Some quick insider news on the DCEU

Gonna pump out some info of what I currently know about the DC movies

>Warner Brothers is expecting Wonder Woman to flop. They are trying to minimize the budget of what they haven't already spent

>Suicide Squad 2 and the Harley Quin movie are the same project. They are currently looking to cast Poison Ivy

>It is unknown if Jared Letto is coming back after what happened, but the higher ups are currently in full damage control mode. Trying to figure out what the next step would be if Jared is out. Might be a recast, or they might retcon the character and introduce a new joker.

>Justice League is planned to have a ~3 hour theatrical cut. It's going to be a very large movie

>Suicide Squad will be getting an ultimate edition just like BvS did. Unknown if they will continue this trend, or save it for films where they specifically have more shot than they need

>Deathstroke is by no means the only villain in the Batman film, as you could probably assume. A lot of news sources are also saying he is the "main" villain which is only half true. While he is going to play the plots antagonist, he is planned to share the same amount of screen time as the joker, assuming Letto is back.

Other urls found in this thread:

source, and not some random hollywood conspiracy blog

once they stop cutting important suff out i'm happy

Jackie Chan and Chris Tucker have signed contracts to make 6 more Rush Hour movies

Get your body ready

;Literally none of this is true.

Actually it's probably all true, but based on educated guesses rather than fact

>It's going to be a very large movie

>>Suicide Squad will be getting an ultimate edition just like BvS did
Didn't they say the exact opposite?

Why not share some real news?

The jews did 9/11.

>>Warner Brothers is expecting Wonder Woman to flop.

:( I was looking forward for that

It's still coming out, bro.

Hopefully they don't ruin it even worse with cheap CGI or some shit

>Suicide Squad 2 and the Harley Quin movie are the same project. They are currently looking to cast Poison Ivy

I hope Jared returns

Why is Sup Forums the most gullible low IQ board?

>>Suicide Squad will be getting an ultimate edition just like BvS did
If Jared doesn't come back, then I hope that they do release all his scenes into an ultimate edition.

But if Jared returns for a sequel then I won't be too fussed about his deleted scenes.

Besides he was interviewed the other day where he said that he would be glad to star in another DC film with Margot.

>Warner Brothers is expecting Wonder Woman to flop. They are trying to minimize the budget of what they haven't already spent

Yeah, just like BvS/Suicide Squad were flops right?

...You're not even trying

.....You didnt even try. Like for real, just from your first line -- you know nothing of filmmaking at all.

Fuck you

If I was WB, I would organize some scenes of Batman, Aquaman etc to be filmed for the Wonder Woman movie has cameos.

More DC characters in there means more will wanna go to see it. I doubt Wonder Woman can handle a movie all by herself.

> but the higher ups are currently in full damage control mode. Trying to figure out what the next step would be if Jared is out. Might be a recast, or they might retcon the character and introduce a new joker.

Are you people fucking retarded, the fans gave you a way out with this one.

Have Leto's Joker be fucked up Jason Todd and have an OG Joker.

>Batman cameo in a world war 1 movie

If I was Warner Bros, I would have told Zack Snyder to tease the Justice League, not show them off. Tease them again in Suicide Squad and wait for Harry Potter to release the Justice League trailer.

The way they revealed these characters but continue to tease them after we've already seen them is fucking stupid.

Also, I would have left Suicide Squad alone considering it was guaranteed to make a ton of money after the Bohemian Rhapsody trailer regardless.

>It is unknown if Jared Letto is coming back after what happened

He went on record saying he felt personally betrayed by the studio and the movie they put out. He was promised an entirely different suicide squad than what we got.

He sucked, they cut his scenes, he threw a fit

Here read the article. Yes he does want to come back.

Batmen were quite common in WW1 and 2

Also they're probably doing a flashforward scene, pic related

>It is unknown if Jared Letto is coming back after what happened, but the higher ups are currently in full damage control mode. Trying to figure out what the next step would be if Jared is out. Might be a recast, or they might retcon the character and introduce a new joker.
He's got a 3 film contract you troll

Do you think he will be in the Batman movie? Deathstroke is reported to be the main villain now... how can they not have ANY Joker in Batman's film?

