So the gf is pressuring me to watch her fuck a nigger. Am I nuts for even considering this?

So the gf is pressuring me to watch her fuck a nigger. Am I nuts for even considering this?

Kill here

Oh look this again.


You already a cuck for even considering it, why don't you just save time and go blow the dude, that's where this is going anyways.


no matter what you do OP you'll always be a boring bastard

Op. Please... Go to reddit! Sup Forums are only for white pride. Not for slaves. Go away!

Do you really want this to be your future?

No one even kind of believes this shit is real anymore.

You're just wasting your time.

your dubs aren't unnoticed

If you trully love her, consider the following
>inb4 white bois be like "anything above 3 inches will hurt her cervix!!!1

Every week the same shit post

Nigger are born to be wothe slaves. So gtfo


Just curious, what is your agenda?

People projecting bizarre insecurities like this is interesting psychologically.

I would love to see my gf fuck a nigger too

I'm a nigger, ill fuck her if you like

It's a fucked in the head piece of shit that has gotten obsessed with Sup Forums and is either going to lose it and off himself or his address will go public and someone him will help him along.

If you have to ask your psychological skills are and will remain poo

Niggers have big dicks, but white people are God. hahahaahahahaahahahaahahahaahahahahaah

Stay enslaved nigger


She's quite skinny but i'd love to see her fucked rough and bare

Did somebody say pepe thread?


>mad dicklet detected

she is cute af. more?

OP does not have a girlfriend. He is a cuckposter who creates threads to shill his cuck beliefs. Do not reply.

Damn - I thought it was Soros

OP does not have a girlfriend. He is a cuckposter who creates threads to shill his cuck beliefs. Do not reply.

I am mostly curious as to what their response is. But most of my skills are poo in general

OP does not have a girlfriend. He is a cuckposter who creates threads to shill his cuck beliefs. Do not reply.

are you the same person whose made this exact thread with the same pic 500 times now?

OP does not have a girlfriend. He is a cuckposter who creates threads to shill his cuck beliefs. Do not reply.


OP does not have a girlfriend. He is a cuckposter who creates threads to shill his cuck beliefs. Do not reply.

>OP does not have a girlfriend. He is a cuckposter who creates threads to shill his cuck beliefs. Do not reply.

OP does not have a girlfriend. He is a cuckposter who creates threads to shill his cuck beliefs. Do not reply.

Bitch, you are half asian and pack a soda straw.

We know where this insanity comes from.

any nudes?

OP does not have a girlfriend. He is a cuckposter who creates threads to shill his cuck beliefs. Do not reply.

Looks like it


OP does not have a girlfriend. He is a cuckposter who creates threads to shill his cuck beliefs. Do not reply.

OP does not have a girlfriend. He is a cuckposter who creates threads to shill his cuck beliefs. Do not reply.


OP does not have a girlfriend. He is a cuckposter who creates threads to shill his cuck beliefs. Do not reply.

OP does not have a girlfriend. He is a cuckposter who creates threads to shill his cuck beliefs. Do not reply.

OP does not have a girlfriend. He is a cuckposter who creates threads to shill his cuck beliefs. Do not reply.

Do not have children OP. If all weak white men die we will be an even better race and you are clearly weak.

OP does not have a girlfriend. He is a cuckposter who creates threads to shill his cuck beliefs. Do not reply.

OP does not have a girlfriend. He is a cuckposter who creates threads to shill his cuck beliefs. Do not reply.

OP does not have a girlfriend. He is a cuckposter who creates threads to shill his cuck beliefs. Do not reply.

I don't get why people even respond to these anymore. This text is a particularly old one, too. The bait has become so stale it became a meme in itself. Just let these threads die, as they don't even serve humoristic purpose anymore. Actually, pretty sure OP even posted this ironically.


And yeah, you're all essentially retards for thinking OP is a shill and getting triggered. I despise everyone in this thread who got baited. You're all literal apes.

OP posts these threads every single day. Yesterday we took down 4 threads in an hour that were all cuck shill threads.

