Does she have nudes though?

Does she have nudes though?

Apparently. No one gets this butthurt unless something gets leaked that they dont want leaked

Were they leaked already?

Found em.
Ehh nipples are lopsided. Not impressed

And this one

Quit trying to ruin her life and stop POSTING this cyberbullying because she made a mistake and did what she did!!
What are you? Her ex? trying to ruin her life more??

Do you know where you are you whiteknight fuck?

Moar, I wanna see her fully nude. Wonder if she's shaved or not?

What a fucked up way of thinking
>"I'll piss myself to help womyn achieve equality!"
Stupid millennial logic.

>gets "leaked" that they don't want "leaked"
>OP talking about a video of peeing herself
I see what you did there, even if you didn't.

So where is this wetting video?

Look up shucks of fun with ohana on facebook

She did what she did because she believed in something. She felt it was right for her to do it. She didn't think she would be made fun of like this! Defending her is the only option since no one else will! I stand for her when everyone else laughs.
This is belittling and not cool
Its in the op. They want it removed or something i dont really care

Any more nudes?


christ I wish posting this same shit over and over was a bannable offence.
God damn it OP fuck off.

Op is a fag

Shes actually cute.
Would bang

And it gets weird

id still fuck her

Why would she even do this? The concept of even urinating on yourself is disgusting and nasty. Let alone make a video

you know Sup Forums started this shit right?

Dub dubs dont lie.

#pissforequality was a cruel prank

>Trying this hard
You think she's on Sup Forums right now and feeling bullied? Maybe she will see your post and ask you out.

People thinking it's a good idea to piss and then upload it are the ones that are stupid... #pissforequality generally should have been seen as a joke and not taken seriously

You have no idea how embarrassing this is for her and her family. Her life, her secrets, her shame are ALL being show PUBLICALLY and no one wants to help but me. This is sad, I understand what type of site this is and its pretty horriffic. I want NOTHING to do with it but since this is where it went on, its best to start from this and work your way up. I want nothing but the best for Ivy and I want to help her get rid of this horrid past she has to endure.
But People that keep uploading her video and sharing her pictures,THIS needs to stop! How can I make this stop? This needs to be over already so everyione can just MOVE ON

Should we let her ride

But you just posted the video...

no she would end up pissing on my dick

This but the fact that it got international news to help further ruin snowflake feminists like OPs girl and others just help hurt the feminist cause


Hey, can you post more nudes of yourself? All you have to do is just BELIEVE. We'll leave you alone after, I promise.

We all have only one life to live. Why waste time worrying about something like this. Tell her to focus on life and being able to do what she wants. You cannot stop the internet. And even if you did, what would that even accomplish. Just dont worry about it bud.

I posted the link so people can see it needs to be reported and removed from youtube!. Why they are allowing it it insane!
This is like a virtual witch hunt for her. Because of some assholes on the internet with nothing better to doo with their lives, they post and share her pics, vids, and info JUST to humiliate her! You CANT do things like that! Its not right! I have to speak up about it if no one else will

>be me
>dating Ivy for 3+ months
>she says that she's ready and that we can smash
>she's riding me
>feel a warm liquid running down my dick
>think that she came
>MFW it's yellow
>she pissed on my dick
how sex with Ivy would probably go.

I am sorry but this is a free country (USA) (I laughed a little when i typed that)

But seriously if you do stupid shit like send nudes or take nudes with a device that is always connected to an internet connection then your a fucking idiot. It is 2017 not 1996. The power of the internet and hacking is well known. I'm not saying she deserves to be attacked but fuck if you play stupid games you win stupid prizes!

>#pissforequality generally should have been seen as a joke and not taken seriously
I was under the impression that was what ended up happening

who the fuck records themself pissing their pants and lets themself be identified??? lmfao

She obviously didnt want to be identified

Get off fucking Sup Forums, you cunt. No one's going to listen to your autistic rambling and your silly insults. These will NEVER disappear. This is the godamn internet and Sup Forums isn't even the worst there is. Go back to the positive side of the world because you definitely don't fucking belong here.

