Ok b/

Ok b/,

>be me, 25M, 6', 180lbs, Sony lanky athletic build, smokes, still can run but I die after a little while.

Talk me into joining the US military.

Skinny not Sony

I'm really leaning air force but I'm not sure if I'm ready for the military. Any one have any experience?

Do it fgt



I'm very comfortable around guns. I have been using them in rural America probably 20 of my 25 years.

I really have no desire to kill anyone but fell like I could mentally overcome the pain of killing someone due to how I deal with loved ones death.

But is the pay actually good? I could only find pay for aor force up to 2015 and as a grunt I'd make more for my local walmart. Walmart offers me the option to go to college cheap through them and advancement through their ranks to get higher pay. Don't have to potentially die.

-Free housing, and other benefits.
-Lifetime of instant respect from employers and shit
-Skills learned
-Easy to save money if you arent stupid while there
-Brotherhood of comrades
-Forces you to fix yourself, and gives your life a direction

The Marines are calling you.

I said do it you little faggot pussy ass bitch ass bitch.

That time Piccolo lost his powers to Buu so he went Straight Outta Compton on em

Fuck you faggot, we're talking about the honor gained in glorious combat, and you're weighing that against fucking college and Wal-mart? Stay a beta ass faggot then pussy. Go suck dicks of old people in Wal-mart til you die. Or become a great warrior. Do it fgt.

The learned skills is really what's sold me so far. I'm someone who excelled naturally at academics at least compared to my peers but college is a pipe dream because I feel like it's a bankers trap to keep me in debt.

Thanks for the input.

That brotherhood would be a good feeling too. I love in an area hit by the opiate crisis so I'm surrounded by very sick people who will rob you soon as say hi to you.

Holy fuck only join the marines if you're a tool.

I'm already a warrior for fighting my own battles through life and handling my life without welfare handouts. I just refuse to put myself in harms way unless it's for a good bit of gain afterward.

Youse a bitch ass nigga, and sitting in your room at night crying yourself to sleep because you'll never get any pussy is not a battle, and does not in any way make you any kind of warrior. You sound like a liberal faggot.

I'm not worried about honor or respect or anything to do with using the military to look good or make my reputation better. That all seems like mental shit people make up in their heads.

Anyone know about the traveling options with the military? I'd really enjoy seeibg Egypt and the Indus Valley and just all the area where humanity supposedly came from. Even if I gotta put down some enemies of the state to get there.

OK OP. I joined after a 4 year degree (enlisted, because I was impatient to get in). Sergeant now in Airborne Infantry. Changing jobs to Occupational Therapy. It has been a good first 4 years in (26 now).

I would suggest you shoot for Airforce or Army, and get a job that has relevance outside of the military. The benefits cannot be good, but honestly, it's said that your first unit and first two years in decide whether you want to stay in forever or not. You don't want to join Marines or Navy and then not have a job when you get out. So stick with the other two branches. Unless you want the military to be a permanent career, avoid combat MOS'.

The pay isn't great, but as an E-5, married, I make 54,000 annually. That's more than enough when combined with my spouses income. Healthcare and stability is so good. It takes a mindset, however, in order to become successful while in.

If you're not joining the military to kill people, you're going to have the wrong mindset for it, and you're gonna die. Just stay home and fuck your my little pony doll you beta ass bitch.

Lol, become a great warrior...

The pay is alright, you'd be looking at 1200-1300 a paycheck at E3 in USAF, and a lot more if you're married+kids. You earn that money though, you're always on-call, especially if you live on the base/post you're stationed on.

Money-wise, it's not the best move you could make in your life. If you put some effort into networking and throwing resumes around, you could be making more money in a couple months than you could after 4 years in the USAF, depending on where you're stationed and what job you've been assigned.

Apart from money, what's a reason why you want to join the Military?

Traveling is limited unless you're willing to choose more obscure jobs or more schooling. For instance, being Airborne, you have many more opportunities in the Army to get stationed overseas (Germany and Italy).

