Eurofag here

Eurofag here.
Is it true that in the US you have gaps over, under and on the sides of the doors in public restrooms?
If so why?

No fucken clue, makes them easier to clean and get into if they get locked i guess.

because it's cheaper. Did you really need to ask this or were you just wanting a response so you can insert your opinion no one cares about?

I couldn't take a dump while people can look at me. You guys are braver than me.

So you can lock the door then crawl out. Plus you can see right through the gaps idiot.

This is the worst one I have seen

it's true, I guess you can quickly see which stalls are in use? I dunno

Yeah and you can see right in, it's totally sweet. They just prevent eye contact, we don't need that

It's so perverts can look at you while you shit.

It could be to save money on bathroom stalls

For cleaning purposes.
Having the only a frame go to floor level makes it much easier to mop around, and also means the mop doesn't spread floor germs up the walls.

It's mostly so druggies don't shoot up there. That's also why they have those fucking niggers some places. I hate them

That actually seems like valid reason.

That's why you take a really loud shit, assert your dominance.

It is true.
I have no idea why.


idk who told you that because thats total bullshit.

Public restrooms have bluelights/UV lights, so drug addicts cant find a vain. They need a white light to find that. Well atleast they do that here.

So we can smell each others shits easier

I'm pretty sure it started as a safety/legal thing, like if someone has a fall or has a heart attack or whatever. Then the firemen or ambulance people can crawl under/over the door and get the person to the ER.

It's also why most public restrooms have that specially large toilet cubicle, for the physically handicapped. Nobody wants to get sued for not being up to code.

eurofag here, do you amerifats also have these barriers between the pissoirs?

bc here, they are always too low. you just have to lean a little to the left or right and you see the dick next to you. but you can't even see the other guys shoes because they are so fucling low. just mount them like 30 cm higher for fucks sake

Bro, you've never use a russian toilet. So Better dry up and bless god you have a door in yr small toilet room

I once had a little kid trying to crawl in underneath the door while I was shitting. I was in the middle of pushing a turd out when I saw his little face looking up at me. I screamed at him and he started to cry and his father started yelling at me really angry. Worst dump ever!!

Of curse it's true. Dumb Eurofags don't even have holes in thier toilet stalls to watch each other poop.

Holy shit that's disgusting

for better ventilation. Some gases are heavier than air

> they're not working
> i lean to the left like a creep to creep around the barrier

The fuck? I was an IV heroin user for 5 years, you don't use light to find veins. It's mostly done through feel cause you can feel the blood pulsing and also feel the vein rise after you smack it a few times.

What kind of farts do you have over there? Jesus.

it's cheaper
again, i mean, cmon, USA is as big as your entire continent. we are just 1 country.
fucking upside down installs bull
ive literally never seen a nonwhite light in a bathroom in the USA.

Why the fuck have i seen this post before? What an odd pasta

> be CEO of toilet stall inc.
> no one is buying new stalls
> the old ones are working just fine
> what can we no to warrant more expenses?
> i know, make up a story about druggies and light, that way we can bill every stall for new lights.

Out of curiosity: What is a lvl 4 heroin addict? Is it like in Dungeons and dragons?

In Russia toilets shits in you

Probably right though

Because it's cheaper to build you moron. Anyway, they have them her in yurop too. Just depends on whether the building you're in is built by kikes (pic doubly related).


Noice dubs

>floor germs on the walls

Yeah, wouldn't want to get 'floor germs' on the wall I'm about to eat off of.

Why the fuck would they want to prevent that, you tard.

Ok guys. When we're on the subject. What the fuck is up with the U shaped seat they have in the US?

Fuck me that made me spill my coffee (vodka).

(just in case you are a trump supporter and are serious, IntraVenous, so injected into a vein)

Maybe it's looks good?

So guys who are pissing without putting the toilet seat up don't get piss on it when the stream ends.

Highly underrated comment.

Pretty much.

You take a harsh, level dependent hit to charisma and strength, a small hit to dex and they become permanent if you stay cursed with heroin adiction for more than six months. However your constitution gets a significant boost and you're highly poison resistant. Enemies that are either Neutral Good or Lawful Good will take pity on you, even during atacks, and you get a +2 to AC and +2 damage resistance because they're pulling their punched and don't really want to hurt you. It's recommended for druids or even some monks (special focused, not martial focused).

You get to use your underground connections to get good deals on potions in any area that is under the influence of the particular crime syndicate that you started buying smack from and as long as you don't run up a debt they're likely to lay you on some smack so you can resell it too. Can be a good earner but if you keep it up past the point of permanent addiction any Lawful aligned characters will have to drop to Neutral.

Like barbarians need ale you need to use heroin at least once per day or face further penalties.

One other drawback though is that every combat turn you roll a D10 (fail on 1) to see whether or not you're going to have some sort of flashback or mental breakdown and your INT and WIS go down to 0 for that turn.

>If so why?

To initiate contact.

>It's mostly so druggies don't shoot up there. That's also why they have those fucking niggers some places.

The niggers are there to supply them, you retard.