Why continue to live ?

why continue to live ?

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Because you'd break your mother's heart

I demand sauce.

Why do you? To post this shit?

Literally the only fucking reason I'm still here

To crush your enemies -- See them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their women!"

There's no reason to live, but there's no reason to die, either.

There's still a fifteen per cent chance that things might turn out okay.

And if it doesn't, I can end it all then.

Moms are stupid for having kids. Just setting themselves up for heartache down the line.

And there's no reason to worry, so get your ass out of this stupid site, mastrubate without porn, and then do something for yourself

To experiment with hallucinogens until you become shaman-like.

Because your life isn't really that terrible you're just dramatic

well after seeing this i can see it's going to be one of those nights

that's quite an argument to live

sauce anyone please fuck

Why stop dying?


Because I have mushroom capsules that stop me from being my old shitty suicidal self.

im probably retarded but mushroom capsules? unless you're talking about just the caps themselves

Bought 2 ounces, ground em into a powder wwith a coffee grinder, then encapsulated em.

Because there is a possibility that immortality might be discovered in our lifetimes. Wouldn't it be fucking hilarious if you killed yourself only to find out the next day that they found the fountain of youth.


tasty food, cold beer, naps, learning the discoveries of modern minds (there are more people than ever yet smart people have reduced significantly) basically the privileges of modern times, don`t take life to seriously. Believe I know what I am saying I know success I know have to leave everything behinds because reason and start over I know how to loss everything and end up almost in the streets and now recovering modestly. You just have to take it easy


got u bros camwhores.tv/search/Kissmefirst/


dont die yet until ONE PIECE is over. faggot.

Anastasia Gavrish