Slow night at the Porno Shop Sup Forums

Slow night at the Porno Shop Sup Forums.....

Ask a Dirty Bookstore Manager Anything

How often do you have customers coming in looking for a little more than a toy? Also any best of stories?

You in Georgia?

do you guys have glory holes?

Do you get people you recognise from say high school or various other parts of your life? If so do they act as if they don't know you?

Do you judge people based on what they buy?

now that online porn must have tanked the dvd market what products does your store live off of?

What's the most fucked up thing you seen.

Do you ship to Europe?

Whats the most interesting thing that's ever happened during a shift?

how sticky are the floors?

Would you ever work at a sex shop called "Shitty John's Rubber Dick n' Balls Emporium"?

i cant cum what do you suggest?

Do actual freakshows come in often, or is it mainly "normal" people?

What's the worst thing you've seen?

What's the ratio of guys to girls that buy anal toys?

do you still make money?

How fat are you?

nice gif

are you gay bi strait?

whats the weirdest thing you've ever seen in the store?

does your store have a backroom? Ever try it out?


ITT: OP not replying

how popular are blowup dolls.

Do you yourself recommend any toys?

30 customers all wanting Lisa Ann fake pussies.

He's busy.

>slow night
>picks 10 inch dildo
>stops responding

Anyone ever tried to exchange, refund or claim warranty on a used/abused sex toy?

How do I lower heating costs?

Yeah. Tell them they gotta go. That shit can get us shut down. One chick wanted me to watch her test her new toy. Cant do that shiy in here.

Yeah, occasionally. Its kinda funny. Theyre usually really embarrassed and just buy something from the smokeshop and get out asap.

Not really... But yeah. Only if its off the wall or I recognize the person.

One guy who comes in here works for the circut court. He always buys extreme bsdm shit and videos. His job for the court... He takes the interviews of people filing restraining orders. Recognized him when a friend had to file one. His fucking job is hearing real life accounts of domestic violence, rapes, etc... I know he jerks it to the stories people spill when getting their ex partes.

Pic related... He's bought two of these in the last few months

Why are Arabs human gatbage?

Good gig? I always thought it'd be kinda fun.

DVDs still do very well. Lots of old guys buy them. When the boomers fall off though itll be dead.

We get lots of tweakers, but one in particular it off his rocker. Guy tries yo jerk it, smoke dope, locks himself in the bathroom... Hes been banned by cops but still comes back.

Mostly normal folks.

5:1 maybe more.

Yeah. Most often lingrine though.

You know it. Pic relate

any race or specific type of person that often buys something you wouldn't expect

Is that supposed to be a picture of a real person? Not a composite of three different people?

you buy anything from your or other shops or even online? or does working there turn you off of purchasing things for sex

Black dudes want nothing to do with the black pocket pussys. Want white only.

What was the oldest customer that came to the shop?

did you try the poppers? how was it?

bought an small Anal Plug for my GF at Romantix. she enjoyed it for the first 4 times, 5th time use too much lube, plug goes all the way into her ass. we both start to freak out. i get it out with my fingers. shes afraid to use it now.

what kind of anal plugs do you recommend that have a large "Stop" base? ive been thinking about the furry tail, since we can just pull the fur if it goes in

I just bought a fleshlight. Anything i should know?

Personal recommendations?

You can put your dick in it

rub you cock inside it untill you cum

i dont have any problem with the ones that have wings. probably an issue for a women tho maybe a 1 wing plug would work??? i donno

use lube... if its name brand you can tighten or loosen the back for suction

OP here... Got Kenny Powers in the store right now. Be back on a minute when it clears out.

>5th time use too much lube, plug goes all the way into her ass. we both start to freak out. i get it out with my fingers. shes afraid to use it now.
fucking kek

No fucking way. I was just putting change in it.

Yeah I gotta try that.

Kenny fuckin' Powers

Had that problem with a GF and anal beads once.

OP, what would you recommend to surprise a girl that's heavily into BDSM? All her toys got destroyed in an accident a while back, and I wanted to get something fun. She was a pro dom for a bit.

was she scared at anal play after? what was your solution?

