I have understanding of everything

i have understanding of everything
but not all
i have answers for everything
but not all

if you do not believe me, then ask

i am still developing my thinking and methods of this knowledge and i am as i am, not a god only human, and i am limited to my knowledge and experience and organic limitations.

the things i say and feel are probably repeatable to what jesus felt, but i am not jesus i am man, and i am not trying to be any means arrogant or put myself on a pedestal i just want to be heard , i am telling the truth and if you decide to believe me or not that is up to you,.

-Ask me questions please and help me improve for i am not perfect but i will strive to be the best i can for myself and for my fellow beings.

more to come

When were you born?

How long have you been developing this knowledge?

How do you plan on using your knowledge to further our species?

Why do you use contradictory statements?

i was born 12 November 1998

i recently took some shrooms and had a breakthrough in how i thought, it took another few weeks to realize what had happened and on the date 07/7/2017 not too long ago i woke up different, i explained to my mother what had happened and she had a hard time understanding it, as should be expected, a close friend of mine has been listening to what i say quite alot and last night we did another session of shrooms mixed with mdma and he has started to grasp the the thinking process of, he feels relieved and happy, but not at the same time, its a hard concept to understand but it truly is good.

I do plan on using my knowledge to further our species, only with good intentions, but good and bad can be displayed both ways in my methods, the ways i think could cure alot of mind made sickness such as depression and anxiety as well as even autism possibly.

why do you use contradictory statements?
because I have not had enough time to figure everything out, only time will help and the questions of others to improve on what i can say.

also i know my methods are threatening to certain businesses and governments and churches because it is so fucking truthful, as is why im posting on an anonymous website as to not lead them to me, it may sound paranoid but look where jesus ended up, if i can use the resources such as Internet properly then, i could possibly change things for good reasons

What sort of methods do you propose?

How is your way of thinking so much different than the average person's?

i have managed a way to let my contentiousness control how my brains thought process thinks, sounds odd but its something along those lines, i have managed to cure my depression and anxiety which i had high levels of before, i have also not hate for any being, i have disappointment in people but that is only because i know that they can do better

as i said this way is still in the building foundations and is definitely not finished but is also possible for those who fully want what i have, however i would never force this knowledge onto anyone for a way a person wants to live is how he should live

what is the go to mean on?

You're thread will most likely be deleted due to lack of activity

I'm genuinely interested in what you have to say. Please kik me at ryan838383 if you want to continue talking

the meaning to go on is to let your body as a vessel be granted the ability to experience life, for we are all going to be granted the knowledge of unknown once we die, and if we don't then why shouldn't you just experience and learn as much as you physically can

i will contact you, ill need to setup a kik but if it would help you then im all for it,
goes for anyone and everyone

>then why shouldn't you just experience and learn as much as you physically can

because it will hurt

Soooo you did drugs once and now you babble on about how thought provoking it was and feel the need to attention whore.

How profound. Fucking lightweight.

good question, these are the types of questions i need to be fired at me, so i can actually think of an answer and to help make a better understanding of this method,
however life is going to hurt and life is also not, and does it really matter if its going to hurt because without bad things happening there isnt room for good things to happen, its life, if you had everything you also have nothing.
if thats what you want to belive then go ahead judge me, i do not hate you for it but i do get disappointed that you cannot see how this could change peoples lives, imagine a cure to every mental illness

and if it cured mine and cant cure anyone else, its still curing more than none, and i see that as a positive thing

>if you had everything you also have nothing.

that's true but once you are an adult you are beaten down by pain and it's not a fun experiment anymore. life is a war of attrition. that's why there are so many old bastards who are ruining for everyone.

>thinks cure
>finally placebo yourself out of basement and be social
>oh, this is what living actually is

God damn summer

Nice psychosis OP u fucking twat

OP is literally experiencing a full fledged psychosis this is fucking hilarious

i believe you, i am trying to end the pain on a certain degree, you are still going to have pain no matter what, but if it can be displayed to you in a different way and being able to understand it then i think you would life a much happier life

again, its your choice to listen to what i say, i am not forcing you to listen, but you shouldn't criticize me for trying to be good, for the people who who believe that good should be stopped are what i like to call societies bitches
not thats a problem, life you life how you want, i am just suggesting a way to improve it

I get you op, I actually think i understand what you are saying here. Keep thinking and you would be astounded at the good you can do. People won't always listen, but in the end even if one person can learn from your thought processes then you have done well. Just never stop thinking about this concept. Set your mind free as well as others'. This thread gives me a bit more hope for the minds of my fellow man. Thank you for being a thinker in a time of thoughtlessness and self indulgence.

so if someone were to think of pain in a different way it would make them happier... i think you need to re-think having knowledge because it seems like you don't have any special insight at all, you're just a joker.

OP you're being so vague. What exactly do you do that is so different from everyone else? How does your mind work as opposed to mine? How did you cure your own mental illness by thinking about it?

Realize that it doesn't matter, enjoy living rather than worrying about things that might be. Experience and learn from the things that are.

fucken trips

ok b/ro, i can feel it all but its taken me decades to be able to adequately describe what i feel in feeble human language

if you dont believe you are the universe, you wont be the universe and youll be doomed to continue the cycle until you finally realize it one day and then you feel the power of it

meme magick works

You didn't by any chance learn grammar and punctuation in your trip?

Has Anyone Really Been Far Even as Decided to Use Even Go Want to do Look More Like?