Nahh I'm more aligned with libertarian republican politics. "Leave me alone you junkie bastards, I'm trying to be a stupid faggot over here right now. You can fuck your sister here when I done" type stuff.

I thought anarchy was cool for a long time. I'm too aware of the deep state to want bigger government lol.

In Airborne Infantry, most guys are aligned with libertarian mindsets. There's a balance. Some are liberal. Some are conservative. Most are moderate.

Yea I definitely wanna get some transferable silks although I could imagine it being a suitable long term career. Still I'd think I want something relating to information technology. I have a lot of hardware knowledge. Hands on repair and troubleshooting skills. I'd like to get more into the software and technical areas though. Maybe communications. I've always loved different languages. I'm pretty decent at Spanish, learning Chinese, I had 4 years of french in HS. I'm definitely leaning air force.

And 54,000 is definitely good money from where I'm living.

Enjoy worrying about your life enjoy your stomache ulcers from stress. Enjoy PT and not being able to stomache grub for the first week. Enjoy the vertigo feelings and dizziness while your under a ton of G-force pushing you every which way. Muh honor though, right? You would rather have muh honor than a job thats less dangerous and pays more. Tell you what, come back in a couple years and make that decision. You obviously just want to join because its cool and you seen some movie/video game/form of media and thought "wow, air force must be JUST like that". Grow up. See the world around. Dont die as a niave child who doesnt know shit. Or dont. Your life doesnt effect mine. Not replying any further from here. This is all you get so dont even think your troll attempt will work.

Do it fgt

Or do*. Not "or dont."

What exactly is glorious about fighting for Israel?

The pay and sweet feeling of killing Sub-Zero trash

Airforce then sounds like a good fit for you. They live like kings among most of the other branches, but they are very coddled. They say that themselves when I've had the chance to talk to them. The Army has new MOS in computer related fields. Just know that whatever branch you choose, it's likely you won't be doing your job most of the time. It's the way of the beast. You have a higher chance of job satisfaction within the AF.

Ad far as Basic and PT. Infantry Basic was tough but it's also easy enough to be considered a joke. Especially after spending more time at my unit. Changing my MOS to Occupational Therapy though, and that involves me actually earning an Associates from a university that the Army works with locally where I'm at.

No I've just been working hard for the last 6 years for a fucking Walmart in done backwater town in rural America.

I've saved and saved. Had a house built (that's a big deal for someone who's 25), it's a small place but I own it. I have plenty of money and anything I want basically. But all the people around me are sneaky, and lie. They all are self obsessed. Totally sick in your own head. People who don't even listen to you when you speak they just wait to talk next.

I feel like the military might get me out of my life basically.

It's not a bad life. I've just seen the same trees, same roads, same shitty houses and junk cars for over 20 years. It's old. I want out.

I'm not even fighting for America bub let alone Isreal. I'm in it for me, and the people I come to care about along the way. Fuck everyone else to a reasonable extent.

Also OP, the likelihood of you ever seeing combat or getting shot at and not being in a combat MOS is so close to 0% it's laughable. Hell, even as a combat MOS there is such a small chance of seeing real combat (unlike the Surge/initial invasion). So whatever these children are telling you about joining or whatever - they're full of shit. You won't be doing any killing, high speed.

>free housing and other benefits
yea, those are nice
>lifetime of instant respect from employers and shit
not really, the only people likely to give you anything for being in the military are ex-military people, and only if you had equal/higher rank or did something that they find respectable
>skills learned
only if you join something other than combat arms. if you join infantry, combat engineers, or cav scouts, you won't have any applicable skills for the real world when you get out, and no one will care about combat in terms of employment experience
>easy to save money if you aren't stupid while there
three options here: you either get so depressed that you hang yourself with a ziptie in the coat closet, spend that money drinking, or be a pog and never have to deal with it in the first place.
>brotherhood of comrades
You're about 70 years late. with the advent of communications technology, everyone is constantly in contact with their loved ones and no one gives a fuck about anyone else in their unit. the military is a bucket of crabs.
>forces you to fix yourself, and gives your life a direction
it will fix some aspects of you, but other parts it will mold into something that cannot exist outside the military culture. you'll lose a lot of the weakness you had as a civilian, but behavior that normal people would regard as abhorrent or sadistic becomes embedded into your personality. People notice. It'll fix some parts and fuck up a whole bunch of other ones.

