When does this show start getting good?
I mean wtf...
I just finished season 1 and it was lame.
And why is the Captain the most boring sob?

I watched TOS, TNG, Voyager, and DS9. Sure they all had their different flavor, but so far Enterprise is just dull.

Should I even bother watching Season2?

Just skip to season 4. It took that long for the show to figure out what it was doing.


But also watch "Carbon Creek" from Season 2.

season 2 starts to get better at least ENTs first season wasn't as bad as TNGs . just know this its the last real star trek show pre reboot when manny coto comes on board it gets way better
the only reason ent got off to a slow start was Brandon Braga and that other idiot were board and out of ideas half was through voyager.


It gets good in season 4 and then it just ends. The worst of all series imo.

Should I watch TAS?

Give me the very best episode lads.

Skip to season 4 and then watch the Animated Series for the remaining 5 years of Kirk's mission.

every single picture of the animated series looks like a drawing by my wife's autistic son, furry character and all

>he doesn't know that the Filmation animators room was where they sent wife's sons to work until they died at their sketchpads

It's fun and silly like the original series.


Fuck, it looks like he's posing for his facebook profile pic.

Watch the first three episodes of season 1 then the last three of season 2. Season 3 and four are fine but 1 and 2 have serious issues.

The problem with Enterprise was that they chose the wrong actor as captain. The other issue is they should have focused more on the Klingons than they did. They had Dureass' father etc there for like one or two episodes.

The whole Xindi angle was fucking dumb. They should have at least played it like they were an early faction of the dominion or some shit.

Watch every Brunt episode. Watch Romulan episodes.

Watch when the hillbilly bites it

>The whole Xindi angle was fucking dumb.
This. It's coming from fucking nowhere.
>well established
>go back to the very beginning
>introduce new huge race never ever seen before
>muh temporal cold war
Fuck this gay shit. If you have a temporal episode once a season, it's okay. However, if you build your entire show around this shit, it's pretty fucking embarrassing.


There is literally one good (and God DAMN is it good) episode between the premiere and S3. Everything else is mediocre to awful, S3 IS hit-or-miss with hits becoming more common later in the season and S4 is top-tier Trek until the series finale, which you owe it to yourself to skip. It's that fucking bad.

What episode?

Carbon Creek

Ah. Yup.

Captain. I recommend a full spread of torpedoes. Maximum yield.

Another problem was that the writing was rather heavyhanded, especially early on. I know they were supposed to show how humanity had to get experience while traveling the galaxy, but fuck, more often than not, they wrote the crew and the captain especially, like they were a bunch of retards. "Oh lol, there's this new planet we know nothing about! I think I'll take my dog with me on the first away mission!"

There were lots of other problems, but fuck did I hate how they wrote the characters at times. Didn't halpe that the crew wasn't very interesting to begin with. That being said, I think the series that "killed" the Star Trak franchise was Voyager. Enterprise just happened to follow after everything had been burned down already.

shut the fuck up, Mr. Worf.

Yeah none of the characters were too likable. The doctor was interesting and so was T'pol. That was it. Trip was annoying and the weapons guy was bad. Hoshi was cute but could not act for shit.

But I think it all starts with Bakula. The guy is just not interesting. Voyager was a whole other mess.

I think not, Mr Worf

>Just skip to season 4
>It gets good in season 4

It gets gay in season 4.

That's why trektards like season 4

I like literal alien Nazis and Vulcans getting AIDS as much as the next guy but come on

Enterprise was the very best Star Trek series ever produced.

It was Star Trek done right.

No faggots.
No feminism
Less technobabble
More realism
More character
Interesting aliens
Solid storytelling

Trektards hate it because it isn't gay enough.

I am talking about the improvement in format not the episode content. Making the entire season of chain of 3 episode mini-arcs makes for much easier viewing in the post watching shit in syndication age.


>go back to the very beginning
>introduce new huge race never ever seen before

Just yesterday you faggots were floating some complaint that they couldn't encounter aliens not shown in TOS, a criticism just as retarded as the one you're selling here.

How stupid are you people?

>they couldn't encounter aliens not shown in TOS

They found a fucking Borg user

First Contact, user.

I can't post the Dukat meme cause I'm on my phone

We are literally in fucking dry dock. What the fuck dude?

Trip wasn't that bad.

Yes, but the dry dock is being attacked by Romulans!

Season 3 was great but it suffered from the fact that we already knew how it would end from the first episode since it's a prequel. The show used time travel or beings that could use time-travel in certain ways far too often. Hell they went straight into alternate WW2 literally after defeating the aliens responsible in season 3 who could look through time.

Trip annoys permavirgins because he was a Chad.

Friendly reminder that Dukat did nothing wrong.

