Twixie here. Call me fat. Cause lool at all of my fucking fat rolls

Twixie here. Call me fat. Cause lool at all of my fucking fat rolls.

Timestamp and tits or GTFO! You know the rules...

Take off the bra you fat bitch

Call me a cunt too please

Make me

Also why are my pics upside down

I see you are a newfag... Without a timestamp you won't go far in here...

Post your pictures upright cunt

Hey mrs. Cunt... could you please take the bra off? So i cam cum 4 u?

fuck off you saggy piece of shit

you are the absolute fucking worst I swear to god

>Not knowing who Twixie is

Fuck I envy you, newfriend.

Youre the new fag. I shouldn't need a fucking time stamp anymore. My tattoo is my fucking timestamp now so you know im 18+. Been posting for awhile.

What a fuck boi

Ayy lmaoo

significantly less saggy twixie


now show cunt and tiddies

Show us your cock

Where are you

Mmm make me.

Sorry faggot. I dont have one. Australia cunt.

Also this is edwind.

you're looking way fucking better twixie

but take them damn clothes off before i spank your ass raw

You need to be tied to a treadmill and have a Twinkie dangling on a string in front of you. Fucking fat ass. Get those udders out.

you're right, being 80% sagging skin is much better.

I preferred when you were a fat fuck twixie, at least then you didn't look like you'd had 5 kids. you've got the body of a 50 year old menopausal woman.

Post tits and cunt


Explains why the pics were upside down

Nice havent seen you in a while

Im just walking alot more and eating abit more still around 40kgs.

And only my daddy can spank me.
Wtf is a twinky you faggot
I only had one. And i shoulda aborted.

Daddy finshed his shower and i gotta get dressed now.

I bet your bear smells like bacon grease and regret

bra off

bottoms off

Do you ever rub your clit on edwin?


Show us some holes

What a nice little bitch.

>only my daddy can spank me

oh we'll see about that miss twixie

NYPA cunt! Don't tell me what to do tubbo!

Reporting in

show us nudies pls

Sweetie show daddy what u look like with something hard in your mouth

I've seen your FB. I know what a lie this is.

show daddy your boobies


I see you also found this from our group thread how many of these other cucks do you think came feom the same place?

Shiggy fuckin diggy jfc

Tits, now.

Show your belly button

feet or gtfo

Wow your still around? Had all your pics and address saved somewhere, but deleted. You still living in the ACT?

Thats fucking weird

Honey show me ur tongue

dubs with that acne is a crime

Show belly button

Post blocked on both of my accounts cause I swore.

get naked idiot

Twixie I wanna do a new /b montage like this one wanna try to do the same?

Nice dubs, not weird.. asking anons to order you pizza and posting your address is weird kek. As I said, deleted it all anyways


Twixlepoos you still havent posted the rest of the set where you were sucking a dick in a bathroom, we need it for reasons

Oh. Yeah. I forgot. I was hungry. But now i have a daddy that actually feeds me.

New set of you then?

A week old.




Needs less clothes


Moar pls


You done the vagazel yet twixie or has your cuck daddy not purchased them yet

Not yet.



Not deep enough op


Cum needs to go in the kitty

Annnd last one cause its cute as fuck.
Only if we got the morning after pill.

Have you been vagazeld yet twix answer me

shave that cooter, nasty bitch. inb4 cellulites

I did. I said not yet.

Also more tongue for my cell fags.

I shave once a week. Chill.

Since you havent been vagazeld then send pic of cummys in your mouth

>Call me fat.
You're fat.

daddy making nums.

Ummm I swallow. I take offence to this.



Hey Alison, how's it going?

Ok i didnt say that i just want a pick of cunmys before you swallow

How many off the cells do you think are watching this thread rn

peeing pic op

Im a cell and reddetitor but im mainly an oldfag

all cells reported when we heard twixie noods

Is thread dead

Bit late.
But welcome back twixie ya cunt


Either you haven't been on for a while or im not here when you are but it's been along time since I saw your pussy on Sup Forums.

been a whilee, /b needs more sluts like you