>Kenny Powers

i'm not the user you're responding to, but just buy a butt pllug with the flared base. If that goes in your gf's asshole is like 4" wide.

Are you in Clarksville, AR?

fuckin kek

OP, what is the
prostate stimulator, based on popularity and testimony? Bought one on the cheap, and while the build quality is decent, it isn't doing the job.

I would believe Lisa Ann is a FrankenWoman at this point.

>a pro domme

When I was in high school my then girlfriend and I managed to get a vibrator that used 2 D-cell batteries. She fucking loved it. In the last 15 years I've been unable to find a D-cell vibrator ever again. I got a nice classic looking one that took C-cells but it just wasn't the same.

Do you know anything about this? Ever seen D-cell ones? Any leads?


Yeah, well, I'm trying to find either a toy she's never used, or just a good one she'll like. She's a switch, so am I.

keksington keklimus

how much of her practice have you enjoyed

I live in Little Rock, AR user.

Not OP tho...but it's always good to meet the one other person from AR on here.

My college girlfriend wore a butt plug to class once. Towards the end of the last lecture it apparently went all the way up. It was a small plug and I guess she just got used to it and well-relaxed. After class she apparently just went and shit it out, left it in the toilet and that was that.

Why are so many supposedly straight guys actually bi? Every time I went into a place like yours (decades ago) there were homos looking to hook up.

I'm not from Clarksville, I live about 10 minutes outside of it. Sucks for you man, I hate nigger rock

Holy shit. two anons less than 100 miles away from me?

Hot Springs user here

would you?

it's good I'm not a nigger

Fuck yeah motherfucker! I ain't been there in almost two years though. Clarksvillefag so I'm poor, obviously

I'm in Little Rock as well. Its been raining every fucking day.

>Clarksvillefag so I'm poor
Don't you mean on meth?

Fucking Spam Granny!

Her sad old man hubby will spam her pics in just about ANY thread regardless of topic

If this is Spam Gramps posting this- please KYS

What the fuck it up with all the AR people in this thread?

Not much. Just starting out. She's been out of the stuff for ages. Fun though.

I feel bad for y'all. You have to live in the same city as niggers. I have a whole ONE NIGGER in my community. But he's an old ass farmer

I'd drown her in an ISIS video

whats the best item for re-exciting a relationship

user. Were all freak shows some just have a pretty disguise

Not on meth bro
Fuck you, Arkansas is the best state in the South

God no

Probably figured it was a bookstore here.

Side pussy

Used to work at one myself, do you guys have booths? If so y'all got buddy style glory hole style? Y'all use token or just dollar bills?


Still no. Maybe if I was hammered drunk and barely able to walk.

Can you post a pic of her from 20 years ago?

So does OP live in Arkansas, and where is his store. I'd go meet OP.

Ah. Pro dommes have their own interests and specialties. Yet they are still women and human, however vigorously Sup Forums will argue these points.
IME "natural" dommes tend to be reaction junkies. If you want to play sub, consider something that she has expressed interest in before and that would also be interesting to you, and accessorize toward that end. If you want to play dom, find something that you would like to see her in or do, and hope your excitement will be contagious.
t.switch, not OP

Yall remember with that dude ran over the ten commandments and then those niggers shot each other? Shit was cash.

Nope. Dont sell them here.

Doc Johnson has decent cheap ones. If youre a spender get her the b vive rimming plug.

Soak it in hot water for a few minutes prior to use.

Hardware store brah.


Aneros get good reviews from my customets.

Its hard. I can only think of one toy we carry that takes c cells and no D at all. Everything has gone to aa aaa or rechargeable.


Dick pills. Black 4k, alpha male, red zone 3k.

Im not in ar

Clarksvillefag, I really think it's the XMart in Clarksville, based on the wall and floor and the Ex Parte judge he described. The one in Johnson County is fucking creepy

>I've been in every bookstore

How much dick do you suck clarkvillefag?

Look up "TheNopeStick" on fetlife. They're 100 bucks

I have Aspergers, fuck off non-Arkansan

>Hardware store brah

I wouldn't say forechins is mainstream, but it's certainly more popular than most people think.

Have come across multiple people from Fargo (where I'm from) here. Never met up cuz fuck these weirdos.