the voices ever stop

I dont do anything like that anymore, only when was around 8 or so, does it just go away or become much less obvious? Will it flare up one day? Is it possible im subconsciously doing something related to it?

The voices can stop but sometimes the best they can do is make them easier to identify as mere hallucinations. Patients have better outcomes when they follow up regularly with social workers and the rest of the treatment team. Good luck