I just weighed myself out to be 276 pounds. I am 18 years old and I am scared for my future...

I just weighed myself out to be 276 pounds. I am 18 years old and I am scared for my future. How do I even begin to start losing weight? I don't have money for equipment or a gym membership. Please help me out friends.

Eat less move more

Seriously, this and only this.

Start counting calories. Set a budget. Do not break it. Find out how much someone with a BMI of 25 and your height should be eating - eat that.

Having little money makes this a bit difficult, eat lean protein, green vegetables and drink only water. If you gain anymore weight your skin will stretch and even if you lose weight your skin will sage.

Join a sport.

If you're in college, that is an easy task. You're big, go play Rugby.

Nah fuck all this. Just count calories. You're too fat to be fancy right now.

Starve yourself. It's the only way.

Counting calories does not work. Saturated fats aren't bad for you, just stay away from excess carbs and sugar. There's a lot of evidence to support what I'm saying. The key to weight loss is not exercise but examining the quality of the foods you're putting into your body. Stop eating bread, foods with added sugar, processed foods, and drink only water. Try to eat once or twice a day, too. Good luck, user.

It's common for fat people, like you, to try to find some "secret" that they don't know about to lose weight. I was one of them.

But you have to realize that it really is a matter of eating less calories and exercising. You don't need a gym to go for a run. It is SIMPLE.

Try asking /fit/ instead of Sup Forums...

user here is right. Counting calories is the start. Monitor your progress, and when you plateau, then seek out the "fancier" nuances of losing weight / gaining muscle.

Go for a 2 mile walk, everyday. Just be mindful of the temperature when you go, bring water if it's hot.

Pushups, burpees, jogging and makeshift weights dont cost a dime.


stop drinking soda/pop/carbonated drinks or whatever you call them in your region. Drink water.
Give up fast food.
Start working out at home, there are plenty of websites with DIY exercise equipment guides, like using a gallon on water as a weight to lift instead of buying weights.
Get outside and walk. If it's too hot out then go to a mall and walk there.

It's simple really, as you breath your body is burning up sugars / fat and it gets converted to carbon dioxide. You weigh as much as you do simply because you're eating more calories than your body can burn. Start by eating the same stuff you already do, just cut your portions in half. Trust me, you aren't "starving".
Start exercise slow, couple push ups / sit ups, whatever you can do. Build slowly as you're able to do more.
Within a year (which is relatively short) you'll be looking good, and your boosted confidence will land you a nice roastie.

I meant to type your skin will sag

Cut all sugar out of your diet completely.
Cut carbs out of your diet.


wk 1 - walk 2 miles/day + 20 sissy pushups + 50 crunches

wk 2 - walk 3 miles/day + 30 sissy pushups + 75 crunches

wk 3 - walk 3 miles/day + 50 sissy pushups + 100 crunches

wk 4 - walk 2 miles/day + run 1 mile/day +50 sissy pushups + 100 crunches

wk 5 - walk 2 miles/day + run 1 mile/day +50 sissy pushups + 100 crunches + 50 jumping jacks

wk 6 - walk 3 miles/day + run 1 mile/day +75 sissy pushups + 100 crunches + 25 burpees

wk 7 - walk 3 miles/day + run 2 miles/day + 25 pushups + 150 crunches + 25 burpees

wk 8 - walk 2 miles/day + run 3 miles/day + 45 pushups + 150 crunches + 35 burpees

wk 9 - walk 2 miles/day + run 3 miles/day + 50 pushups + 200 crunches + 50 burpees

wk 10 - walk 5 miles a day.

After that you need to add some resistance training with weights. I suggest kettlebells. Check out Pavel Tsatsouline

suicide you fat faggot

first step, understand that the mere fact you've let yourself fall this far means that you probably already lack the willpower to fix yourself. Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you?

But I don't want to watch you drown without at least tossing a life preserver, so do this (you won't):
>lurk /fit/ (they have threads for people like you, don't make a new one)
>listen to everything they say and fucking do it
>if you don't have money, get a fucking job or beg from relatives. your health is more important than your nonexistent dignity.

that's it, it's simple you fatass

That's it, that's all there is to it.
But eating less will only work if you actually EAT LESS.


I won't lie to you, most people are fat because it's easy and gym is boring to them.

My advice is that before you buy a service like a gym membership, test out can you even keep up a simple routine at your home.

You can start just by filling up a bag of some sort with heavy stuff and lifting it multiple times at morning until you can't do it anymore then wait and do what ever but do the same at evening and repeat for at least a week. First you feel like shit but it gets better and if you manage to do even that much then go for the gym membership and get a real routine going on.

You can't imagine how many people I see quitting the gym because they simply can't have any routines in their day to day life for a reason or another. Also this way you know your limits somewhat and won't do stupid shit that can get you killed or something like that.

>Tldr: what he said

>wtf is a burpee
>google burpee
>it's a squat thrust

I like squat thrust better. burpee sounds stupid.

Op here, appreesh all the posts.

