Anyone seen it? Any good?

Anyone seen it? Any good?

US Officefags need not apply

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It's not very good.
If you're a fan of the character and the UK version you might enjoy it.

Fan of David Brent and UK Office, I really want to see this. The job training episode was one of the best episodes.

Is it out on torrents?

>If you're a fan of the character and the UK version you might enjoy it.
lol, no you won't

this flick is the antithesis of what the office was

you couldn't be more wrong with your second point


Looks like the worst kind of horrific cash-in. It makes me sick. Gervais is an artistic failure.


>Is it out on torrents?

pls hep this user and then by heling him help me

I thought it was good. Some good moments, some weak moments, he overdid the laugh thing though. The disabled and Slough songs where good

The nigger scene was just unnecessary and felt like Gervais on Twitter 24/7 "HUH I OFFENDED YOU HUH? SO WHAT!!". Didn't add to the movie at all, just wanted to be controversial

Is there anyone who has failed to live up to their early success harder than Gervais?

Extras barely held itself together and relied on novelty cameos and was only held together by Merchants performance.

I get that he wants to cash-in on it as much as he can for easy money, but he cant keep claiming the opposite whilst he does it.

he was good in that 1 episode of curb your enthusiasm playing an exaggerated version of himself

he has been not very funny in everything else, but not bad

like if his later work came out first youd be like, this is alright, whatever

the office UK is fantastic. i think it's more a drama than a comedy in many ways, it really hits the feels button constantly.

Gervais' movie career has been a disaster and you can tell it's his dream to be a movie star. So it being such an absolute failure pleases me somewhat, because I find him as a person completely obnoxious. He's still more successful than I ever will be, but let me have this.

Nothing will top free love freeway

I liked it but my only problem is how quickly everybody in the band's opinions changed

They totally resent him during the movie, especially the sound guy but when David has his moment of self reflection (that I actually enjoyed) all of a sudden they seemed to find him funny and feel sorry for him. I don't think the film had the scene that set them up starting to like him, but maybe i'm wrong.

Brent paying them to go for a drink with him was pretty great, probably the highlight for me.

It felt like a good finale for his character, but I thought the same about the Christmas special. I hope he just leaves it now

>Is there anyone who has failed to live up to their early success harder than Gervais?


>no merchant
Of course its not fucking good

I've liked everything he did with Merchant, but everything he did without him has been shit.

> tfw really liked The Office and Parks and Rec until someone pointed out 90% of the jokes are someone says something 'wacky' then deadpan character looks at camera disapprovingly, or said wacky character looks at the camera with a wacky face.

Only good scene in that entire show

Merch isn't doing great on his own either

>Merch isn't doing great on his own either

mfw a team thinks they dont need each other to balance out each others bullshit and both parties just go gun ho into failuretown

i expect steve wouldve been content continuning the boyband but ricky is fucking terrible and probably decided he was the important one

with that many millions id never rock the boat, id run that horse into the ground, but i guess ricky is so rich now that he can afford to do 'passion' projects rather than 'commercially successful' projects

>Extras barely held itself together and relied on novelty cameos

If you thought the point of the show were supposed to be the celebrities then good job on missing it completely.

Extras was still a great show and is regarded by many as an underrated classic, not to mention a well deseverd commentary on lowest common denominator-comedy by the men who some consider to have reinvented sitcoms.

>Extras was still a great show and is regarded by many as an underrated classic, not to mention a well deseverd commentary on lowest common denominator-comedy by the men who some consider to have reinvented sitcoms.

Totally agree with that. You can see Gervais and Merchant speaking how they feel when he does the speech in the big brother house at the end. The entire 2nd series is a great discussion of "wanting to make money vs wanting your work to be respected".

Hello Ladies was great though. Plus Merchant is going to be in the new Wolverine movie so it's not like he's not getting work.

his hair transplants keep looking worse


ehhh it was really formulaic and obvious as fuck

Absolutely this.

