Celebs cont

Celebs cont.

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Evening/afternoon all

G is 18 and looks younger than her. She won't age well.

Have you seen her tits though?


Im back, hello.


You trying to start a waifu war?

Not really. Kenzie will age amazingly




so fake



What gave it away, the filename?

14 yo fucking sicko

Yup she's gonna get a nice handful of succulent tits, just looking forward to it is hot

You have to be good looking in the first place to age well, you twat.

OP who is that?


>Alexa will never give me the stinkface
I want to die



Oy. Watch it
He livin



M-My m-mistress Victoria Justice i-is a very b-beautiful woman a-and I-I'm s-such a lucky m-man... P-Please don't hate o-on me...

Step up your game user

How was last few months? Did I miss something interesting?


I'm not thinking about anything now user but when she becomes 18... god damn is she gonna get drenched in cum

do me a favor and make sure to only post the same fucking 12 photos that you do in every thread please

I-I know I-I d-don't d-deserve t-to have h-her and she sh-should b-be with an a-alpha i-instead o-of m-me b-but there's n-nothing w-we c-can d-do about i-it...

You are talking to the wrong person buddy

Nothing new besides Amanda seyfried sucking dick and some wrestling bitches.



She p-probably n-needs a-a real m-man who w-will a-actually p-protect h-her p-properly... I-I w-would m-much r-rather r-run a-away f-from any r-real t-trouble i-instead o-of trying t-t-to be a-an alpha buster and p-play the strong m-man f-for her s-sake...

She is.

No, nothing really.
Watch your mouth!



I-If y-you're a-an alpha then I-I b-beg y-you n-not t-to bother u-us b-because w-we h-have n-no r-real d-defense against y-you... W-We a-are both c-condemned t-to live i-in p-panties f-for the r-rest o-of our l-lives, c-courage-less, scared and y-yellow...



Can't debate her beauty

I haven't even said anything bad...

She needs to wear tight shit way more often.

I wish she wore her hair like this a bit longer

Yeah, if you're going to post a 14 year old, at least make it Sophia.


Please d-don't expect an-any r-resistance f-from p-panty-clad V-Vic o-or m-me, h-her weakling and s-sweaty m-manlet, should y-you b-be l-lucky e-enough t-to catch u-up w-with u-us when w-we a-are o-out and about... Half th-the t-time I-I'm scared , t-trying t-to avoid th-the strong m-men, c-carting a-around o-one o-of the b-biggest m-men-magnets i-in the w-world, b-beautiful Vic...

That's a horrible hair cut are you insane?

yeah i thought it was really hot too. my buddy's gf has the same cut and I cant help but stare

>god damn is she gonna get drenched in cum
Nothing bad he says.


don't like what I don't like!

That's nothing bad, that's hot, imagining cuties drenched in cum is hot

post her on a 18+ image board then you get what you get. dipshit

Usually hate the side shaven look, but turns out when you aren't an unwashed tumblrina or hardcore dyke you can make it work.


No it isn't.
I never said I'm surprised. And insults are useless to me.

>tfw Dormer will never dress up as your little slut to use.

what's the right girls name

The day Selena nudes are leaked will probably be the happiest day of my life

is 18. pic was taken when she was 14

Massively underrated. She is pure sex.

So you haven't imagined any girls drenched in cum? Their faces dripping with it?


Genevieve Hannelius

Such a fucking cutie





No she took it the other day.


I have. But not Kenzie's...


Don't you think she has a cute face for it?

Too right


Muh dik.

Oh god g...let me lick the inside of those shoes

I don't think about that...

hey stutterbro

That face ugh, way too cute. She would definitely be one to cover in cum Why not? Who else are you thinking about, when you think about cuties covered in cum

She made that little gap under her left sole on purpose


who is that?


Can you imagine the taste? I bet it's damp and sweaty, probably a little wet too. Hnnnnnnngg

Not her...

All Hail Queen Selena

Oh I know man. some anons have been catching on to Nina lately though. nice dubs btw

It's called footpussy user

Oh fuck...
