Why is Michael Jackson not loved by Sup Forums?

Why is Michael Jackson not loved by Sup Forums?

>Black guy who turned himself white



he was born black


don't be ignorant

Like him better dead.

But chose to become white

you cant become white or anything else you stupid neggro

using that logic, we should also love TRAPS, because they chose to become women

your argument backfired there, son

I went to see Michael Jackson in concert in the 80's.

I think most of B is to young to recall just how popular this guy was.

i see your point, but he is also kind of a pop-star
would be as irrational as /b admiring some weird shitty singer like taylor swift

ITT: People who have never heard of vitiligo

He's a cool guy.

everyone and their mothers knows he was innocent af, it was a scam to try and get money out of him and/or defame him

Because he was still black

He also turned himself into a womanish type of thing.

everyone likes his songs, why not

The police found a secret room in wonderland that had a metric fuck ton of CP. I always thought he was innocent too

And was gay

In other words, he dindu nuffin?

There is no proof.

Not me.... I had a red jacket with 50 or so zippers...