I think the film would have been better if they'd complicated the Brent/Band member dynamic. They should have just been normal blokes who try to have a laugh but Brent goes too far, and they tell him to shut up. We should cringe at Brent, not laugh at him and wonder why everyone hates him and acts like 2D hollow characters.

Film had a few good laughs.

The Big Brother speech is a thing of beauty. Extras not only parodies the celebrities themselves (no one shows up just to be cool on screen, they are smartly exaggerated versions of themselves) and cheap entertainment as a whole.

I find the whole award episode to be fucking masterpiece, specially when his doll goes off in the middle of the cerimony.

Derek is a real TV show

Yeah, I got the underlying narrative about Gervais/Merchants experience with the Office etc. in Extras.

The big brother scene highlights my biggest issue with the series - they took that "omg people will do ANYTHING for fame" and Ricky wanting to be taken seriously and respected - but then there he is cracking "edgy" jokes at the Golden Globes and doing his whole "WAT? IS THAT OFFENSIVE? IM NOT SCARED TO STAND UP TO HOLLYWOOD"

Its fucking farcical, hes trying to have his cake and eat it - but as someone in this thread has already said, hes fucking super rich so he can do whatever he wants.

What? You're comparing the narrative of a TV show to Ricky presenting something IRL, and after the show was aired, by a considerable margin.

Whether he's making good entertainment right now or not, or he did something you disagree with or not, the fact stands that Extras has a beginning, middle and end, it's a commentary, it's not real life, and it has real importance and real things to say about the whole industry from an insiders' perspective.

Your point made no sense to be honest, not to mention that the show was done with Merchant as well.

his point was cogent you suck at analysis

ricky will wax in-character that people will do anything for fame then he in real life will do anything for fame 'look at how vulgar i can be teehehee'

he profits off pointing and criticising the culture of people who do that then goes out and profits off doing that

just an empty vessel, hes an intellectual nothing, got a degree in philosophy the retard

Also, the show isn't about RICKY GERVAIS wanting to be taking serious and respected, it's about an extra who dreams to be an actor taking the first cheap opportunity for fame he gets and becoming stuck in a shitty, bottom-of-the-barrel sitcom. As David Bowie himself sings it

>He sold his soul for a shot at fame

That pretty much describes the entire premise of the show. Aside from the commentary, which is derived from their real experiences, it's not suppose to be a biography and thus complaining about what Steve did at the Golden Globes is just asinine.

Ricky did nothing the show criticized, he has yet to be on The Big Bang Theory or appear on Celebrity Big Brother.

Whether it succeeded or not, he actually tried to make something weirdly meaningful in one way or the other with Derek, even though I really disliked it.

So how did the contradict himself anyway?

No. There's virtually no character development and then it suddenly resolves at the end with the rest of the band liking Brent having avoided him for the rest of the movie. Just an egotrip so Gervais can play his shitty music.

Extras was an expression of Gervais distaste for people doing anything to get famous.

He said the office was finished and suddenly a full feature film featuring David Brent doesn't count.

Hes cashed in on Karl Pilkington, hes cashed in on Warrick Davis, hes released a bunch of shitty books, a David Brent album to accompany the movie - and yet he still considers himself above other people wanting to make money in this industry.

My point is that hes a hypocrite. I dont think Merchant ever claimed to be the same, he was always after free stuff and extra money.

>playing an exaggerated version of himself
>playing an exaggerated version of himself
>playing an exaggerated version of himself

First of all, you're still ignoring the fact that Extras was still a joint effort with Merchant. Second of all, yes, you did miss the point of the show completely.

The character in Extras, I forgot his name, forgets everything he ever wanted to do personally as soon as the first opportunity for fame sets in. He did not want to be in a sitcom, he did not want to wear a wig and shout catchphrases, he wanted to be in real movies like his rival, but he was too weak to put some actual work in and go for it. That's doing anything to get famous.

Gervais is already famous and already was famous when this show came out, and whether you like his new content or not, I particularly do not btw, he is still CREATING stuff. Yes, he's entirely obnoxious on his views on religion, for example, but he's still putting himself out there, he's still doing sort of his things, they're just not as good. He NEVER went the same path as in the show. Every shitty artistic decision was his own, he didn't bend over and let executives fuck him in the ass that I know of.

