Which Mad Men character would you strive to be like, to be successful in a similar business setting today?

Which Mad Men character would you strive to be like, to be successful in a similar business setting today?

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I'm 26 btw

Obviously Roger.

Peggy, obviously.

Roger and Don


Easily Ken.
Maybe minus getting shot in the eye, although that eye patch is pretty baller.


Of course Roger was best character, but would you be able to pull it off in todays culture and while being much younger?

Bert Cooper. This will never change.

So be confused and pretend it's just an act then?

Unironically yes, plus have a good understanding of economics.

confirmed for not having watched mad men

>tfw you will never be allowed to drink and smoke at work

Tried watching it but stopped after like 8 episodes when i realised that the show was literally about grown ups going to work.

haha yeah fuck that am i right

yeah man, shit's way too boring for me haha

Jimmy Barrett

lmao are you literally 12?

haha man wait until you see that tv is just literally compiled footage from cameras recording people pretending to be people they're not, that shit is ruined for good

not to the best of my knowledge

Fuck I miss this


Who's that guy in the back on the left holding the glass? Was he in this show?

uhh, homophobic much?

halt and catch fire is becoming more and more like mad men each season
