Tfw smoking 75 cigarettes a day

>tfw smoking 75 cigarettes a day

anyone here managed to quit smoking?

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how the fuck can you smoke that much?


That's almost a cigarette every ten minutes if you're awake for 14hrs a day, what is wrong with you? Just remember if you become a drain on the healthcare system off yourself and save some taxpayer $$

snoop dogg admits to smoking 81 blunts per day


>Look around for places that give away free gum and patches
>Big Red gum
>Sunflower seeds
>not being a bitch

Try that

my grandma smoked 125 a day for 48 years, only mild emphysema

Quit 10 years ago. No cheats or tricks. You just have to want to quit more than you want to smoke. It's all about commitment.


Im in the process my self.... half a pack a day so i cut back by having a black and mild a day and now ive cut it to half of one... and vaping as gay as it sounds it helps.... only down side is that the gf finds me to be super irritated... im on day 7.... also saunas is a great way to sweat out the nicotine

What a wanker, nice tolerance, feeling nothing but slightly tired 24/7 kek

How the fuck can you smoke that much?
I smoke less than 30 a day and I'm considered a heavy smoker!

I was at around 25-30 cigs a day.
Bought an e-cig, at 6mg nicotine, it's been 2 months now, i've smoked only a cig or two since.

inb4 "vape is a meme"

Not op but any flavors u would recommend? Apple pie is decent but not digging the mango one


you didn't stop smoking
you've just changed your medium of nicotine intoxication

went cold turkey op was a pack a day. hard at first but it gets easier. can't say it ever goes away tho.

Fuck. This SAME EXACT FUCKING THREAD yet again? How many times is this? 250? 500?

I usually take fruity and /or fresh flavors.
Most of my flavors are from some french e-liquid factories.
I got Carnage from Vape Institut, Umami and Absolum by Revolute, Lemon Ice by Alfaliquid. I would recommend finding a flavor shop that allows you to vape freely so you can really try every flavor you want.

Absolutely this. Never goes away completely, especially the habits that you formed around it.

Why the fuck would you need to smoke that many in a day dude? At my worst I was up to a pack and a half. Quit 9 months ago, I feel great

But gums
Nicotex or Kwicknic
Keep one in mouth.
Even when you sleep.
Dont hang out with people who smoke.
Have only your morning, after food, after sex ciggs.
Gradually reduce that too

I agree, but nicotine is not toxic at that dose though.

do you still smoke or something? Why are you mad?

You need to get yourself some niacin/Vitamin B3 supplements.

Your cravings come from the fact that nicotine binds to the same receptors that Vitamin B3 binds to, resulting in a deficiency, and thus the cravings.

Twice. The last was hardest. I used those drugs from the doctor that checks you out so bad you end up committing involuntary suicide, like absently walking into traffic or off a bridge or forgetting to make a corner while driving. I was 2 packs a day, now I drink for fun.

>Why are you mad?

Because it's a SHIT THREAD apparently posted via script over and over and over and over again.

You want to stop smoking? Stop buying cigarettes.

U must be rich

E-cigs DO help but the method for me was getting one to begin with and working myself down.
I went from a pack a day smoker (28 years old and my mother used to buy me smokes + booze as early as 14) to just feeling like I wanted to smoke and it started to be gross; kinda like when you started smoking.
The patch and an e cig is working for me.

Now my mother and grandmother both smoke about 3 cartons a week per person.
That's over $16,000 a year.
To me that's a car payment, house payment hell; after I did the numbers on my 1 pack a day habit plus booze I was spending $20 a day on nothing.
>wish I had bade better decisions.

Lemme just light up a smoke , brb

My uncle died

It may sound stupid, but I have quitted smoking many times. Now I've been without cigarettes for 3 and a half year. Read "Allen Carr's Easy Way To Quit Smoking", it makes quitting much easier and prepares you with a right mindset. After reading this quitting feels good.

>What is an addiction

Fucking retarded cunt

Cringy af kys


try breathing through a straw for a few minutes and see how you would like to have that future. Just about everyone that doesnt stop smoking get some degree of copd.

I watched this everyday to keep me motivated.

Have not smoked in a year now

mind over matter you fuck.
I stopped by fucking stopping.

everytime you feel like having a cigarette, punch yourself in the dick as hard as you can

Just kill yourself. Oh, wait.

you are goig to die soon

>swearing makes my advice cool as well as helpful

Yes, I just stopped smoking cigarettes.
Grow up

Pussy tastes better when you don't smoke.

I quit smoking 2 years ago thanks to vaping. It took me a little while to find the best juice/unit combo but once I did, glad to no longer be smoking.

Yeah, I started vaping. It works.

don't worry. this habit resolve itself soon enough

I smoked for 5 years, started at 12, took me 6 months and high nicotine vape juice, and I quit for 2 years. Got with a bitch who smoked and got hooked again. Almost 2 years back on. 5-10 a day, nowhere near as bad as it was. Just vape a lot, smoke a cigarette if the craving gets bad, and do that every day for 6 months and your cravings will eventually shrink to 0. Lower nicotine accordingly. Don't be a fag about vaping though.

me too user!


Fuck off beta

here's your you faggot

just stop fucking smoking

I quit after 37 years.dont feel better about it.miss them but fuck cigarettes money is for real drugs lesson learned

havent had a smoke since 3am last sunday. aslong as you see smoking as a necessity you wont be able to stop. Its all about mindgames.

