First thought when seeing this

First thought when seeing this

Other urls found in this thread:

>tfw you cant hit more than 3 people even tho you fired over 50 rounds with a Mossberg

shitty art and the most maximum levels of autism.


Uh, the girl closed the wrong eye.

pathetic, heartless loser

pretty much what would happen if the beta uprising actually became a thing


Retarded antifa faggots

A shooting

lets just be glad this fag went ghost

I keked, this shit was too funny my dude

the physical embodiment of edge

i downloaded 125 gigabytes of this dude's cringy videos

Anybody got a link?

The video is beautiful. I just watched it for the first time yesterday and was genuinely moved. I laughed. I cried.

this so much. what a dumb spastic he was.

Knockoff Danny Phantom

Also, what is this?

wish this guy wasn't a pony faggot, had learned how to properly hold and shoot his shotgun, and wasn't a wannabe ghost tranny... if he fixed those issues and was just some edgy as fuck loser looking to kill a bunch of people and die to be with his edgy cartoon ghost waifu I'd like this guy a lot more, he'd be /ourguy/ material

I really liked the start of his little video and the subsequent stuff where he's like "GO GO GO" and his little excitable ghost girlfriend is all hyped up to kill people, was cute


Laughed myself half to death when I read it

that one kid who wanted to shoot up a grocery store

Who is the picture representing? Some schoolshooters or some shit?

so glad this faggot died before he did danny phantom crossed with my little pony "art" god this guy needed help in badly, maybe if he went through with meds and therapy they could have helped him through his "im a total fucking bitch and i want to be a woman" phase.

some faggot who shot up a supermarket because he liked a character from danny phantom

What video link? Name of person? What did they do???

For all of you who don't know about what happened

What. Is. This.
Also, I like this guy. He's pretty good.

It really is worth it researching everything you can about Randy Stair. Such a fucking weirdo

guy who can't hit a water jug from 5ft away

Faggot who can't even hit more than three people with 50+ rounds

>aiming with a shotgun

Childrens cartoon

Nah, talking about the commentator, he's pretty good.


I know right?

That too


Holy shit! This guy could have been normal! He could have been normal! All because he didn't get attention, the world we've descended into!

what's up with all those columbine and going ghost threads lately?



failed youtuber who got mad because people didnt want to help animate his Danny Phantom fanfic so he shot up the grocery store he worked at then killed himself.

The stock is also going into her elbow pit.

That's extremely incorrect you fag. He had planned the shooting for over a year. The last video was supposed to be his Magnum Opus, but the animators didn't contribute. He would've shot up the place either way. That was the point of the fucking video.

No wonder the fag couldn't hit anybody. Obviously clueless about weapons

Impressive, I've never seen someone shoot like that.
