
>Bourne - canonically superhuman, has the best chance of keeping you alive compared to the rest
>Hunt - a force of nature, will survive the most ridiculous shit
>Westen - can do everything the others can... if he likes you
>Bauer - a relentless machine, similar to Chigurh, another terminator, but with a heart
>Spencer - implied to be metahuman, has probably the best hand-to-hand combat out of the others
>John Wick - Master of precision, the others are spies, this one's an assassin
>Mcall - perfect combination of espionage and human elimination
>Chigurh - probably the least trained out of the rest, but he's also probably the one who would never stop hunting you, he's a living terminator
>Bond - ok in poker
>Mills - relentless and inevitable
>CIA - has a plane but you forsake 2 other operators since you cant bring friends

pick 3 the rest is out to get you


>not getting everyone around him killed

Thread is already shit

Gimme wick and chigurh, the rest are dead

You also skip some ppl altogether and half ass descriptions for some while dick ridding others. Take it seriously or dont at all

James Bond

Superior Tom Cruise operator character

Does CiA prevent me from having 3 bodyguards or does he remove 2 that are after me?

if you pick CIA, you get to have a plane, but you only have CIA

>hes a bond guy


CIA, I really don't care if I survive or die.I just want to spend time with CIA.Fuck man Bill Wilson is my role model.

This guys mad cuz Bond sucks horse cock.

Why are there only white men?

>he thinks james bond is le greatest spy

You forgot these guys

James Bond would kick the shit out of everyone there faggot

Wick, Bourne, and Hunt.

Wick - has all the right connections

Bourne - I mean really, do I have to explain?

Hunt - fits in most anyplace because of the makeup/costume/voice tech, technical skills, etc

The rest of them would never stand a chance even if they all worked together.

>muh Bond
Don't you guys have some bridge to play or tapioca to buy lmao

Jack Reacheround, superior Cruise missile.


Hunt or Wick can hide you places off the grid. Hunt will never die.
Mills is the best at tracking down others. Maybe second to Bauer.
Wick is the best one to eliminate the rest before they even know it.


Bond, Bourne and Hunt. Literally the GOAT team and no one can disprove this.

>No Leon
Wick, Chigurh, and Bourne. Fuck any of those 3 actually hunting me. I don't think there's any winning combination though as the rest are more than capable of killing you.

>24 movies and counting

If I have to pick one I'm going with the best plot armor.

>Bond - ok in poker

Literally none of these jabronis could beat Jack Reacher. No one could.

>every single person he knows dies

>omitting the greatest operator of all

pic related can basically become all of them

i bet he added that swap thing himself because he thought it was "cool"

He truly is the greatest operator of all

nigga probably thought

>this will make people say "OH HOW NATURAL"

wick bourne and bauer

>it's a Bourne does nothing but poorly tailing CIA and getting shot while you get killed by Bauer episode