I'll be visiting the Auschwitz-Birkanau Nazi concentration and "extermination" camp tomorrow afternoon

I'll be visiting the Auschwitz-Birkanau Nazi concentration and "extermination" camp tomorrow afternoon.

Even dubs decide what I do.

I won't do anything that gets me arrested though.

>pic: unrelated

Other urls found in this thread:


wear a nazi uniform

fap secretly all the time

Shout out "this place feels so homely" .

Ravioli Ravioli, give me the furnisoli.

This would get me borderline arrested.

ask about the swimming pool and the theater, ask if the walls were removed in the "gas chamber" ask if the holes at the top were put in after the war

scream "heil hitler"

This I can do. And will as I am curious too.

ask about the holocoaster

and where the stains are

The ruins of the gas chambers aren't well guarded. I snuck in & took a brick. Not sure why


shout hiel hitler


hit on a dude (female)


untie your shoes

That is the most ridiculous thing I've ever read. There's no way in fucking hell that happened.

Tell people you sense the joy that was had here.

Walk up to a gas chamber and ask if you can take a piss there.

Wear a gas mask around your neck and hold a sign saying nice try hitler you're not getting me this time.

Wear a blank shirt and write "Inside job" on it

Why would anyone fake things like this? If they actually did?

Ask if you can pay with gold teeth in the gift shop

Hope you're not in Germany, you'd be arrested for that post!

Winrar, but no request...


just be aware that the holocaust is madeup by warwinners in the back of your head all the time while you listen to the bullshit of 4 billions of millions people being industrially eradicated

just calculate the bodies per day that would have to be transported elsewhere and you know these numbers are too high and madeup

also look up how many jews even existed (in germany and total) in that time

and dont forget to smirk over all these sheep that believe otherwise - they are not humans, they are mere programs walking in daylight

Holy shit that can't be real. I'll google then ask about it. Fuck that's crazy.

I'll hit on a girl while there. Just for you.
Do you know any holocaust or Jew themed pickup lines?

Never change, 4chin

What is this gold teeth thing? I don't know if there's any connection, but my father had me when he was really old and his parents were nazis. Like my grandfather was in the SS. When he died he left me gold teeth. Are those Jewish teeth or something? He never mentioned anything about it.

I will ask about these even though no one got even dubs.

Those are even, user.

"Do jew wanna fuck?"

Thanks but not very original.

Have a convincing flashback meltdown like you're a reincarnated Holocaust survivor

It's propaganda to help the soviet cause especially for what they did during war

Did you just said holo?