Yea I'm honestly kind of looking forward to being ran like a dog for training. I know that's just inexperience talking but I genuinely love running. It's such a good feeling before my lungs start burning. I'd have to quit smoking so I couldn't even have me a Winston after my morning jog lol

I'm not very physically strong though so I'll have to work on that. I'm basically a 6' bean pole.

Thats why i told you to travel. You obviously seek excitement but you search for it in the wrong areas.youre going to living the same lifestyle if not worse in the air force. They own you once all is said and done. You are property of the government. You eat, sleep and shit on their watch. Itll be a set schedule every single day and you dont get to do what you want, you get to do what they tell you, nothing more.

I personally believe youll enjoy the learning how to fly part but thats a long ways to go, user. If you want change in your, hop on a greyhound for a couple days and get off whenever the time feels right and go from there

Yea I've seen the casualty numbers and I realize that it's definitely over exaggerated but still being a possibility it's kinda intimidating.

This guy knows what he's talking about. Mainly third, fifth, and sixth points. You can save money regardless of your MOS, but to be a combat arms requires you to totally remold yourself if you want to be accepted there. You won't be acceptable to the civilian world, and going through a POG MOS now, I've found it difficult to even adjust with other jobs in the military. To say they act like children is how I feel. They would say I have a potty mouth and am too aggressive, but I was relatively calm as a sergeant in the Infantry.

You do get a sense of brotherhood, but it is greatly diminished because of technology. In fact, technology was a thorn in our side with these 18 and 19 year old privates entering and not using their fucking brains. However, I have a calm, silent confidence because of my time in. I was cocky when I joined. Now I know myself completely. I know my limits and how to push past them if required.


This guy has no idea how the Airforce or works, but has a decent grasp on what the military will do when you join. You aren't going to learn to fly or probably even work on or with aircraft if you choose a technology/computer related job in the Airforce. However, you are property of Uncle Sam when you join. You are given at a minimum 30 days of leave each year, and all federal holidays. You will, however, be stuck constantly battling with higher-ups when it comes to asking for leave, traveling outside of the states (unless you're already stationed in Europe) will not be possible (unless you put in massive amounts of paperwork), and your schedule is highly dictated by their supposed need of you at the time (you're not always needed - there's no crazy war going on right now, but the military always tries to make it seem as though there's a sense of urgency at all times).

Is the housing really that nice? I guess I assumed it was mostly barracks style shit unless you wanted to rent your own place off base but admittingly I'm speaking from absolute ignorance.

I'm probably gonna stay away from combat as much as possible just because I've really got no desire to inflict pain on anything. I'd like to sit behind a computer and blow shit up with a drone far away from people's crying, burned bodies.

Maybe not even that, maybe just some guy translating between english speakers and iraqis or something like that.

The brotherhood thing wasnt something I thought about before but I was kinda hoping for it now and your bussing my balls.

Oh shiit, I know what your talking about there. A childhood buddy went off to the army came back and he talked about how he could fought anyone and how he was a trained killing machine and how he was so much better than civvys. I was at his going away party and after 4 years in Hawaii he came back the biggest hard ass on the East coast lol. He was never like that before. Always a quiet big dude, not anymore.

Thanks for the input man

Housing isn't fantastic unless you're in a good unit with new barracks. Try to avoid anything that even places you overseas (such as being a linguist and translating Iraqi - you'll wind up in combat). Look for a job in IT or something that translates well into the civilian sector.

