Prove you're white Sup Forums!

Prove you're white Sup Forums!

I have a tiny dick

I can't satisfy a woman.

I have a loving family who've supported me throughout my higher education. (Credit score over 800).

Check your privilege

Privilege checked. Feels good "smoke"!

I hold down a full time job

Let's take a silly one

I'm not a chink or a hindu and I have an IQ over 60
That should differentiate me from all other races

My dad is still in my life and married to my mom

Wow! You hate SE Asians and Indians. You probably work in a call center.

I dont hate asians and hindus, that's why i named them seperately. They're actually intelligent.

My identity has never ever been checked by cops

i'm gay

>reading comprehension

No mom im not gay
I just realy like anime
animated girls turn me on
i fap to them just for fuuuuuunnnnnn

son: mom can i get a body pillow
mom: whats that
son: oh well mom if you ask ....

its a girl or guy on a pillow
Sexualizing lil girl


I have suicidal thoughts constantly


I tip and observe courtesy in movie theaters while having the ability to think of the outcome of my actions.

How do you answer the phone where you work?

I have a good relationship with my father

dis my finger tis white

stick your finger up my asshole

will do :3