Tfw smoking 75 cigarettes a day

>tfw smoking 75 cigarettes a day

anyone here managed to quit smoking?

I reckon i could hit 100. If you smoke enough for your body to adapt to it you negate most of the ill effects

i have. quit when my daughter was born. i didn't want her exposed to it. just have to want it bad enough.

i smoke 76 a day, goml OP

who the fuck counts how many they smoke aday

3 packs a day at 25 in each pack is 75, pretty simple math

This stupid fucking thread gets reposted 75 times a day.

Fucking annoying cancer script posts.

only 2 a day here, been cutting down alot

What kind do you smoke?

I see what you did there

just lookk for ecchi
it will distract you

why quit? if you're going to get cancer you'll get it whether you smoke or not.

if i'm stuck on this rock floating through space with a bunch of libtards and muslims that want me dead, i'm sure as fuck going to smoke cigarettes in the meantime.

That's what I was having by the time I quit. Anywhere from 2-5 a day but quit with vaping as faggy as it is.

Muslim libtard here, because you accelerate your risk of cancer, edgelord dragonking.

That's retarded, you are retarded

John player standard king size

>getting addicted to nicotine
>getting addicted to any drug

I can smoke like 50 cigarettes when I go out drinking and then stop smoking for years at a time. Weed does literally nothing to me either except giving me the munchies.

git gud

Lots of times. It's easy.
Staying off is hard.
I put on about 15lbs in the first month when I finally quit. Food just tasted so good.

>75 a day
Damn I feel so much better about my pack a day.

I quit because by laziness is stronger than any addiction I ever had. most I smoked was a pack a day though.

to be fair, I quit 3 times. always for like 3-5 months. then I returned because why the fuck not. you are going to die anyways, might as well do what you enjoy

tbh I envy you. doesnt matter if I smoke or eat 1 or 5 meals a day. skinny as fuck. might change latter, I know

Smoking cigarettes that come in packs of 25. You should move to the free world. We have a normal quantity of 20 in each pack for your convenience.

Addiction is a disease caused by something other than exposure to the substance. The brain needs its baseline dopamine saturation to not be in distress(read: withdrawals). You're probably addicted to the higher dopamine levels but you transfer it from substance to substance.

Canada isnt free world?

nigga you're saying he should be getting less per pack?

Legitimate response but start vaping, do your self some research, get something other than the cheap shit pen that doesn't work and get some juice with nicotine, I was on 25 a day, now 1 or 2 a week

QUality over quantity though nigga

dude never mentioned what fags he smokes how do you know they're not good

I don't take anything else

Unless gym addiction counts

Because they don't come in 20's so they're probably compensating somewhere.

No, Canada isn't the free world. Stinky French fucks. Any country that isn't America is a Soviet Cuck. Canada is a communist nation.

You can quit when you die OP.

I smoke john player standard king size they're 12.50 a pack of 25, they aren't shitty cheap smokes

That's exactly what I'm saying. It's been scientifically proven that those extra 5, no matter how many packs you smoke, are what causes cancer. That's why only the people who import their cigarettes in the U.S. GET CANCER. Morons.

Actually gym addiction really might. Or shopping. Or watching people die on the internet. Whatever jollies your roger really. It all comes down to dopamine.

if he likes them, then he likes them I guess

Wrong. That's precisely what they are. Gross.

All cigarettes are fucking nasty


Goddamn OP, most I ever smoked was a pack a night. How is your throat?

I quit for the money.
10$ per day
And it's gross.
Gained 5lbs then lost it again

You must be one of those canadiancucks I've been hearing about. You're nasty, bitch

still smoking shitty tobacco? Just Stop.
Go through the anger stage for 3 days in a row going cold turkey, on the 4th day you run until you can't breath. Go to a sauna, eat a lot of food, but trail mix. REPEAT, after a week get a vaporizer pen with 6 milligrams of nicotine or less. Working out, eating healthy, drinking coffee and smoking weed are all really great ways to evade smoking tomacco. After a couple of months start cutting things out but never exercise and a proper diet. Drink lots of water, all day, every day.
Help yourself.

Don't bother bro. You probably have some mini cancers growing already.

hi sir what you said just made me laugh. what's a dragon king


this shit worked in 2 days.

>buy dohka online
>will need medwak cause were not basic
>i suggest ak47 or mp3 to start they are such good flavors with an uncontrollable buzz

>its super harsh but if you can replace the buzz youll be off cigs in a flash

Never started
Honestly how do people even start? It seems harsh, smells bad, and only gives you a buzz.

so you stopped smoking by replacing it with smoking?

That's almost 1200 per month!


>Don't smoke when you want to smoke.
>If you smoke, don't want to smoke.

This old shit again

You again faggot?

i've managed to take a break for a couple years at a time, but i always come back. currently smoking now, started in february after a year long break.

Quit chewing, used to go through a little over 1 can a day for about 6 years. Its been 3 weeks first 2 weeks were the hardest. Now i feel like im in control as long as I dont go by anyone who is dipping i think ill be fine


yea nigger.

I used to smoke a half a pack a day.

now I rip dohka like 2 or 3 times a day if that.

>tastes better
>has way better flavor than cigs
>a half ounce of dohka is 15$

why are you not smoking dohka Sup Forumsros?


go make an account on and start collecting dohka dollars just like me

what the fuck is this? advertising?
no one wants your arabic tobacco.

$12 for a pack of cigarettes? And you smoke 3 packs a day? You must make a fortune.

probably gonna switch to e-cig, cause I can't stop the addiction of inhaling and exhaling
plus in france packs of 20 are gonna be 10e

i quit 10 months ago. this is my third attempt, my last two were for no more than 3 months. i used the 5 day plan to stop smoking, works really well. i also used an app to tell me how much money i save and how much cigarettes i havent smoked, there is also a community chat that helps knowing youre not alone. i also stopped drinking coffee and alchohol at the same time, at least for the next couple of months, that worked really well too.

Smoked 20 ish a day for 20 years, stopped 18 month ago because my gums were receding which is apparently a thing for many smokers as they get older, the first month was a cunt but after that it was OK, now I don't even think about it. Just have a plan to control the fucking weight gain, that pissed me right off. Do it cold turkey, no one looks good with a vape stick.

quit a few yrs ago. first quit buying cigs, bought cigars instead, and quit smoking in the house.

maybe smoked a cigar a day for a while, then found myself smoking one or two a week. then i was down to one or two a month, now i don't remember the last one i had.

funny thing is i wasn't trying to quit cigars.