>Leto leaving
Leto was a terrible joker. He's a good actor but this one wasn't for him.

>wonder woman a flop
No one saw that coming

>3 Hour Justice League movie

Probably lots of cut content which will turn the movie into crap and won't explain why and which way things happen.

>Unknown if they will continue this trend
Why not? It's called the DC "EXTENDED" Universe for a reason, right?

I hope not.

I'd rather imagine their relationship off camera. Let the audience piece together the story, instead of showing it.

The Batman movie is scheduled for like 2019, Deathstroke footage is from Justice League if anything.

>Let the audience piece together the story, instead of showing it.
What does this mean?

Jesus another one of those "headcannon" DC shill

Seems like a good business model to me. Put out a shitty film in theatres and then release a decent one on BluRay when no one gives a shit anymore

feel bad for all the DCEU actors
its literally a sinking ship
its gonna crash and burn before ben can even get his batman movie together

We've never seen Batman and Joker interact, but from BvS and SS we already know
>Jokers been active for a while and Batman has dealt with him numerous times
>Joker and Harley killed Robin
>Joker defaced the Robin costume
>Batman considers Joker "dealt with" in BvS
>Joker is running the underground in Gotham, Batman likely investigating

>signs multi-picture deal
>signs another deal for a different WB production (Blade Runner 2)

>It is unknown if Jared Letto is coming back after what happened,

You are such a ignorant dumbfuck

Background details user. Calm down.

What fucking world are you living in? BvS made like a billion dollars. Suicide Squad made tons of money and it is widely known that the studio fucked with it to no end.

Wonder Woman is going to make a shitload of money. Justice League is going to make loads and obviously Batman standalone will make just as much if not more than Justice League.

These movies may be getting horrible reviews, but commercially these things are EXTREMELY successful.

Every now and again I remember that Leto did a pretty good job in American Psycho and I wonder what happened to him to have him start taking up more confusing and challenging roles. He could have had a great career on the back of American Psycho.

He did Lord of War and Requiem for a Dream too

He is going to star in Blade Runner 2 and a Interview with the Vampire remake.

His career is fine.

We need to see more of him as Joker to fully judge anyway. We didn't get a full length worthy scene

I feel like he drank the koolaid pretty hard and got the method acting bug. He clearly doesn't want to be just another good actor, he wants to be one of the best.

I just don't think he's picking the right roles at all.

>Interview with the Vampire remake.

You're kidding right?

You literally used the word "imagine" tho

no this is actually happening. Jared will make a fine vampire

Literally video game movie tier. They deserve to be in the same category as Warcraft and Kingsglaive

if The Batman was a prequel and had LetoJoker less Hot Topic-y with no tattoos and dressed more like TAS version, that'd be cool. They could even do the death of Robin storyline and have it explain why Bats is such a madman in BvS

Leto is a good actor. The Joker was a poorly written character. He had shit to work with and was pretty much forced by Warner Bros to promote the whole method acting moms gonna freak le absolute madman schtick to build interest in the movie, and they ended up cutting most of his screen time despite showing him the most on the posters and trailers. I feel pretty bad for him, he's gone full Sad Affleck in interviews but instead of disappointment, it's resentment

>Warner Brothers is expecting Wonder Woman to flop. They are trying to minimize the budget of what they haven't already spent

How amazingly fucking stupid you have to be to believe any of this?

Why is Sup Forums the most low IQ and gullible board of retards on this entire site?

>hey guys I just heard [capeshit] rumor. My sources...believe me or not....say that [capeshit movie] is a TOTAL bomb and a bust and that [respected or praised Sup Forums approved actor and/or theory that was shared in greentext fantasy threads a week ago] is going to happen!

Then the fucktards come in

>No source?? whatever, I believe it yo. Awesome as FUARK yo. I cant believe DC/WB is being sold to Disney and also X-Men are going to be in infinity war!!!