Those diapers are for bedwetting. Is she a bedwetter too?

She doesnt have much of an ass

I'd hit it an quit it. #CyberbullyingIsTheNewTrend

Don't turn this around you stupid fucks. This wouldn't happen if this site wasn't behind MANY suicide deaths in teenagers on the internet due to cyberbullying. But to your eyes, Ivy is just another case to laugh at and move on to the next victim you can bully into killing themselves

niBBa its completely her fault she posted the fucking video

I'm gonna rape your family to death faggot shit dick kys I'll make you gargle your babies blood

It is mods are tards we should kill them

Fuck I'm gonna eat your testicles hahahahah I'm gonna peep your skin and dress like you to burn your house at night then make porn vids of me drinking the ashes of your organs. I'll but fuck an alligator wearing your skin and send it to your friends then I'll skin them and strangle them with their skin then use their bones to beat cops and niggers to death with. Then I'm gonna shove cocain up my ass and drown in a car on nacho cheese.

You are feeding the fire

Weak bitch
Killed herself
You think that's bad
World is better now.
The weak should fear the strong.
I strong
You weak
You no fear
I give you drugs
Big drugs
Drugs make fear come
Come time now fear be bad
Bad for weak now
Strong use drugs
Drugs make strong strong
You weak
You fear drugs
I am the solution

If she didn't post them in the first place it wouldn't be here quit your bitchin. Yes were all here for laughs it's not our fault you bitches are sensitive

There's only one way to stop this. You'll have to kill yourself.

Yeah its our fault because people are weak minded and weak willed. Seriously take responsibility for your own actions. Nation full of pussies!!


Someone posted them WITHOUT HER PERMISSION. She did NOT want any of this to get out! Whoever you are stop!
Yes she learned her lesson but how many people have to harass her for it. She made a mistake. She was stupid, naive and didn't really know what she was doing. Bullying is never good in ANY circumstance. Especially this one
Thats not funny

I watched the video. I would recommend a psychologist. This is not normal behavior and she needs professional help.

Don't know what kind of utopia your living in but shit like this happens all the time. You are pretty much just adding more to her suffering by letting other people know about her. Holy fucking shit see the irony in your godamn actions user.

It is funny that you think you can change anything here. This is Sup Forums not the high school principals office. People pay for all the mistakes they make some times for the rest of their lives this is no different.

You mean Ivy Hernandez that lives in Florida, right? People are talking about her pissing herself you know that right? She is getting ruined irl because of you

We care why?

This is Completely different. She is now still being harassed because of this regardless!. Everyone knew about this already because Sup Forums started this! I wanted ALL of this to end because this is something that should not have been a thing if it werent for a couple of trolls from Sup Forums wanting to hurt her more
Everyone of you should be waterboarded and tossed into a river especially you!. This whole site should be shut down because everyone on here is a pedophile sicko fucks that needs help! This is fucking sickening and horrific that you keep pursuing her just to get your rocks off making fun of her! Is this some kind of sick vendetta? Did she hurt you? WTF??

This is hilarious HAHAHAHAHA

I found her twitter and fb. Should I post it?

So she saw a post that had #PissForEquality and thought, hmmmm I need to do this and record myself and post it. In turn bringing attention to herself then we will say getting hacked and all of her "personal" nudes stolen and posted. Nudes she took with again a device connected constantly to the net or ones she stored in cloud storage system. It seems to me if she did a little research she would have known that the hashtag was bogus and if you want to take nudes buy a camera and print that at home if you want physical copies. I will not baby people whom make stupid choices. This is life not a movie/video game. What if people thought that way back in the day? We as a world would have gotten no where if everyone was worried about shit like this. We are currently raising a world full of pussies to weak and scared to deal with the outcome of the choices they make. Grow up and push through it. It is that simple. People like you begging and pleading for it to stop is doing the exact opposite. You keep reigniting the fire. If you put it behind you and pay it no mind and push through it eventually it will stop. So if there is a huge resurgence of her nudes and a bunch of posts about this thread on Sup Forums tomorrow it will be because of you.