Which Celebrity death hit you the hardest?

Which Celebrity death hit you the hardest?

This one.

Cried for days. Never cried so much for anything or anyone else in my life. I didn't even consider myself a fan.

I just grew up and remembered when his movies came out.

Fucked me up for a week.


I still get sad when I think of Brittany Murphy.



Terry Pratchett. He died on my birthday.

I hope Nation gets a movie adaptation some day. It'd work much better as a movie than the books they have adapted.

Satoru Iwata. I'm only here for the shitposts

Mitch Hedburg.


He knew how to act. A real pro. Too bad he didn't have time to break the kid's neck.

George Carlin and Rickman

This one. Only time I actually cared about a celebrity death.

Him and Leslie. Quintessential comedy actors for any nineties kid.

I came home from church and my Mom told he had killed himself, I just sat down on the floor and cried like a little baby.

I'm a bong and the news of steve irwin was the most shocking to me. Despite his job.

Geezer was a legend.

How did he kill himself user?

i came from november 2016 and i was crushed when i heard about him

It's been 15 years and I'm still bummed when I think about it.


me too r kelly


Gene wilder

RIP Terrorist

John candys fucked me up as a kid. I still tear up when watchig planes trains and automobiles

Phillip Seymour Hoffman. It was even worse with the scandal surrounding it. And his shit, shit last movie.

Also David Attenborough.

I love aliyah i still wanna rock her boat

who else is a great pop comedy actor?
Other than Jim Carry


Fuck Robin Williams he stank on ice

had to take the rest of the day off work after hearing the news. couldn't hold it in

This guy

This really hit me but honestly im ok with it
If he didnt die we wouldnt have blackstar

youre a faggot please join him

You got it OP. My dad wasn't around when I was growing up and I used to watch shit like Patch Adams and Dead Poets Society and pretend like Robin was my dad. My actual dad died a year ago and I honestly think that Robin's death hit me harder.

Remember #aaliyahsairplaneplaylist?

it will hurt so much

I have a feeling that in 20ish years, Bruce's death will trigger my midlife crisis.

Robin Williams easily. He's the only one I actually mourned. Don't think I cried tho except maybe while watching video tributes.

Leonard Nimoy was bad too but he's so old and I knew how sick h was Robin Williams was a surprise and the fact it was suicide made it worse I'll never forget when it came on the radio the whole room went silent and everyone was gutted all day.

Arnold will be bad. Shatner too but I think Patrick Stewart will be the worst.

>cried for a week
>had to take time off work

You are all so fucking pathetic.

I still remember when I found out. I was a day late as I'd been out in a desert when it happened.

That fucking tweet.

>tfw David Attenborough will die

So far Robin Williams hit me the hardest

I know it's edgy as fuck but when I found out Robin Williams had actually killed himself I didn't feel sad any more.

I just don't feel anything when it's self inflicted. I know, it's depression, all that. Doesn't change my lack of emotion over it.