Hoshi and Tpol get topless, so you have that to look forward too

Archer is best Captain.

Grabs borg and pulls out its borg tubes... commences killing it with his bare hands.

Archer is a real man... not a flakey faggot, a token gibsmedat, or self-entitled feminot like the rest of them.

>only the doctor and T'pol were interesting

Once again that's Rick Berman's fault. One good thing I can say about discovery is that he won't be working on it. Ever piece of Trek Berman works on, he forces it on the writers to make the humans as boring as possible to make the aliens more interesting. Then at some point the writers start ignoring him because they get tired of how only one or two of the cast members are getting any character development.

Enterprise was the only Trek series that was good from the very beginning.

Seasons 1-3 were the best. Season 4 was when the quality started to fade. All of the stinkers are in season 4.

>Season 4 was when the quality started to fade. All of the stinkers are in season 4.

Starfleet Military Logic in a Nutshell

>Hurrr Durrr we'ze iz a ship o' exploration no be needing them phasers even working before we leave
>Gets ass handed to them and then into a war and eventually refits the NX-01 to have 10 phase cannons instead of 3.
>Federation forms
>Hurrr Durrr we'ze iz a ship o' exploration no be needing them phasers and photons on every ship
>Gets ass handed to them by the Kingons and have to rush produce the Ares-class
>era of peace with main enemies
>Hurrr Durrr we'ze iz a ship o' exploration no be needing them phasers in case we ever find a new threat while expanding rapidly
>Get ass handed to them by borg and have to rush the defiant and akira into production.

Pure liberal logic on display right here guys, at least they are fair and balanced in that they show being a libcuck is retarded sometimes. You would thinking they would learn after the cycle repeated that many times.

It gets better but it never gets truly good, just quit now unless you love trek fanatically

>Needs guidance to watch television

>that episode where they make a clone of trip just to harvest his organs or some shit


Plenty of episodes in the first couple seasons are watchable.

The second half of the second season is pretty consistently good, in my opinion.

Tpol wasn't interesting

Hoshi, Malcolm, and the pilot guy COULD have been interesting but it's like the show was afraid to explore their past or their problems and when character developments did happen they had no affect on the future

>Plenty of episodes in the first couple seasons are watchable.
For some reason 1st season felt to me like each episode was no more than 30 minutes long. I also did not liked the 3rd season much because it was to much like the last 2 seasons of DS9. It was all about 1 thing (war with the Dominion/stoping Xindi) and this hit gets annoing very fast when you binge watch it.

>All of the stinkers are in season 4.

You got some bad memory going there. Remember "Shuttlepod One"? They fixed a fucking hull breach with mashed potatoes and Trip had a dream about T'Poll gigglesquealing when called "Stinky".

This one I'm watching with the spelunking and some ancient conflict between the doctor and his patient is pretty weak, but it's come after a run of 5 or 6 that were all good.

All of the characters had the potential to be interesting but they fucked it into the ground. Hell even Trip was sort of a ripoff of Bones from TOS. They just made him an engineer instead of a doctor.

> and this hit gets annoing very fast

The hamfisted writing of the characters may have something to do with it. Bakula going "FUUUCK WE NEED ANSWERS, WHERE ARE MY ANSWERS, I'M SO ANGRY FUUUCK! ANSWERS! NOW!" Every other scene got old faster than his "Boohoo, Vulcans are meanie assholes for not letting us roam the skies, so my daddy could have seen how I prove every fucking episode that I have no business being out there, let alone be the representative of mankind" routine.

In a lot of ways it was as if they went "hey guys lets just take TOS, switch around some genders, races and roles on the ship and make it boring as fuck."

I think it was a good idea to have the first human captain be a complete screw-up. It shows just how out of their league humanity was.
If the show ran longer we would have probably seen them catch up a bit.

>That gif

The part just after always makes me laugh, Reed just dives onto the borg like he's in the original series or something.

>Bottom left

No way, they were religious extremists who had no problems blowing themselves up. Remind you of anybody?

Don't bother.

It gets OK in the last season and then the end is just pure shit.

It's Star Trek. it doesn't get good

They did a pretty shitty job if they tried to emulate TOS. Take the captain for instance. Kirk was never a flaming retard like Archer tended to be, nor was he as trigger happy and aggressive. Kirk was more of a 'clever ploy' kind of guy.

I just wish they could have shown the captain's inexperience without having to make him come across like a petulant child at times.

Hard to say.

It also kind of seems like they pitched it to the network, the network liked the idea and then they went "OK now what the fuck do we do?"

Im halfway through S6 of DS9. I think Ill jump right into Voyager and then do ENT.

I remember Enterprise being kind of awful when it was on TV. I hated all that Xindi shit with a passion. They were like Jem Hadar knockoffs.

