I have a 758Gb porn folder

I have a 758Gb porn folder.

Send help. i have a problem. I barely even watch any of it.

Other urls found in this thread:



im also currently downloading... 7 more movies to add to it.

But HOW?

I used to have a massive porn folder, no where near that big but still pretty huge.
I sort of realised it was a problem like last year and managed to convince myself to delete it all.

Most satisfying and relieving feeling honestly.

Only regret losing a few videos that I'd re-save if i found them

How long have you been collecting?

bout 3 1/2 years

Pleb 4.5 TB of porn.
i need rehab

Delete it.
I had over 300GB several years ago.
Deleted THE LOT.
Never downloaded porn since, never felt trapped by porn or masturbation since.
It's an addiction.







that's cute




Not gonna get into a pissing contest, but I have at least a few terabytes scattered over various hard drives, and I never ever look at any of it.

I guess I'm just a collector/hoader. Can't stop adding to it even though I know the moment I've filed it away, I'll never see it again.

Dump everything you got OP.

Any more of these two?

Could you recommend me a nice external hard drive.
I want one like yours, 5TB at least.

sadly, that's the only pic I have, I found it here on 4chin


so... whats the "application" that was edited out?




>have 6.5tb of anime
>only regularly watch a fraction it for background noise

How much of porn?
4.5 here.


Yeah what the fuck is it?

forever alone

who is this?? an more??











its an internal drive, a 5TB Toshiba X300. I highly recommend them, I have 5.

Just something that wasn't porn.

Sauce possibly?

lol it clearly said "application" NOT drive





see > 738403313

Pleb. I have a 30tb home server that has 12TB of movies, tv shows, music and games on it.




>read it as he can help you jack it





--- Thats not what I'm talking about. The folder says "application" (meaning a .exe) I'm asking what it was? Because why would it be important enough to edit out?

----- See?


Now step up your game and go for 4K porn



here's mine








hit the image cap is the obbvios answer


can you please upload the
TOP 5 hot fuck & suck (hetero)
short vids.. like 6-7 minutes long?

make sure they are young, like18 years and 1 day, exactly, please













Moar who dis?




I've got 3Tb of redheads alone