Even these

I was 258 pounds 3 weeks ago, im now 248. still got a long way to go but trust me, just get myfitnesspal set it up and count your calories and stay within your goals. try do whatever exercise you can. GL

I lost 50 pounds in a year by eating half a bag of frozen vegetables with a cup of noodles and tofu (for protean) every night as dinner and oatmeal in the morning. I had to do this because I had gall stones and it took me a year to get insurance to have my gall bladder out. I didn't cut down on soda consumption because I needed the sugar o keep me going thru the work day. I did a lot of walking everyday too, since I had a retail mall job.

if all you care about is weight loss, then just eat less food and do some cardio.
i mean really the hard part is just getting it to become habit. after that its smooth sailing

>stop eating
>smoke cigarettes
>drink water

Haha fatazzzzz
Stop eating
Go for a fucking walk

Intermittent fasting and lifting heavy 3 times a week. That and give up the fast food and the soda.

>kick habit of eating too much by acquiring an addiction

This. Its all about eating less calories than you expend. There is no secret trick or diet. I have found that intermittent fasting makes it easier to eat bellow your maintenance but it still takes willpower and that is usually what fat people lack.

Start small. Try doing something active you enjoy doing and that you'll stick with. I liked biking, so I would bike around my complex a little bit each day. That turned into longer rides and really got me interested in working out.

2 years later, I'm 90lbs lighter. You can do it :)

At least you'll look good. food can also be an addiction

> I might have to try this. I walked all the time when I was a kid because we were poor and didn't have a car. I was in killer shape at 16.

smoking doesnt really make you lose weight unless you were trying to stop smoking and just ended up eating more to do somehing with your hands/to suppress the urge to smoke

food isnt an addictive substance i just tastes good. nicotine is genuinely addictive

Gym sucks, go low carb diet

>no money for gym
>276 lbs.
>has money to eat like complete shit
get your fucking priorities in order

Nicotine is an appetite suppressant and you must be a complete brainlet if you think there's no addictive chemicals in our food.

you don't even have to change what you eat just eat like half what you did permanently

nicotine is the guvment cash cow to suck money out of retards who trick themselves into thinking smoking is okay.

Stop eating

Worst food for your body costs the least??? WHO'DA THUNK IT

I was at 387, now 195.
1500 calories a day. You want more to eat? Eat better.
Get off your ass and breathe heavily due to physical exertion a min of 20 minutes a day. Boom.its all head game

Not true at all. Rice beans leafy vegetables. Worst food is just easy. Drive thru dollar menu, chips cakes. cheap and easy.

Sounds like you just need more motivation. The only person that can change you is you. I have aspergers (I know it's not called that anymore) and I look dumb as hell. Sometimes it's hard to stay motivated. If I quit working hard though it proves that people are right about me. That I'm useless and stupid. I prove that I'm useful and capable every day even if no one cares and no one is willing to admit that I can do what I do. I work a full time job and I live on my own. It's hard, but I'm proud I'm able to do it. You're in a better place than me. You're young and your brain is functioning on normal levels. Whatever you want to do, do it for you. Be proud of yourself and you'll want to keep going. You can do it.

Truthfully, I have always hated the term burpee. It does sound retarded. I wrote it because it is always what I have heard it called.

Squat thrust, you say? I might use that term now.

A head of romaine and a lean chicken breast is way less than a meal at a fast food place or a bag of chips.1.50 for romaine and maybe 3.00 for 2 chicken breasts. Thats 2 meals...

We called them burpees in prison...

I was like you. 20 years old, 280 lbs.

My biggest problem was that I constantly had access to snack foods and I would eat when I was bored. Moving off to college and living in the dorms didn't help but now I live in my own apartment and I can't afford to buy snack food, or at least I couldn't for long enough for me to get out of the habit of eating so much. Now I'm 21, 235 lbs. I buy my food in bulk and only food that must be cooked so that I have to commit to a meal rather than grazing. All it really takes is the willpower to eat less.

Also, be tall. I'm 6'4" and it's such an advantage. The weight doesn't all just sit in your gut, it gets placed around the body, evening it out more. Hope you won the genetics lottery.

Best of luck, user.

Eat a piece of fruit for breakfast followed by an espresso and then go for a 4-5mile jog, start out slow then build up speed and time. Once you've built up a rythm, extend it to 6-8miles. Do this 5 times a week.

For lunch eat 2 boiled eggs, 200g chicken/smoked fish/canned sardines by or canned tuna. OR Homemade hummus with raw broccoli and cauliflower.

For dinner eat a mixture of raw salads and cooked vegetables (avocado, broccoli, fennel, cauliflower, kale, capsicum etc), lots of fresh herbs and meat protein. If you feel like take away, make your own using fresh ingredients and good quality meat. Ditch the rice and make cauliflower rice.

No bread, pasta, desserts or flour based products. Be strict. If you have a craving for sweets, eat 85% dark chocolate.

subway,eat less

No Joke, Intermittent Fasting.

Pick an 8 hour window to feed, fast for the other 16.