The admiral in Beyond was 100% right

Most of ENT is Xindi sadly. I still liked it though

Oh fuck me I just saw Reed plug up hull breaches in the shuttle with mashed potatoes like was said earlier. What in the fucking fuck.

Of course you understand that as the mashed potatoes flowed to the outside of the hole into the frigid vacuum of space that they froze as hard as stone, right?

Or are you not bright enough to figure that out?

>religious extremists who had no problems blowing themselves up. Remind you of anybody?

Yeah, they do. They are a perfect metaphor for the jews and their often threatened, "Samson Option".

Educate yourself.

>Reed just dives onto the borg like he's in the original series or something.

Boipussy detected.

I liked Season 3..

But to be fair, DS9, Voyager, and even Next Gen all took 2-3 seasons to get good. We just weren't so Star Trekked out when they came on TV. Enterprise was a victim of our own Star Trek fatigue... and the theme song having words.

TAS fans are worse than ENT fans.

24th Century Trek is best Trek.

Some people have to have things explained to them because if they didn't see it on tv, then to them it doesn't exist.

I am an Enterprise apologist, so take this with a grain of salt, but...

The Xindi may seem like a major race of people in the Enterprise Era, but give 100 years and fifty other races coming into the Federation and they are just the next door neighbor.

I think of it like the gas station next door. It is the place you have to get milk at for convenience for a while, but then a Wal-mart is built a mile away and now the gas station just exists. No one talks about how it was once your life-blood because it is now just a small part of a greater community. The xindi are like that, and considering how xenophobic and probably guilty for the attack they feel it isn't a surprise they get relegated to the footnote in history they did.

You forgot to mention the incessant, ridiculous number of hawking, annoying adverts which made the storyline difficult to impossible to follow which killed Enterprise.

They even went so far as to speed up the playback of season 3 by 10%, and speed up the playback of season 4 by 15% in order to put in more commercial ads.

"Major, let me tell you about your mother's sexual organs."

a visionary fusion

>tucker gets pregnant
so progressive

Bold move

>Remember "Shuttlepod One"?

Yeah. I do. It's one of their best episodes.

>They fixed a fucking hull breach with mashed potatoes

See: >Trip had a dream about T'Poll gigglesquealing when called "Stinky"

Malcolm isn't Trip. (picrelated)

I suspect you're just mad because it wasn't a gay dream, and the two men didn't get it on for you..

What do you mean by that, they literally sped up the show? Wat really? I mean wat? How the fuck do you get away with that? all the characters would sound like their on helium

>Worfs face that one episode where Picard lets him fire at will

>all the characters would sound like their on helium

You obviously know nothing about the process.

Do you have VLC? Play something in there and turn up the playback speed. The pitch is automatically retained.

Now, play Enterprise season 3 at 0.92x speed, and season 4 at 0.85x.

Any questions?

Ask someone else, or look it up yourself. Teaching you is not my job.

That's exactly what I just did in reverse to a tng ep and yes the sound is fucked

I'm beginning to see the appeal of this program!

Why did they write Jadzia as a giant Mary Sue?

The only time something bad happened to her was when she fucking dies, and thats literally only because her actress wanted to leave the show.

I actually didn't know this. An example of a network killing a show in it's stride. Fuck television networks.

Worse, she wanted to be paid more as literally the only person you could write out of the show and still retain their experiences.

>Women in charge of making good decisions

Ezri was more interesting and fleshed out in half a season than Jadziya was in six.

Then your source was fucked already.

>they find out Bashir is genetically enhanced
>they never fucking let him live it down and bring it up every chance they get

Being Julian is suffering.

His James Bond fantasy was the only place that he could allow himself to be as competent, capable and quick-witted as he was really able to be.

That one where he casually throws the dart dead centre from the entrance to quarks s7 and you realise he's still been limiting himself to not make o'brien feel bad

When you think about it, if he actually showed other crew members what he was really capable of some of them might be afraid of him.

I'm laughing myself to tears.

Just imagine it's a really long Quantum Leap spinoff

I'm on episode 7 or 8 and while it's not as bad as people led me to believe there are definitely issues. You have to nail the casting of the captain on a Star Trek show and Bakula just isn't quite right for it. He's not bad per say, but there's a certain authority that he just lacks. As for the rest of the crew the biggest problem is that you have a show about the first humans to venture into deep space and the most interesting crew members are the only non-humans on board (T'pol, Phlox, Porthos). Trip, Malcolm and Hoshi are alright but none of them have a hook; they just sort of exist. As for Travis, he's a lost cause because of how terrible the actor is. I also think the way the Vulcan's are betrayed is a little one-sided and unfair.