ITT: Character who literally did nothing wrong

>wanted to unleash hell on earth so humanity could be properly tested
>said those who survived would be worthy of their place in Heaven
>wanted humanity to actually earn God's love for once
>survival of the fucking fittest

Find a single flaw with this argument.

You can't.

The only reason you would be against this idea is if you were exactly the kind of freeloader who doesn't deserve God's divine love.

Gabriel was right.

The flaw is that it wasn't God's plan and Gabe got blown the fuck out for it.

It is in God's plan, movie was propaganda not real life.

God is 100% on board this idea.

It's actually his idea.

no it isn't

gabriel was a retard who doesnt understand the idea of unconditional love

It wasn't God's idea, that's why God resurrected Constantine and told Lucifer to fuck off

Her and Stormare as Satan are some of the best casting choices of the history of cinema.

Too bad we didn't see more of Lucifer in that movie. I guess a sequal is out of the question aswell.

God didn't resurrect him, he just sent him to heaven. Lucifer is the one who healed his lungs and wrists to get another shot at his soul in the future

How can it be his idea if he's not real checkm9

It could. We're getting Dredd 2 after all so why not this?

>no movie name
Kill yourself.

that film had the perfect actors for every single role

She never stepped on my dick. Pretty big flaw there.

>we're getting dread 2
please don't play with my emotions like that, user

Not even joking. Enough of us bitched and moan hard until someone said yes to the idea.

GabeIDF pls go

>so humanity could be properly tested
>properly tested
>worthy of place

why did humanity need testing? why does gabriel think he has the right to test it? what is proper test? what was, if there was, an improper test? why does humanity need to justify itself? why does it need to justify itself to fucking gabriel?

fuck this cunt

>goes against God
>loses her angel status

That's proof right there she was wrong. Because God is right.

It's a Sup Forums posts the most horrific characters in the history of movies and claims they did nothing wrong episode

>not using meme arrows

This guy gets it.

At least I didn't forget to post the picture for once.

The flaw is that this is not God's plan. Never shit in your boss' aquarium.

(S)he was fucking stupid.

(S)he had the best costume ever

>mfw her foot in Keanus face

more like never try to raise your mates kids when you dont have any of your own

Do I even need to explain, considering most people on Sup Forums are already onboard with the idea that he did nothing wrong?

>Turns a dying, corrupt, immoral republic into a powerful and secure galactic empire with a hierarchy no longer based on an ineffective bureaucracy
>Purges child-brainwashing cult-like religious fanatics from the inner circle of the galactic government after they draw first blood through a failed coup against a democratically elected leader in a vain effort to secure their jealous stranglehold on the politics of the republic and in order to secure their unjust denominational hegemony on the force as a whole
>Coordinates (((banking clans))) and corrupt (((trade federations))) to totally destroy them once and for all
>Restores order to the galaxy
>Promotes a largely non-dogmatic view of the force, instead of the psychologically oppressive and ruthlessly closed-minded view of the Jedi. Promotes the idea of love and family over the doctrines of chastity and draconian lifelong servitude.
>Raises and acts as a father figure to a deeply troubled young Jedi, only for said Jedi to be ambushed, horrifically burned, and forever maimed at the hands of a Jedi master for being an apostate

>Eventually assassinated, and the galaxy is once again plunged back into the darkness and unforgiving chaos that he spent his life and rule keeping at bay.

Well for starters, god and abel aren't real. so there's that.

>you'll never softly but passionately rape her.

>not sting as constantine

Gabriel legitimately made me hard as diamonds. Am I going to hell?

>If God is all powerful then he can't be all good and if he's all good then he can't be all powerful

God was actually the villain all along