Post pepe and sage every post to derail the thread.

OP does not have a girlfriend. He is a cuckposter who creates threads to shill his cuck beliefs. Do not reply.

OP does not have a girlfriend. He is a cuckposter who creates threads to shill his cuck beliefs. Do not reply.

It makes no difference, the dude is nuts and will bump his own thread for hours.

OP does not have a girlfriend. He is a cuckposter who creates threads to shill his cuck beliefs. Do not reply.

OP does not have a girlfriend. He is a cuckposter who creates threads to shill his cuck beliefs. Do not reply.

If you are a cuckold or a nigger just end your suffering and get it over and done with.

OP does not have a girlfriend. He is a cuckposter who creates threads to shill his cuck beliefs. Do not reply.

OP does not have a girlfriend. He is a cuckposter who creates threads to shill his cuck beliefs. Do not reply.

cuck poster sageddd


OP does not have a girlfriend. He is a cuckposter who creates threads to shill his cuck beliefs. Do not reply.

OP does not have a girlfriend. He is a cuckposter who creates threads to shill his cuck beliefs. Do not reply.

OP does not have a girlfriend. He is a cuckposter who creates threads to shill his cuck beliefs. Do not reply.

OP does not have a girlfriend. He is a cuckposter who creates threads to shill his cuck beliefs. Do not reply.

OP does not have a girlfriend. He is a cuckposter who creates threads to shill his cuck beliefs. Do not reply.

OP does not have a girlfriend. He is a cuckposter who creates threads to shill his cuck beliefs. Do not reply.

Lol your pathetic idols don't scare me, I AM THE UNCREATED CREATOR.


Let her fuck a nigger
Just make the nigger give you at least 3g of powder or 6g rock
Then shoot nigger

OP does not have a girlfriend. He is a cuckposter who creates threads to shill his cuck beliefs. Do not reply.

OP does not have a girlfriend. He is a cuckposter who creates threads to shill his cuck beliefs. Do not reply.

OP does not have a girlfriend. He is a cuckposter who creates threads to shill his cuck beliefs. Do not reply.


I have achieved nirvana. You are asleep. I AM ALLAH AND YAWEH COMBINED


OP does not have a girlfriend. He is a cuckposter who creates threads to shill his cuck beliefs. Do not reply.

OP does not have a girlfriend. He is a cuckposter who creates threads to shill his cuck beliefs. Do not reply.

Keep burning faggot, your time will run out eventually.


OP does not have a girlfriend. He is a cuckposter who creates threads to shill his cuck beliefs. Do not reply.

OP does not have a girlfriend. He is a cuckposter who creates threads to shill his cuck beliefs. Do not reply.

OP does not have a girlfriend. He is a cuckposter who creates threads to shill his cuck beliefs. Do not reply.

OP does not have a girlfriend. He is a cuckposter who creates threads to shill his cuck beliefs. Do not reply.

Op doesn't have a girlfriend and is a sad fucking loser that posts this thread online 4 times a day to get it turned into a pepe thread kys bitch

Holy shit that's the biggest pineapple I have ever seen.


I see this same thread every fucking day. No one fucking cares.

Yes. Gtfo cuckenberg

OP does not have a girlfriend. He is a cuckposter who creates threads to shill his cuck beliefs. Do not reply.

OP does not have a girlfriend. He is a cuckposter who creates threads to shill his cuck beliefs. Do not reply.


Fuck you I will reply

OP does not have a girlfriend. He is a cuckposter who creates threads to shill his cuck beliefs. Do not reply.

OP does not have a girlfriend. He is a cuckposter who creates threads to shill his cuck beliefs. Do not reply.

OP does not have a girlfriend. He is a cuckposter who creates threads to shill his cuck beliefs. Do not reply.

OP does not have a girlfriend. He is a cuckposter who creates threads to shill his cuck beliefs. Do not reply.

OP does not have a girlfriend. He is a cuckposter who creates threads to shill his cuck beliefs. Do not reply.