A man who appears unable to differentiate between appropriate and inappropriate has been elected as the President of...

A man who appears unable to differentiate between appropriate and inappropriate has been elected as the President of what is now a moribund country. He oozes disregard for minorities and takes specific cases and amplifies them as though they are absolute characteristics of those that he has contempt for.
A politician, let alone a President, must exude confidence but not arrogance, guidance but not dominance, and masterful, delicate use of prose in order to drive meaningful points home.
Trump lacks all the mandatory traits of a successful President, and to all those who think that he is a welcome change, or that this is some sort of breath of fresh air in the American political landscape, I hope that you carefully examine the direction in which America will follow in the coming 4 years, of which I am eternally grateful I am not a part of. Things like renewable energy, an advancement of globalisation, fair wealth distribution and many more will stagnate under the rule of this moronic orangutan and anybody who thinks otherwise is either stupid, or wilfully ignoring facts which point toward everything that I have mentioned.

I know. Ain't it great!

wake up people

What do you expect? He's the same as all politicians who came before him. An arrogant sob who doesn't give a fuck about anything but money

You said "the following 8 years" wrong OP

this one doesn't hide it

It's way past time for America to die anyway.

So he's standing against communism...

The political bulletin points are so increasingly irrelevant with this administration.

Trump doesn't give the slightest fuck about anything except relating to Donald Trump. His entire existence has been calculated on how much attention he can draw to himself. Our own blame is allowing ourselves to be partisan when we should be objective, to stoop to the level of hubris when there are pressing issues to be solved. We're stuck with a President who understands none of these things. "Red" voters often voted to spite liberals, and now we see the tidal way of spinning and exaggeration of how much of a symbolic presence Trump being in the white house really is. This is no defense of Clinton, but what we had is a politician who actually understood and had experience in how global and national politics work, and who was chosen is a loud mouth cartoon.

What is to be done is to encourage parties outside of the Red vs Blue line to gain power. Then we won't be stuck in this schoolyard garbage what some will vehemently defend as a proper way of selecting our leaders.


Fuck you nigger.
























































