You will enjoy your time in if you go in with the mindset that you will be able to relax and let what may, come. However, there will be moments of shitty suckiness. You will hate life occasionally. I feel fulfilled though and wouldn't change having entered and served (and continued to serve albeit in a different job now).

I have traveled a decent bit but it all seemed superficial. Like I was just passing by. A shadow in the lives of all the people who really belonged there. I want a place where I feel I belong.

I've made it out to Cali and people just seemed kind of snobby. I was sleeping outside most of the time but I figured they would be like people in Denver. They totally weren't. I went from LA up to Stockton and it seemed like everyone was looking down on me for something except a ghetto ass pace called Merced and they were awesome. Denver was cool bit extremely expensive.

Pittsburgh is an awesome place but everywhere I hung out there also seemed drug filled and run down.

Same with Cleveland the few times I've been there.

I'm hoping the military can shine some light on some better areas and more well rounded people.

Califag, can confirm Merced is fucking awesome

Also, taking my ASVAB on wednesday for the national guard. Seems like a decent balance between benefits and time commitment.

>I feel like it's a bankers trap to keep me in debt

>Study something worthwhile
>Get job after college because you studied something worthwhile
>Pay back debts in a year or two because your job pays decently because you studied something worthwhile
>Live comfortably debt-free because you studied something worthwhile

College is what you make of it user

Ok I'll keep that in mind. I definitely wanna stay away from combat even lol. IT work it is then.

I appreciate the honesty though man. I'm expecting some shit days but I can't imagine a few shit days being worse than a wasted life. There is so much shit in the world to see and do. I hope some new skills and college makes it better

Well you got the smoking part right, be sure to drink a monster before the run and put a dip in after you're finished.

No fucking way! Dude that skate park is the bomb. I definitely slept in the bowl for a few nights before a dude named Centé let me use his porch. We pretty much had a party in broad daylight for a week straight.

I'm gonna go back to Cali someday just to chill with the homies.

It really sucks when you see people you graduated high school with graduating college when you never had the opportunity.

It's not as shitty as having a degree and lots of debt talking to the guy who went straight to work his whole life about the home he purchased in cash when your waiting tables at the Bob Evans.

I'd love to think I'm guaranteed a job after college but in my state there's jobs but not "pay off all your loans ina few years" jobs. It's like Walmart, or laying concrete, nursing is what every female in my area does. Seriously every single female you meet. Nurse or druggy.

Military just seems like the less riskier option.

Yeah it's kind of an undiscovered spot right there at the base of Yosemite. I fish like a fiend and got some people out there that I crash with.

LA is an unrepentant shithole in most parts but the East side is nice, what with a titty-bar on every corner.

Stockton, my Dad was born and raised there. It's changed a lot. Used to be a bonafide hick town.

And for the love of christ just avoid the bay area entirely except for perhaps Oakland (where I currently live), though even Oakland is changing.

Oh I can't do much caffeine and definitely no dip.

Smoking was a mistake but just feels so relaxing lol

it depends on what you want to do with your life, I guess. I joined the army last year and i'm almost finished with medic training. I'm in the guard, so once I graduate i'll be going to nursing school. My state's national guard gives us tuition exemption which helps a lot. Active duty army is a good choice though if you want a stable, long lasting career.

Is there anything you guys wish you knew before hand in any of your choices?

Something you eventually learned that you had no idea about or eventually learned the hard way?

I'm really thinking something IT related. But I'm not sure on the options. I'll probably talk to a recruiter eventually just thought I'd talk to some people who aren't gonna get a bonus for signing me up lol.

I'll definitely wanna make use of the tuition assistance though. I love education so I'll probably get into that asap. I'd wanna learn programming or something useful to the military so I could hopefully rise in rank a little quicker.

That's how rank works right?

Time+usefulness+hardworking=rank up?




Taking the ASVAB in a few days for the guard (california) and they also have tuition exemption. I was actually hoping to test into medic. Do you like it?

Aaaaaand nudes





