Be me

>Be me
>be 15
>family travels to Aunt's house in Tennessee for family reunion
>can't find anywhere to leave dog so we decide to bring her along
>turns out aunt's dog is a fucking nutcase who has accidentally killed another dog before
>find this out 1 day before departure
>my family doesn't know where to leave dog
>we decide to leave dog at our old neighbor's house (let's call her bitchface)
>bitchface has a dog watching business, so we figure that makes it as good as any place to leave her
>arrive in Tennessee
>while at aunt's house, bitchface sends stepmom flurry of angered texts about how we're shitty owners
>bitchface says that our pupper started a fight with one of her dogs over food and lost
>bitchface also tells us that we underfed our dog, which is why our dog fought her's for food
(Dog is a vizsla, and for all of you people who don't know what that is, vizlas are very skinny dogs + pupper is petite for vizsla)
>bitchface says she took pupper to the vet...

Other urls found in this thread:

>bitchface says that pupper has a broken foot, and has had one for a long time
>bitchface won't show us picture of vet bill or doggo
>days later bitchface sends picture of pupper with male veterinarian
>bitchface says that pupper is at her friend's house
Let's call bitchface's friend Jewbitch
(This is annoying because we're paying bitchface for HER care, not jewbitch)
>jewbitch has always had a fascination with our dog as well
>get a flurry of texts from bitchface telling us we aren't good owners
>bitchface tries to convince us to get rid of our dog for better owners
>stepmom is on edge and understandably angry
>Dad convinces her to cease communication with bitchface
>arrive back home

>go to bitchface's house
>Bitchface isn't home and neither is our dog
>parents play this smart
>we figure out which vet bitchface took pupper to
>find out that bitchface never set foot inside the vet
>jewbitch took our pupper to the vet contrary to what bitchface said
>jewbitch also took pupper's collar off and took her in under a different name
>find out that the doctor who examined pupper was female not the male Vet in the totally bogus picture
>pupper has a broken toenail not a broken foot like bitchface told us
>pupper also has a torn ear that we weren't told about (most definitely from the fight between the two dogs)
>find out the dog that pupper fought with was jewbitch's dog instead of bitchface's like she told us
>this means that the doggo spent entire trip at jewbitch's
>bitchface texts us again about how jewbitch is "deeply disturbed" about how we feed our dog
(Jewbitch and all of her dogs are fat as fuck)
>my parents are paranoid and afraid of some sort of showdown when we finally arrive at jewbitch's house

>Jewbitch gives up pupper without a single word
>Turns out, jewbitch called vet's office after we left asking for pupper's X-rays
>vet's office tells her that they can only give X-rays to the actual owners
>jewbitch gave up at that point which is why she gave the dog back to us without a fight
>expose all of the lies to bitchface and tell her to never contact us again
>pupper is safe with us to this day

Pretty sure all of the lies about pupper's made up injuries + the texts about us being inadequate pet owners + bitchface's repeated texts about giving pupper up, and jewbitch flaunting our dog around as hers means that there was a lie-filled campaign to get our dog into jewbitch's greasy sausage like hands


Cool story bro

you pay em?

I hope you reported this shit

Unfortunately we didn't because bitchface supposedly has connections to the mob and my parents didn't want to risk it.


>connections to the mob
lol cuck

Drop their names by accident and maybe something strange will happen.

Coincidentally of course.

Kelli Parks = bitchface
Idk jewbitch's name. It's Hebrew and hard to pronounce

What state does she reside in? It will save some time, would appreciate it.

I feel like you might come after me user...

Nah man, you have done nothing wrong. I hate ignorant faggots like bitch face, hiding behind supposed mob connections. Would love to see some justice.

Ok. She's in Omaha Nebraska. Be warned, she's a total gun nut, if that has anything to do with what you're planning

Have a simmilar dog story
> be me
> 11ish
> have supermassive black and tan mutant doggo
> hes got 3 balls and a tooth growing out of the roof of his mouth
> love him regardless
> one day spoiled bitchy neighbor girl wants to race him
> okay i guess
> she runs like 3 feet and falls on her side
> lands on a rock which punches a hole in her hip
> Doggo thinks its a game and starts tug of warring her pants leg, down at the ankle
> her praying mantis of a mother comes outside and starts screaming
> accuses doggo of biting her precious crotch goblin
> say fuck you and take him home while she hustles screaming cabbage faced fuck trophy into their house
> she walks over a few minutes later and demands we put doggo down and pay damages to her pussy fruits hip because he bit her
> mom says "prove it, whore"
> bitch calls animal control
> dogo spends a week in the pound getting shots and blood draws
> girl taunts me on the bus saying she hopes he gets put down
> tell her i hope her grandmother dies (she had cancer)
> get suspended
> girl is examined by doctor who, suprise, finds no dog bites
> doggo is frred from prison
> girl gets lecture about lying at church
Doggo was a good boy and the only black who actually dindu nuffin.

user, I got her address too, but I'm not gonna just give it out here. Kik?

It's far but if im ever in the area I will gladly help out free of charge. Thanks for the heads up.

I got her don't worry. details noted and will be kept on notice next time me or a buddy is in the area. But don't mistake this as a threat, nothing physical just mental.

She is blond and quite aged correct?

Ok. Forgot to mention she's got cameras too.

Yes. Fake blonde probably

Do you live in Arizona?


Poor censoring but can confirm?


No... That's not her

Positive? I'm just surface checking facebook for an easy find haha. But I will find her, no need for address.

Double check new link

Also one time one of the mexicans from the house behind ours was sneaking into the yard to peep at us naked, and Doggo bit a chunk out of his leg and ate one of his testicles
we had to hose him down and turn the dirt in the morning to cover all the blood

Definitely not her

Damn, guess I have to actually dig. Will definitely find her though, crazy how a name can change anything. If I need anymore details I can contact you. Off to snoop!

Thanks so much!