I suggest doing 12-8 feeding time so you can clear most of your 16 hour fast while you sleep. If you're a night owl, push this back to 2-11 or whatever. It's really not as hard as you may think. Be honest, you probably skipped breakfast all highschool anyway.

Head to mytdee.com and figure out how many calories you SHOULD be eating, and stick to it as best you can. Don't worry if you can't track exact numbers. That's not the pt. If you get hungry while waiting for your feeding hours, drink lots of water. If you get tired, drink black coffee (or take caffeine pills).

Once you feel comfortable with this new eating schedule, start cutting back your carbs. If you want to eat shit like Pizza or Spaghetti or whatever the fuck, then restrict it to small amounts, but honestly, why fucking bother when you can fill up on bacon and eggs, steaks, chicken, etc?

Just because fruits and veggies are considered healthy, doesn't mean you should eat them blindly. Fruit has a lot of sugar (carbs) and many veggies are starchy and also full of carbs.

By cutting carbs, eating at a small caloric deficit, and fasting for 16 hours, you will flush out the bullshit you've been eating, reset your glycemic/insulin levels, and eventually become ketone adapted, and start losing weight without really trying too hard.

If you want to hype it into high gear, or if you start stalling, start running. I suggest taking it all easy so by the time you start stalling, you'll probably have dropped down to 230~250lbs.

If running is still too much for your big ass body, do squats (correctly). Add pushups if youve got man tits. Don't bother with crunches until you're down to 200lbs or less.

As soon as you are able, start jumping jacks, and then burpies. Note: by the time your at this pt, you should also be running, whether its easy or not.

Start by moving more. Fuck the food for now. You'll lose some weight and you'll get into the habit of working out or at least moving more. Then, start with the food, which is the hardest. Honestly, you're young. You'll lose 100 pounds in 2 years or less if you really are committed.

meth might be just what you're looking for.

In a similar situation to OP. This thread has been great. Thanks guys

This isn't rocket science.
Burn more calories than you take in. That's all.
You either crank up calories burned,
or dramatically reduce calories taken in,
or both.
There's no magics to it, there's no "muh genetics" shite, just calories in, calories out.

Sure there's more complicated ways to look at, but start with teh fundamentals. Eat less, move more, and once you start seeing results you'll be motivated to do more research about nutrition.

Just eat less, and move more.

eat less move more

>personal trainer, ama

You don't need a membership. Go on runs, look up regimes, cut down your intake and change your eating habits. It's gonna Fucking suck but it will be worth it in the end. Remember, running is the easy part, the hard thing is doing it everyday

Start walking it's super easy. I wasn't quite as fat as you but I was a good 50 lbs overweight and started walking for an hour in the morning and night. Eventuallly start incorporating push ups and shit and running. Count calories.

Cut carbs. Thank me later.

None of this shit advice is going to work unless you start to eat less. The type of food doesnt really matter, its moreso the amount of calories you're taking in. Eat around 1800-2200 calories a day as a start. Once you feel like you have that under control, start incorporating exercise such a running. Ill be the first to tell you this shit is going to suck, but caloric intake is really everything.

Yo google keto diet, it's like a enjoyable diet that does very well for weight loss too

Everyone in this thread is telling you to exercise more which certainly wouldn't hurt, but if you're 276 pounds at 18 then your problem is your diet.

More fruits. More veggies. More meat. Less sugars.

You know what's healthy and you know what's not -- put down the junk food.

running's only tough for the first week or two but if you stay with it the endorphins kick in and your body just gets you high all day it's awesome

>Eat less move more

Been doin that for 6 months and ive lost 50lbs.

If youre really having issues, then its time for a lifestyle change.

Used to have a similar issue but less severe.
Basically just starved myself for a few months, ate roughly 2,000kj per day (close to 500 cal). I'm not fat anymore. Feels good man.

Requires a tremendous amount of will power but worth it.

>mfw now have 2 medical health professionals begging me to stop
>mfw it's addictive, I don't want to stop

op, if you are still here, you just have to eat healthier foods. natural foods, no milk, no cheeses, avoid fatty cooked meats, go lean like chicken turkey fish, but do not eat mostly meat as your portion in your meal. focus on as much healthy plant based foods you can stomach. eat many fruits. eat for hunger, not boredom

if you have enough money to keep that mass you have enough money for gym/equipment.
which you don't even need btw.

Look in the webz for a book called 4 hour body and follow it to the letter. Saved my life with basically no funds. Again, follow it, to the LETTER. You don't need the fancy test or nothing of that for most of the benefit, just follow the rules in there.

Start running, today.
It'll be hard to cut off what you are eating. If you could, you wouldn't be here, right? So instead, start with running.
You'll be out of breath in seconds; so go find a training plan. As far as I know, runtastic.com has some training plans. You can use them in the app itself I think but you have to pay money fro that. Just take note of the training plan you like, and use a stopwatch or something like that.

Other than that, you can use a pedometer, you phone has it, you know. Can help you with the motivation.

By moving more, you'll start to feel healthier and have the motivation to let go of shit food.