I wish he was my dad

I wish he was my dad

Why whats your real dad like?

Dude was the only good character in the show
Well done harbour

Steve was pretty based

>mfw I realise he is the character whos development is punching people.


Nigga if he was your dad you'd be already dead


I wish he was my son

I wish I was dead

I wish he was my DADDY

This. God yes.

Benny too, if he had survived ;_;


You don't want an alcoholic father

I cried like a bitch during his flashback scenes in episode 8, they were generic as fuck but they somehow hit me hard... ;__;

I wish he was my daddy to, user ;)

>ywn get topped by Chief Hopper

I wish I had a dad

You'd be dead if he was.

i wish i knew who my dad was

I want to sit on his face

I wish I knew what a dad is

Not bad, but I'd still take Benny over him.

It was a fucking crime to kill him off so soon.

i want to be double teamed by him and Hop.

Or at least younger brother

I wish I was my dad

>Officer Van Houser!
>Goooood evening...

If anyone didn't know/realise he was also in Suicide Squad.


I think 011 is his daughter and the CIA niggers faked her death.

He was a DnD character who tried to make speech rolls, kept failing, resorted to beating people up before finally making a natural 20 roll against the lab people.

11's already been virtually confirmed to be the daughter of that crazy chick

>Dude was the only good character in the show

The majority of the characters were good nigga. How about you calm your mantits.


They waited a while before doing it. Most shows and movies throw that shit in early before you even give a shit about the character.

I wish he was my bff

In 6 hours we will all face the horrible conundrum of whether or not it is worth it to suffer through Jimmy Fallon in order to get a reunion of Finn and Millie.

>tfw Blood Father Mel is disturbingly close to what your dad's actually like

iktf, user


your butt fuck friend?

>tfw no truck-stop diner daddy

;_; precious teddy bear

I wish I was my own grandpa

I wish i was my dad's real son