Using the clues provided

You getting worked in to a shoot nigga

>Warner Brothers is expecting Wonder Woman to flop. They are trying to minimize the budget of what they haven't already spent

As expected. No surprises here, the teaser lookd like horse shit

>Suicide Squad 2 and the Harley Quin movie are the same project. They are currently looking to cast Poison Ivy

Why the fuck are they doing a sequel to this garbage. Aren't they doing a shit ton of movies already including a solo one for fucking aquaman?

>It is unknown if Jared Letto is coming back after what happened, but the higher ups are currently in full damage control mode. Trying to figure out what the next step would be if Jared is out. Might be a recast, or they might retcon the character and introduce a new joker.

They shud give him another chance desu. He is a decent actor but the script let him down.

>Justice League is planned to have a ~3 hour theatrical cut. It's going to be a very large movie

lol snyder never gonna learn. does he

>Suicide Squad will be getting an ultimate edition just like BvS did. Unknown if they will continue this trend, or save it for films where they specifically have more shot than they need


>Deathstroke is by no means the only villain in the Batman film, as you could probably assume. A lot of news sources are also saying he is the "main" villain which is only half true. While he is going to play the plots antagonist, he is planned to share the same amount of screen time as the joker, assuming Letto is back.

of course, of course

You are an idiot.

BvS made 872 mil GROSS. That means studio gets about 60% of it. Then we have taxes.

Budget is 250 million. Plus the marketing expenses. Plus the value of IP they have leveraged for this movie. BvS is aFLOP

3 hour Justice League HYPED!

some of us can stand a longer runtime because we aren't teens with an autistic attention span

So the inevitable Justice League Ultimate Ultra Uncut Edition is going to be 5 hours long?

Because obviously Snyder can't tell a coherent story within 3 hours either

fuck my dick, shitbird

>Trying to figure out what the next step would be if Jared is out. Might be a recast, or they might retcon the character and introduce a new joker.
At this point it'd be easy as fuck.

The jews did your mom.

>2 movies in and DC is already doing reboots

Just like in the comics.

>some of us can stand a longer runtime because we aren't teens with an autistic attention span

You're more like retards who clap at explosions

They're not stupid enough to let Justice League release in theaters as a 3 hour movie. It'll be 2.5 hours.

They should honestly just give Affleck full creative control of the universe and pay him whatever he wants. Two movies worse than every Marvel movie so far and one movie on par with Thor 2. They're fucking wasting the universe.

Everything OP said is complete bullshit, the only 100% solid legit leak so far is Justice League's entire plot

Essentially darkseid sends steppenwolf down, Justice League getting btfo, Cyborg visits supes' grave, detects faint heartbeat, his father has an artificial sun in his lab, they dip superman in it, he fucks steppenwolf up, only thing we don't know is if he kills steppenwolf or if he manages to escape



Technically there have been 3 movies, it's just that they took 3 years in between Man of Steel and BvS because they had no idea what they were doing.

Ironically the biggest fans of DCEU movies are angsty 13-year-olds and 33-year-olds who never grew out of their edgy phase.

>It's a fake DCEU leaks episodes

Why are they so comfy brahs

Marvel shill pls.

>>Justice League is planned to have a ~3 hour theatrical cut. It's going to be a very large movie
Please, for fuck's sake please, please be true

He just won an Oscar in his previous movie before SS

He's fine

Nu52 is imploding thus Rebirth

blame Dr. Manhattan

>It is unknown if Jared Leto is coming back after what happened
what happened? and why wouldn't he be back? the role breeds money and too much is never enough.

>>Warner Brothers is expecting Wonder Woman to flop. They are trying to minimize the budget of what they haven't already spent

what a surprise

Too much was very clearly too much. Subtlely is a virtue.

Because television and film is for morons.

>Sup Forums math

I forgot you guys were retards

>The DCEU is failed and in damage control mode meme
Most Phase 1 Marvel movies (in particular The Incredible Hulk, Iron Man 2, Thor, Captain America) were worse than BvS. They're doing fine.

Leto's Joker bombing is the best thing that could have happened to the DCEU. Focus on some other villains for once.