My girlfriend wants to have sex more than me

My girlfriend wants to have sex more than me.
A lot more

We fuck every morning. We fuck as soon as I get home from work. She sucks my dick after dinner. Some times that leads to sex. We fuck when we go to bed. Usually twice. Sometimes three times. I often wake up ~3am to discover her riding me while I'm sleeping. Occasionally, we go camping on the weekends and take a bunch of MDMA and fuck all day.

My girlfriend is a nymphomaniac. It was great at first, but now... not so much. We've been together for 8 months and she moved into my apartment 2 months ago.

I'm physically exhausted. Keeping her satisfied is like a second full time job. I'm actually thinking about breaking up with her over it. All we do is fuck and watch TV.

What do?

She will cheat on you, idiot.

Find a way to make sex more painful for her. not to actually hurt her just to make her sore so she wants to wait a little longer between sexy times. you are welcome.

Give her to me since you can't handle it

break up with her and sent me her facebook or instagram i can fuck her everyday



I agree with this user, I'll also be your bull for you you cuck.

get her a god damn vibrating dildo and a sybian machine. tell her to go make money on the internet camwhoring.

use your brain. make it rain $$$.

Post more of her

Sounds annoying, just dump her user. Being single is amazing, you can come home after work and just start getting drunk instead of sex and blowjobs

Post her nudes

Bondage. Introduce her to BDSM and lock her up in a chastity cage.


I'll trade you my wife for your girlfriend

I'm lucky at once a month at best. And before anyone claims "omfg she cheatin!" we work at the same place and drive everywhere together. There is literally no time when we are apart except for if she goes to the grocery store and returns with food...

She just has zero libido.


This your gf, OP?

kill her

Why the shit did you get married?

She's a cuty

She is attractive, smart, cooks, works, and puts up with my bullshit. Like seriously, A+ wife material in every category except one

she probably has already


This guy knows what's up

Find way to boost your testosterone, then your sex drive will increase and you won't be such a little bitch about the whole situation

buy her a HUGE black dildo and fuck her little cunt sore so she stops whining for more. Also, fuck her from behind more real good, pull her hair. exhaust the fuck out of her. i do that to my 18yo gf too, works like a charm.

I agree


In literally the most important aspect you mean? Any fool can buy a cookbook and learn how to cook.. and as for putting up with bullshit, if you don't have a wife or gf, then this isn't an issue.. You should definitely get your balls back and put your foot down and say the sex life is not how you imagined it

Lucky bastard. LMAO. Seriously, are you fapping to porn too and trying to keep up with her? I'm guilty of that and have fucked up a fucklationship because of that. It's insane I know. Even when I am getting pussy I must fap to some porn. Evil porn...

Welp. Back to the trap threads.

Pay a black man to help you out with her needs.

Now Sup Forums can go back to being shit.

This is why we can't have nice things.

Sup Forums was interesting for 30 seconds today. There's always some faggot who ruins it.

Dude, I hear you. My milf is a nymph, she wants it way more than i do. She's a fuckin pro fuck mind you and she'll do anything I want, big tits and nipples, tight little ass, size 6, 43. Some mature women will tear you up son

>"I often wake up ~3am to discover her riding me while I'm sleeping."

I don't know why I laughed so hard I started sneezing.

You're together 24/7. I wouldn't want to fuck you either. Spend time apart. Daily