>not transitioning into a qt trap

explain yourself Sup Forums

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i'm fucking 100% testosterone
pure diesel

im not a gay faggot that hate myself because I (((think))) God make a mistakes

don't try your everyone gay bullshit and closet gay craps nonsense...go be gay elsewhere

i am transitioning just the NHS is shit and wont give me my fucking 'mones

No because you're a neckbeard faggot kys
>yfw ywn be a qt trap with everyones attention



1) It's 2017
2) Not everyone should be a qt trap, there needs to be men to pump qt traps full of cum, I'm one of those

>1) It's 2017

That's a dick, not a face.

early 20's atm
~3 years ago age 18 i shaved off my body hair often
so i could fap while dress in the sexy shit
3 years later
test eventually built up and now I just want to be a qt trap cum-pumper as you say

why not a qt trap instead of a trap pumper ?

>thats a dick
just like you

>why not a qt trap instead of a trap pumper ?
i guess the end choice was pump

Well, if you want to be a cute trap and get pumped full of cum, ask me ;)

being a pumper is mehh
being a qt 10/10 trap however

Well, it is 2017. Transitioning is so last year. 2017 is the year to kill yourself. Try that

Do you want me to pump you ?

>explain yourself Sup Forums

I don't feel like ruining my body chemistry with hormones from the opposing sex for a few years before I grow out of the phase and I'm irreparably damaged and sterile

I'm 28, I'd rather not be one than look like a guy in his sister's clothes.

If I was 16 or something I'd consider it but anywhere past 18 is too late without undergoing major plastic surgery and even then you can't get beyond looking like a somewhat feminine alien.

>and I'm irreparably damaged and sterile
explain ?

>Wide shoulder to hip ratio
>hairy af
Nah Im good m8

Go look at what suppressing testosterone and supplementing estrogen will do to your body, sterilization is only the beginning

it's widely known trannies undergoing hormone treatment are likely to become sterile.

Some people believe being gay will poison the water wells and kill the crops.

There's no evidence to sugest that transitioning will make you sterile unless you chop your dick clean off.


Nah ur alright mate I already look better than any tranny


Not a single pic in this thread has been an actual trap

Because it's 2017 and I fuck traps, don't one to be one.

yes 2016, are you from another year zone or something ?

but dude wat?

dude im trans and 5 months on hrt im taking 25mg cyproterone acetate daily and 4mg estradiol daily

cyproterone literally blocks androgens (testosterone, dht) from attaching to their receptors and from doing anything and it also prevents their production.

my balls are seriously fucking tiny now and it takes ages to orgasm for me and i dont cum anything but a few drops of some clear liquid.

Can't be a qt, but i'm still transitioning

nearly constantly wishing i could go back and make pre-puberty femmy qt me transition instead of repress it

How do I become a qt trap

qt? all the oc i've seen posted in these threads are 6' + tall, broad shoulders skinny guys that don't show face, if they do they look like someone who was locked in a basement for 20 years

b-but desu t-theres no OC here as far as I-Im aware

serously ? wewlad most traps ive seen though their balls are decent and they cum fine

Post pics of small balls pls

>serously ? wewlad most traps ive seen though their balls are decent and they cum fine
theyre probably not on hrt then

most of them on HRT are on Spiro, Cypro is a lot more potent

only AAs more powerful at emasculating you are GRnH Agonists

dont really have pics of that area cuz i dont like taking photos of it rly

this is like 1-2 months old and my balls were probablybigger then

sometimes they actually disappear and looks like ive been surgically castrated

mostly in the missionary position tho

ill be honest with you, i dont understand a word you said since im a dumbass

>only AAs more powerful at emasculating you are GRnH Agonists
What did he mean by this?

cause im not a low life fucking faggot

if youre on those, you won't get erections, no matter how hard you try you won't get more than a semi without stuff like Viagra or your blood pressure shooting through the fucking roof

but GRnH's still allow you to have erections?

It's 2017

in my two months on them little miss blinky only woke up when my blood pressure was so high i could passively feel my pulse EVERYWHERE and it wasn't so much an erection as that being the only place the blood could get too

why was your BP so high?
What is your hormone regimen?

I'm not mentally ill and I care about what my family and friends think of me

well someones gotta fuck you whores, is that a good enough reason

>flat chested
>manly figure

Ive already become trap-ified. I love it so fucking much.

Pic related its me

at the time, 3.6mg Zoladex 1month implant + 25mg Evorel patches

BP spiked because of a massive asthma attack in my sleep caused a major panic attack... which triggered a second asthma attack, which made the panic that much worse

also being 12 days into my second shot, that I was having pretty much all the bad side effects already

An hero you skinny twink.

Coz I have a responsability with mankind.
To pass my superior genes and educate my children with my superior moral values.
I wouldnt mind fucking one of these abominable degenerates once in a while tou.

I think I'm more attractive as a guy than I would be as a trap; I'd have to get rid of my facial and body hair, and it doesn't look bad on me.

Show more of that sexy ass op

thanks uwu

>theyre probably not on hrt then
they're probably not traps then

Op let me see that cute trap ass

Fuck you, niglet. NHS isn't there to satisfy your deep-seated body image issues. You are part of the problem with NHS.

I am?


Guys on here don't find traps attractive. Look at these results for proof.

not sure if bait or just retarded

Any trap want to be my girlfriend ?


no, the NHS is there to ensure the phsyical and mental health of the British People

and if Transition reduces the number of attempted (and by extension, failed, hospital bed taking) suicides, then thats good deal

GPs aren't over burdened, hospitals are

admittedly the GICs are comically "oversubscribed", but there's not a lot of them and they are still at 2008 funding levels back when positive trans representation was Denise on Twin Peaks, Hayley on Corrie, Dil in the Crying game, a couple of french kiddy films and Alex(? i think?) on degrasi and most Trans people simply didn't realise it was an option in the first place


Those drugs are working though? You are seeing results?
How old are you?

Got kik

Someone has to fuck the qt traps.

stopped Z after the second one, spent from late july to january on just E

october went up to 50mg patches

been on 100mg patches and 50mg cypro since january

fucking brilliant results given what it's got to work on

just turned 27

I just love pussy and hate in the ass too much. Checking for hermoids was uncomfortable experience

Pics of results?
Any breast growth?
Timeline of your hormones?

Kik ?

you don't want to see pics, you really dont

pretty good breast growth since i started on Cypro, fairly minimal before that, but i could barely eat on Z, so that might have effected it 's results

>you really dont
Why not?
Can I email you instead?

because I look terrible, the last time i photographed well (above the waist) was when I was 12 or 13

This is me. Seriously thinking about taking hormones

Who is this

Well ok
Still really curious to see the results of the hormones though
Debating which hormones I should take
Would you recommend cypro and Evorel patches?

if you wanna take them for your sense of self, take them

if youre wanting to take them to be a pretty femmy fucktoy, then a fron't veiw is more helpful for evaluation, shoulder-waist-hip ratio is important to passing

Because there needs to be someone fucking the traps

I fucking love the lolita fashion so much...

Because I don't want to become an unremarkable, pathetic waste of a man








i'm not a good example unless you're big boned and overweight

as to which ones to take, it very much depends where you are, and what your finances are like;
last I heard the US doesn't allow Cypro at all
US prices for GHnR Agonists are legitimately fucking insane (over 600% mark-up against what the NHS pays After EU imports takes their cut)
Sprio is dirt cheap though

I would recommend patches and which ever AA is most available to you






