So Sup Forums what is the easiest way to get banned

So Sup Forums what is the easiest way to get banned.
also try not to get banned!!

Post CP or say you're under 18. If you try the first one make sure to tell us what thread you will do it in so we can avoid it and not get v&.

nice try FBI

guess if she is legal.

what about this

Im gonna guess yes

Migra here...need to see a green card..

post some Club Penguin

The mods nowadays are a bunch of faggots who don't do shit. I don't even recall the last time I seen someone banned.



>inb4 "MOOOOODS"

All these chicks are of age.

RIP user

Not CP

wanna see some Masha and the bear?

>Masha and the bear

Who and what?

I've already seen that but DO IT!!

here you go, im not that retarded to get banned.

Isn't that from that god-awful movie that was released like a year or two ago?



you mean hoodwinked? because no

I was steam begging on /wsr and got banned

Fuck this shit!!
if you want some easy CP just get in google images and write Teen Nudism.
bye bye Sup Forums
