Man of Steel Sequel Director

Joseph Kosinski. Early September announcement.

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Never heard of him. Is he kino?

man they've really fucked up their movie order kek

>Joseph Kosinski
Is this confirmed? Any sources?

>muh marvel


He directed Oblivion and Tron so he does have some visual flair.

You tell me.

>No Snyder

Into the Trash it goes

Snyder should be in the trash tbqhwy

Oblivion was great and Tron Legacy at least looked great.

I'd be a DC fan if I had to pick one, but they really did fuck up the order of their films. You don't make a Batman + Superman movie to lead into movies like fucking Wonder Woman and Aquaman. I woulda done it Solo Bats, WW, Solo Supes, Flash, BvS, Aquaman, GL, JL. Fuck Cyborg, Aquaman is a stretch already.

oh great, another music video director that knows where to place the camera but has no idea what to do with the rest. that's exactly what dc was lacking.

>every super hero franchise HAS to follow marvels formula or else it's BAD
Pull the trigger my man

Well, at least he lacks Snyder's pretentiousness. The DCEU is a fucking trainwreck and I don't think WB will be able to salvage it but at least they're finally giving Snyder the boot.


They would if they hired based NOLAN

it was in the trash already

Not that user but you're the one who should pull the trigger. There's no denying that WB are rushing into things. Batman v Superman is a bloated mess that spends a lot of time establishing characters and setting up stuff. If they had done a couple of origin movies before BvS then BvS wouldn't be so bloated.

Nah pull the trigger my man. I enjoy it don't really care what the majority whines about. The other movies are comin bud get nice and comfy

The problem is there's no way Nolan will ever do capeshit again.

I was just thinking about him. He's one of the best visual directors alive.

this isn't actually the worst possibility.

was hoping for snyder though

If true. Visually hes not a bad choice. Oblivion looked really cool. Hopefully they keep the same tone as the first MoS.

Fuck you.
I REALLY want this now.

> kys

This is an 18+ board

Tron and oblivion were mediocre movies, good visuals, but that's about it. The story and characters in those 2 were awful

>implying it won't be F.U.N.

Then why are you here?

hey how come snyder isn't directing it

tired of the green splat

Another Snyder. Warner Bros doesn't learn.

So he's an infinitely better director than Snyder?

Sup Forums help me
who do I listen to

this, they need to start hiring TV directors to copy the bland aesthetic of marvel

They need to hire someone who's good at visuals AND writing.

he's much better than Snyder. okay storyteller, ace visuals. like Snyder he was a commercial director before movies.

>I enjoy it so the rest of you should an hero

Nah, fuck you. I hate you and I hate your family. Please get off my board.

I don't think that everyone has to like the movies I like. But I also don't like you. And neither does no one else.

BvS blew. You blow. Your mom blew me.

Hope it's a swift end. Or not. Actually yeah, I kinda hope you have to fire twice. Kek.

so does marvel

I completely agree. The Winter Solider was surprisingly good but besides that Marvel has been too formulaic for too long. They should hire an auteur who can add some uniqueness to one of their movies but that will probably never happen since the current formula is making tons of money.

literally anyone is an upgrade from snyder

>the rest of you
I agree with that guy. Not about the blow your brains out bit though.

MoS and BvS UE were great though.

(not true, by the way)

True but I wish they would hire someone who can fucking write. It looks like Geoff Johns is gonna end up writing all of these movies and he's a hack.
MoS was a 5/10 at best, I haven't seen BvS.
Go away, Scaruffi.

>MoS was a 5/10 at best
wow, i want to see what your 10/10s are then.

Sorry, why did you reply to me?


He's a mediocre director.

Snyder is a shit director.

So while he is yet another visuals guy, he's not 100% braindead when it comes to instructing actors to actually give into emotions.

Oblivion is true sci fi Kino. Tron was decent.

Oblivion was tonally similar to MoS so I have my hopes.

>Oblivion was tonally similar to MoS so I have my hopes.
I thought this too!

user, I want to know why.

Tron was a beautiful movie.

The script was pretty sub-par and single handedly killed the franchise.

Agreed. It should have just had less dialogue in general. Still top comfycore though.

Snyder not directing. Not even going to bother watching.

source please?

Honestly I wanted Snyder too. But Kosinski or Brad Bird? (whoever did John Carter) are the only other acceptable choices.

Or Malick, but that's s unlikely that it hurts to even dream about.

Lol, oblivion was mediocre as fuck. Good visuals, but that's about it, mediocre script and characters
It's average sci fi movie

>based Kosinski doing capeshit instead of Tron3

Truly this is the darkest timeline.


no snyder no kino

But Superman is one of the few capeshitters who lends himself to more artistic films.

No Snyder then I have no interest in capeshit

exactly. Nolan and Snyder have raised the bar for what capeshit should be but without them im afraid what they will be like.

you cant count on marvel for making anything good

>raised the bar for capeshit

>not a faggot

The Silence of the Lambs
Taxi Driver
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
John Carpenter's The Thing
David Cronenberg's The Fly
Blade Runner (the final cut)
Mad Max 2 The Road Warrior
A Simple Plan

Post some of your 10/10s.

>most of those

not that guy but

The Thin Red Line
THX 1138

forgot to add
Star Trek: The Motion Picture

Need to see.
>The Thin Red Line
Can't argue with that although I would give it a 9/10.
Can't argue.
>THX 1138
Need to see
>Star Trek: The Motion Picture
The theatrical cut or the director's cut? Anyway, it's good but I think far from perfection. Although I haven't seen it in many years.

>The theatrical cut or the director's cut?
The director's cut isn't on Blu Ray so I haven't seen it.
Is it better?
I know it has new special effects or something.

I think the cut I saw many years ago was the theatrical cut so I can't comment on the director's cut. I've heard people say the director's cut is better though.

This is pretty cool if it's true. I've stubbornly defended Tron Legacy more than once.