Your frequent use of run on sentences and lack of proper capitalization are the tell tale signs of an uneducated man. You may think you are some revolutionary thinker but really you are just an insignificant 18 year old who's coming down from shrooms. I hate to break it to you, but you're a cog just like the rest of us

i have actually successfully done this to a friend, he was also in a depressive state and after my teaching he has flipped into a new person, its not noticeable straight away because we are confined to how fast our brains can think but, even if i have uplifted him a little then i am happy for him.

add me on kik and i will try answer questions

i know i am vague and i know i sound like a joker and the reason i cant give you the answer yet is because i need time to cultivate this method, obviously i don't have a magic touch and i don't have an extremely smart brain but i truly wish i had those things but i do not because i am like you only a man, and still only a young man, and i do not have the experience or knowledge that you all might have but 'help me help you to help me help you' and give me your knowledge and experience so i can fucking help others

some people are going to hate me and i know that already

It isn't about what knowlege you already posess so much as how or if you can understand or learn to understand said knowledge. No one knows everything, but if you can understand things, then you can learn infinite amounts of things. What is necessary is to learn how to see things reasonably and logically.

i was never good at school, didn't enjoy it, sorry but your going to have to stand for it/
im not perfect
and i may not use grammar because sometimes its just not needed/ i dont care

it's all about learning. keep learning and you'll help others. but most of all you'll help yourself.

I don't delve into social media so i'll have to decline, but do keep up your line of thinking it can set you free

All the things you are saying are extremely basic and practically common knowledge. I have no idea what makes you think you're the first person to suggest these things

Sounds like you're still high man. Get some help

i do not either, i just use the tools that are given to us, that is fine to fear society for they also fear you

i know they are basic and i know they aren't smart and maybe im not the first to think like this, i never said i was the first, but if others have thought it before then why haven't they put steps in place to make it known,

and i may try to show you all how, but there is only so much i can do, if i get hit by a bus tomorrow, so be it, i cannot change that that is the reality of reality and you must accept it

So, this is one out of two things.

A) What we go here is an elaborate attempt to troll by posing as the stereotypical teenagers experimenting on psychoactives, or B) this is an actual stereotypical teenager experimenting with psychoactives.

If you happen to be the latter: no, you haven't invented shit. You are delusional, your friends are delusional, and paradoxically, this can help your minds from both depression and anxiety. Why? Because cognitive methods work. This is what mental health professionals are using instead of or in addition to pharmaceuticals.

Making your mind believe something can take control of spiralling dark thoughts, and put an end to them. If you can help your friends and yourself do this by using shrooms, I salute you. But please, do understand that us older seasoned acidheads has seen this hundreds of times. It is a perfectly normal reaction to shrooms.


You are dumb, guy. It is very evident by the way you write. You are just an average or below average psychopath. Psychopaths think they are more intelligent than everybody, even when have a double digit IQ. Good luck.

Lol im not even op, also if more than a small percentage of people would just think with logic and emotion rather than just one or the other the world could be a pretty alright place. And in case someone thinks i was just on shrooms as well I'll say I only took those about 10 years ago when i was a sophomore in high school and they aren't the reason i have come to these conclusions. I'm just in agreeance with op that people need to think more deeply than they do and allow for both logic and reasoning and emotional response to come to conclusions, hell just paying attention to how you react to things can help you better understand your emotions and then gain a limited control over them. Free your mind from societal chains by understanding why you were locked in the in the first place. Anyway i'm out, keep it up op, just don't mention jesus too much, people take your ideas wayyy out of context when you say stuff like that, good luck!

I swear to fuck every sentence out of this guy's mouth is paraphrased from several shitty self-help books

im not using the mushrooms as the founding basis of this because it was not, but i do feel like this is something different, maybe i am delusional but atleast i know at heart and soul that i can bring love and change to people who seek for it

i know it sounds arrogant and cheesy i have probably already thought what you think and again in no way am i trying to put my self higher than others in saying this. and if this is such common knowledge then why isn't it fully tapped into.
i can only explain so much though Internet but you do not know who i am and you do not know what i have gone though or who my friends are, don't assume things so much and just accept and help me improve on something that i am working on.

to all who would like to whole heartedly discuss this more please add my kik and i will try my best to complete this "thing"

if you think im dumb thats absolutely right but its also wrong.
because i said time and time again, i am seriously just a guy, but there is alot, and im talking alot more than what i have said.

you can choose to work against me if you wish but why should you when im only trying to do good for myself and others?

Because a lot of stupid people do bad things thinking they are "doing good for" themselves and others. There is no right and wrong in this world. Morals are all relative. Your naivety will be shattered some day. Money and land are all that really matter in this mortal realm. There is no god or afterlife, you are wasting your time.

thank you man
i have never read a self help book because i never believed in them, because they are always written in a certain way so that the writer can fit into society easily, you may look at me as a psychopath or whatever but im not crazy, im completely sane and maybe its not me who is the crazy one but the real you blocking yourself so much that you cannot understnad what im saying and you think of it as UNKNOWN, society has made you believe that unknown is hell or is bad, but in reality there is no such thing as bad or good, no such thing as light or darkness, darkness is only dark because our organic beings have not got the ability to process life without an actual light source.
again you might not get me but thats because i have not completed translation of understanding

im not looking for god as there is no god
i am only alive because my body should be granted the experience and knowledge of life, why shouldn't he ?
if i am complete with how i feel i would be happy to kill myself, but then again why should i if i can help others achieve this pure being feeling?

Crazy people never think they are crazy. I hope you get help, dumb guy.

i have helped myself. society bitch

i gotta go, and go to work, because im actually a normal person who can function normally and got shit to do, again contact me if you got questions


"society bitch" "got questions".

Your mind is fleeting.