Post collections that you have

Post collections that you have

That's fuckig creepy.

what are the round things


It opens up into a wide circular lip balm/chap stick thing.


oh.. gay

i thought i was the only one

bump. I don't collect anything because I'm not a faggot but I want to see what anons fill up their miserable existences with.

I collect old folding bicycles. I have a out 30

except for edge

I collect bullet cartridges.


We're all edge lords in our own way



i collect musical instruments, mainly guitars/amps. i dont feel like hopping onto my other computer to get pics though

why collect stamps?

I collect pictures of your mom.

I like guns and have a lot of them, most of them are in different calibers, there are many many many different calibers out there, one day I just started grabbing ones I haven't seen before, and now I have a big ass collection.

Why do anything, really?

you ever put one of the larger ones in your butt?

I collect racist music on vinyl, mainly 45s and some LPs although they are mostly speeches.
I am one of 2 known owners in the world of George Lincoln Rockwell's Lynchburg Armoury Speech from 1963.
No pics on phone though

I can see collecting stamps, they have pictures on them for the most part. Collecting cartridges of bullets is just autistic.

Why collect anything?

Got any vinyl of niggers hating whites, or is your collection limited to white power?

Says the faggot collecting dubs. Gtfo

i bought a 303 lee enfield rifle off of a guy 2 years ago. gave me 2 boxes of rounds with it. they're from the 40's. i havent fired any

I have not, I have plugs for that.

It's the same as collecting anything else. Some of these cartridges are over 100 years old. I'm sure there are things that you like doing that make no sense to others.

Not in physical format, no
Although I do have a pretty decent size MP3 collection of blacks hating whites (all rap/hiphop)
Also have a pretty big collection of 78rpm discs from the 20s by the KKK

Not all that autistic, but boss used to do it, maybe still does but doesn't have any at work anymore.

I used to collect shell casings as a kid, had hundreds of them till my little brother found out they could be taken to a scrap yard and sold for their brass. Little prick.


Lol that's awesome.

That's cool, I've got one of those rounds. Take good care of the rifle, user. If you haven't already give it a really good cleaning and oil it up. That thing's only gonna go up in value.

You know if it ever saw action?

my girlfriend has a lot of camera gear. she uses a rebel t6s and we also use a t1i for fucking around.

Literally just wondering. That's cool tho, user.

Oh thats cool. Nice clear shots

Also my collection of emo shit

none of that is emo fyi

While they are certainly listened to by emos, I wouldn't classify Alkaline Trio and Rise Against as actually being emo.

Well hardcore and screamo. I usually just categorise it together. enjoy it tho

Not including tool of course

none of that is hardcore either.

Show us your tits and/or dick OP.

10/10 would probably bang owner

Yes lots of people collect beer bottles, but only a few have stuck with it to this level. Over 3,600 and counting.

do you have any fine ale from my neck of the woods user? Alexander Keiths india pale ale

Ancient Roman Denarii

ITT: people ask why people collect things

Says the gay faggot collecting near trips

yep. Had it 2006.


Glad you approve!

the pride of nova scotia right there. and it isn't even that good



glad you agree. I gave it 2.5/5,so a bit below average.
Also, its hard to deal with IPAs that aren't from CA anymore - they are so strong out here the older style ones seem weak.

Moosehead is from NS too.

>collecting beer bottles when Untapped exists

them armor piercing 50 cal bullets ftw.

yeah and olands and propeller. keiths use to be good years ago before they changed their recipe. im from halifax

its more about the collection than the beer, I rarely get a chance to drink the same beer twice at home. Always have to find new ones. Always. It never fucking stops.

user, there are no 50 cal bullets in that pic and the only armor piercing one is the .223 in the top row, the left green tipped one.

some more

I feel bad that I recognize the horse penis