You could throw away your lighter and just pretend to be smoking thats how my uncle stopped

I quit cold turkey over 2 years ago, went from 2 packs a day to none. I bought a dugout, and started smoking weed every day, and haven't felt an itch for a cigarette since.

Do you know what helps to quit smoking? Not posting this thread every day you fucking loser.

I remember my friend's mother died of lung cancer, she died drowning in her own blood she vomited all over the place. :( She and her little sister were also around and saw it all, they must have been fucking traumatized. I'm just glad I didn't have to see it.

Not as difficult as people say. I quit about a week ago after about 5 months of smoking around 10 a day, sometimes more. Still have one when I'm drunk but then again so does everyone

just look for ecchi
it will distract you

You posted this yesterday. Just see a doctor and they will help you. Professional help is the best way to quit ;).

Post by :
~~ 4ppl3P13-chan aka. !rzm3o0us8E ~~
- The kawaiiest

Everyone on this stupid shit is a liar

what the fuck

what fresh hell is this crap?

LMAO this loser trying to make a lame forum signature.

thread derailed by autism

This is bollocks, nicotine is metabolised in the liver so you could sweat 100 litres and it would make zero difference.


Kek fuck yeah

Trust me, after twenty-five years of smoking sixty a day it's a little bit different to your trialling smoking for a few weeks.

Stop smoking when you're drunk or you'll end up smoking all the time, for real, not just ten a day for a couple months. It becomes a habit real fast once you start enjoying it with beer.

this. Nicotine also leaves the body fast, sweating wouldn't do much, but I think it helps clean the pores out of whatever shit has accumulated in them.

Mainly we swapped 2000+ unknown chemicals for three known ones and some food flavouring. Technically what we are doing is atomising a liquid cloud which we then exhale. Because there is no combustion, there is no smoke, and no carbon. The PG used is the same grade used by hospitals and companies in their AC systems to stop Legionella. The vegetable glycerin is the same used as a base for cough syrup, not to mention their many other uses.

Vaping may be a meme to you, but it's been 3 years since I've smoked a cigarette. I've replaced smoking with something superior, with more versatility, better taste and none of the stink.

I never intended to stop smoking it was just how it happened for me. I'd rather tailor my throat hit, flavour and cloud by playing with equipment and making juice than smoke a cigarette now. It's smoking for hobbyist geeks.

I'm pretty famous within the vaping community, AMA.

Anyone smoke cigars?

Enjoying a Castaneda Ecuador Belicoso

how does one become famous within the vaping community?

I didn't know there was a community that likes dick in their mouths. oh wait >>LGBT

His breath must smell like shit 24/7

I'd rather die painfully of lung cancer than being a mouth fedora faggot tbh

My two favorites are Fuente Natural Double Chateau, and Gran Habano #1 Connecticut. Haven't had the money for a cigar in months though.


>No longer inhaling combustion byproducts of burning tobacco
Actually, he did stop smoking.

How do you guys get rid of/prevent yellow stains on your finger/nails?

Look pretty good. I'll toss em in my cart next time I order some sticks or if I catch them at a B&M

Sorry to hear the shortage of cigar funds. I found a deal for cigar international that has a 10 smoke sampler + humidor for $25 shipped. Just Google "cigar international #451 $19.99" and find the coupon

I'll consider it for the nice little humidor and the cheap smokes but I had to laugh at "The whole package is worth $160!".

Yeah. It's not a bad pick up for $25 but $160 is LOL.

>be me
>smoke two packs a day for twenty years
>get tired of it one day
>quit cold turkey
>been two years since I quit
Just stop smoking them. Are you that big a pussy that you have to make excuses for not quitting?

>oh... Its just so hatd
>people compare it to quitting heroin, ive never done heroin but Im gonna use that excuse for not even trying to quit
>m-muh cravings

Just dont pick up a cigarette, you weak willed cucks


I've been quit for a week.

yes. i quitted and its a question of wanting and sense.
smoking is a ape sitting on your shoulders and you feed him.
think about beer, sweets, weed,... you do this all the time? if not, aks yourself why is it so?
this maybe helps.

>"I've been quit for a week"

I've gone to vaping.

Everyone's body is different. It's usually less about the cravings and more about the anxiety, sweating, nausea, insomnia, etc.

>Everyone's body is different
Another excuse.

I listened to audio book and stopped after 10 years smoking. it was book by allen carr

I highly doubt you actually smoked that much. But anyway I almost have a year without cigarettes. 1st couple days are horrible. Gets better everyday. I stopped cold turkey, felt that was the best way.

Quit cold turkey and cravings for them were bad for two weeks, after that cravings went away

I took 3 hits of LSD one night. A commercial came on, and it was this lady with a trachea hole in her neck and an external voicebox talking about smoking. Shit fucked with me so much that it made me sick if I tried to light one. It's been 3 years and I still haven't even thought about smoking. The LSD made me aware that I was decreasing my quality of life by smoking. I smoked for 5 years before quitting. Several failed attempts. I tried Chantix.

I'm telling ya, acid.

I smoked 30 cigarettes a day, for about 20 years. I quit by using Chantix, and am on 7 months. Because i have mental health/emotional problems, quitting so suddenly sort of fucked me up but i'm on meds and coming around.

But honestly i can't believe i quit.

i dont smoke and you still gave me cancer ffs

if you really want to finally quit the sooner or later you have to stop it. so why waiting? im ok with get over it with something else but ...

except when your fucking tank leaks all over the place. but that's literally the only downside. well that, and running out of batts.