What do I say next?

What do I say next?

"i would love to sniff the gusset of your dirty panties you ginger slut. spit on my thicc arabian cock sister"

"Can I put my virgin cock in your mouth, please miss"

lemme hammer that pussy like its molten iron.

Good good. I like 'em underage

"please miss, dont rape me. I'm just a little cuck faggot who is trying to survive in this cruel world."

Beep boop beep boop beep boop

"same tho. I'm only 17 XD"

Are you a petite girl with tiny hands? I have a laughably tiny penis and I need a tiny underage girl for it to look normal

"how cute hehe"

Op here. Fuck you faggots I'm being serious here


*you're not your, OP you fucking moron


Well it'll me my treat then. What beer should I get? Do you have a preference?


I've got something warm for you to drink.


This is the 20th time I've seen this thread with the same girl. What do?


And you expect me to get it for you?

Would you like to drink my cum, atleast you are old enough for that.



Sorry my tourettes

Beer before 5? You some sort of alcoholic?

Say this..
>Age is just a number, I would do you even if you were 10. =) by the way did you know I am an enthusiastic fedora collector? I have about 69 of them in my moms basement where I live. Can't wait to show you!

burgers and your cant drink til 21 bs
you guys are almost fucking muslims

It's not wasted. This shitty thread is just a troll


Sup Forums approved?


>be American
>Can get forced into war, lose your limbs and best friends
>Can't have a beer for 3 more years

Also tell her to get a fake id so you don't feel like you're dragging a child along with you when you go out.

This will get her wet. Not even trollin

they can't drink or just can't buy?

No that's fucking gay, why are you 'hehe' giggling like a fag

You're blowing it

Are you idiots really falling for this?

Perfect, make her as dry as the sahara.

GODAMNIT what do I say?

i feel like dying

How about dis? She's Irish so her father might be an alchoholic don't want to bring up a touchy subject

why? He posted 1st part of converseton yesterday

"fuck me hard im a goat" if u dont say that u r a pussyfart

He posted it weeks ago

No, do the hehe how cute thing or that:

Stop being a faggot and drink beer with her, whatever time of the day

"I like bonerfarts in my mouth"

Dude, just invite her out for coffee, then mention you have beer at your place.

Op here. I just haven't closed because of autism/bipolar disorder and antipsychotics. I need Sup Forumss help if I ever wish to have sex

Guys he's a troll

Trips you have to do this one

Alright, but you'll get a light one, I don't want to be accused of rape. :P

Pretty sure I'm going with this

Not old enough to buy beer but old enough to take a dick.
Americans are weird

you're only irish if you're born in ireland, I'm sick of americans claiming to be Irish

lmao u r fucking pussyfart unoriginal gallon fag

Invite her and say you can maybe go to your place afterwards for a beer

Best one yet

she wants beer you retard who the fuck goes for coffee, stop being a faggot


it litearlly took you 40min to come up with such a shitty response.

This. I'm sick of retarded Americans claiming to be Irish, Italian and German etc. Retarded American cunts want to pretend they have culture beyond burgers and box car racing.

now say - How many beers does it take you to make decisions you usually regret?

then when she says how many, you say - "ok we'll have a couple more just to be sure"

This is great, do you know what ladies love? When you judge and talk down to them.

you're seriously a faggot, were you trying to be funny or something writing that shit

THIS and girl wants a beer and he considered coffe omfg

But they do though

I'd hate to live in america, such a retarded place where you have to be 21 to drink

Kill yourself

no u



>15 hours ago

if any of you anons think we're getting a response before this thread 404's you're nuts

*Runs away*


You're a fanny. You do realise you don't need to be a pussy to be a nice guy.

First you challenge them by taking the piss out of them but try to be funny with it, not cheesey. You be be cuntish bloke that they are drawn to and then when they are on the hook you show the values of a nice guy even if you still talk like a dickhead if your actions contradict that then you're onto a winner.

You say the following:

"Heil Hitler, sorry. Im a lonely neet and all of my friends left me alone on this fucking gay ass weekend after a fullt week of work with nearly no social contact but those gym cunts and those retards at my office.

Im desperatly open to do some shit, stealing some warn signs from a building site, pushing cows or have sex under the moonlight.

I can understand if you now think Im mentally challenged, but Im actually only a beta who tries to keep the connection to the reality we actually live in.

We can also watch mystery videos on youtube, or some Game of Thrones theories.

Im open for all. If you dont answer to this message your mother will die in her sleep while getting fucked by a nigger.


Let's get it to the max# of responses so it'll finally die

Just tell her you want to fuck her raw in the pussy

simple logic, bet you are that guy who wants open borders for everyone.

Lukaku is Belgian
Seal is English
Muhammad is Irish

because they were born there.

We are equal under god and that is all that matters

>If you dont answer to this message your mother will die in her sleep while getting fucked by a nigger

Should I add this?

what are on about you little faggot. I'm Irish born and raised in Ireland and I'm sick of faggot americans claiming they're Irish when they never even stepped foot in ireland

no you little faggot that's shit

Alluah have mercy upon you infidel swain .

Dude, just stop.

don't double text you desperate bitch

Tell her to play with your tinkly winkly

why you so mad?

You should talk to her like you would talk to anybody and when she rejects you move on to another girl.

kek, this has to be one of the most beta threads i've seen all afternoon

Im german and I actually hooked up some german girls by acting like Im irish, while speaking "british" english.

Thanks to my red/blond hair and beard.

Yes we all know how smart you are in the gay bar, keep up that good work

Rolling for this

ein echter gott oder ein erbärmlicher beta, der trollt

ITT: Virgins

were you 4 grandparents born in Ireland?

> pretending to be irish while talking like a brit
you're a retard

this one

yes, my whole family was born in Ireland