It's entirely different.

>it's money for old rope carl

I addressed Merchant. In Extras its pretty clear who was steering the ship, but if you look at their characters there are key differences

Merchant (Darren Lamb) plays an slap-stick version of himself, i.e. someone whos always out to make a quick buck and looking to cash in on Millmans success.

Gervais (Millman) is supposed to go on this journey and learn that its not worth doing anything just to be famous and he gives his Big Brother speech in the final episode.

For example; Gervais didnt even write The Invention of Lying, but he basically takes all the credit for it.

You can use Extras as looking back at Gervais and Merchant before they were famous.

He didn't let executives fuck him, he just fucked himself, whilst claiming to preserve his creations as an artist whilst selling everything he could to the highest bidder.

>He didn't let executives fuck him, he just fucked himself

Which completely invalidates your point that the show is somehow compromised because of Gervais. He WANTED to go back to David Brent for a while. Years ago he released that anti-racism song with the black guy. Whether it turned out good or not now is irrelevant.

He did what he wanted and still is. And how much of his personal life does he expose? How much do you know about his affairs, where he eats, what he does in his free time? His Big Brother speech also criticized celebrities who were fame-hungry whores just like that.

He never became what he criticized. Never.

How long until Ricky and Steve realize that they can't make anythign worthile on their own and come crawling back to Karl to make another radio show/podcast?

>by the men who some consider to have reinvented sitcoms

> single camera cringe reaction """"humor"""" about cunts

XFM > An Idiot Abroad > Podcasts > The Office = Extras >>> Life's Too Short >>>>>>>>>>>> Derek

Karl said he wouldn't do anymore

He's been saying that since the XFM days though. Ricky and Steve always manage to get him to do it of they want to

He'll come round if you promise him a nice cold plate for his sick tummy

A plate's no good, it has to be an ashtray

Where's Moaning of Life?

yeh, its gotta be old cold.

i genuinely used to do that when i got sick as a kid

it must be a lower class white thing...

I was just listing Ricky related shows. I would put that at the same level as An Idiot Abroad

'at's right innit

He was in theatre, and he's going to be in some new capeshit

he's getting better gigs than Gervais is, certainly and he isn't nearly as pompous and unlikable as Gervais

The show was about Ricky Gervais if he'd listened to everyone else instead of standing his ground and going with his instincts when he made "The Office".
Watch the show again and see how the original idea for his sitcom was a serious look at work and how meddling executives kept insisting he compromise in exchange for a better deal and cede a lot of his creative control and he did everything they asked and it resulted in a shitty product that was creatively un-fulfilling but commercially successful while in reality he took as little advice as he could and made a show that was critically, creatively and commercially a success while feeling fulfilled.
It was him telling everyone who tried to get him to compromise on The Office to go fuck themselves.

The best part of the show was Barry Off Eastenders anyway.

>he's getting better gigs than Gervais is,
>he isn't nearly as pompous and unlikable as Gervais

Ever feel like these could be related?
Merchant has been pretty good in nearly everything I've ever seen him in, he's been in some shit movies I'll admit but he's always keen and ready to do whatever it takes to wring a laugh out of anything they put to him.


merchant was legit great in portal 2

Gervais has become a parody of himself, and he is annoying as fuck on twitter

money for old rope

i agree though

Shit I forgot he was in that. He was great.

>>Hello Ladies was great though.
literal shit reharsh

Little monkey fella is speaking the truth

he says they "hold cold"

Does anyone remember what episode of XFM it is where Ricky needs to do advertisements (i think) and they are super fucking bad and Karl needs to show it to his boss, so Karl pretends to laugh at them and say they are funny in the hopes that his boss would agree

Remember when Ricky and Steve were talking shit about the rockbusters prizes as they were listing them off and Karl gets annoyed
>People send us those so that we can big 'em up so that's done