Reminder that the books and comics are just as important to the star wars universe as the movies are

Reminder that the books and comics are just as important to the star wars universe as the movies are

Nice b8 thread

No bait here, just posting my controversial opinion in an effort to spark a discussion

Aren't the books terrible?

Most based grand Admiral the empire ever had.

Some of them, sure.

Depends on the author. Pic related is both canon, important to continuity, and just in general a good book

I'll believe you if Episode VIII heavily uses and references content from the books and comics.

Already pretty much confirmed.

The force tree that everyone has been talking about has already been introduced in a comic, and we have already gotten introduced to The Knights of Ren in the books. I don't know why nobody ever talks about this because it puts great insight into what is to come in 8 and 9

You're not wrong but I can see why Disney scraped canon, their trying to make their own story arch which will include books and comics, better to start fresh then pick up where it was left off their doing a shit job tho

The Knights of Ren chapter in Life Debt is great. As much as I dispise the author and his style of writing, he is fantastic at creating small short stories like that one.

>People running around in masks with sticks painted red shouting "VADER LIVES"
Got me more hyped for VIII than I ever thought that book would

Cause the new EU is fucking SHIT and flatlining already and they only brought Thrawn back to increase sales again.

Thrawn has been planned to come back since 2014. Confirmed by story group

>buying the second Cuck Wendig book
fool me once jews


Weeeeeeeeeeeew lad. Fuck no. I torented the audiobook

good on ya


Literally what is wrong with the new Canon

overuses "muh oppression" but at least is isn't Aftermath.

Best book coming through

Forgot picture like some sort of retard

Are the authors contractually obligated to include mentions of deviant sexuality, racemixing and/or empowered women? seems like they all have a checklist of things to include.


They were, but they were declared Non-canon leading up to when TFA came out.

Didn't they make most of the EU non canon?


>creating lore for childish family movies

Grow up

>stop liking things I don't like

Grow up

They rebooted it to make room for the movies. All Eu stuff before 2014 with mi or exceptions were deemed a separate continuity than the movies. Everything 2014 forward is canon and shares a universe with the films

Because it's highly suspicious how each book has one or two characters where the writer takes a page or more to describe exactly what shade of brown this chick's skin is.

Literally underaged plebbitor: the post.

Authors and publishing companies are just overwhelmingly liberal. It's why there are SO many young adult books about strong female characters

Yeah, the sort of retard who likes TFA.

>Authors and publishing companies
You mean Disney.

Disney produces our children's entertainment, of course they're going to push an agenda. It'd be stupid of them NOT to brainwash the new generation.

Only if you're a fat autist who spends his days writing Wookiepedia articles the length of novels

No. Well, maybe. But that doesn't matter because even if they weren't the books wouldn't change.

I want to see Mara Jade in Rogue One.

That would be a terrible place to introduce her


Reminder that the star wars universe isn't important.

There's no such thing as lore

The movies are just movies. The video games are just video games

Books are all bad. They're just another set of movies, another setting for action video games. There's nothing special about star wars, at least not anymore

reading is for faggots

>What are audiobooks

I'm actually really surprised how great the audio books are.
>Voice acting

It's like a fucking movie


It's just a matter of time before Trioculus makes a comeback